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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - When will the Xbox 720 (or whatever) come put? Post your predictions here.

You forget one thing sony isn't the only one who can produce blue ray it is a format so more than one company makes it so they can just buy from another company. Sony pushed dvd and xbox had it what makes you think that they won't switch to blue ray. Hd was samsungs mess. they were lucky to even get ms to semi support it no one realy believed in it. any way games are games. Format doest matter what matters is quality and large selection to choose from which xbox has. Oh and no way would they give up live. I pay 50 bucks a year and so do millions of others, many out of the us. Uk is strong mexico and europe for live anyware they speak spanish or english. They just need to break the language barrier of chinese and japanes. Tell them the xbox is made in china and they would buy it in china.

Love is whats most important.


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Prodigy_BE said:
I know what Sunk Costs mean, but people pull out of businesses all the time. Sega's Dreamcast had a "sunk cost", and they decided to stop producing their console because they would never make money.

I don't really think you understand the impact of Sony winning out with blu-ray. This is going to be the format for the next 5 to 7 years, and if MS makes a new console, it wil HAVE to contain a blu-ray drive. Because that tech will be the only one which is cheap to produce (by then). But that puts them in a tight spot, because Sony will get money for every Xbox 720 they sell, and every game they sell.

Shareholders know this, and are NOT happy with the way things are going. Why the hell do you think MS gave Paramount 100 million USD to stick with HD-DVD?

Their only hope now is for Digital Distribution to catch on very fast, but frankly, most parts of the world are just starting to have high speed internet. And their 720p hd-ready movies, which you can play two times, and are then deleted, are no match against a BD-disk which you can store, lend out to friends, of watch later on.

I'm telling ya, if PS3 surpasses them in the USA, there's a 50% chance MS will pull out of the console war. Because if they can't win now, blu-ray and their bad reputation (RROD, the fast abandonment of Xbox 1 and probably Xbox 360) will prevent them from winning the next round.

Their plan was good, but they didn't see the RROD coming, and they didn't think Nintendo would rise from its grave. So right now, they have their hardest battle before them, and not much ammo in their rifle.

BAHAHA.  Just last year people were comparing the PS3 to the Dreamcast.  The Dreamcast never made money, the 360 is currently making hundreds of millions of dollars each quarter.  It isn't going anywhere.

Listen to yourself for a moment.  Even assuming that Blu-Ray becomes the standard (and it will NEVER be ANYWHERE near the size of DVD), do you actually think that MS will not use it because a consortium of Blu-Rays investors (over a dozen companies only one of which is Sony) will also receive a royalty?

As for why MS may have (I say may because this was never proven) given Paramount money?  Two reasons.  The first was too prolong the format war to give downloads more time to expand.  The second was because Microsoft did a lot of the software development for HD DVD, so they had a vested interest in keeping it afloat. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Lets break it down to you StarCraft. During the period between 2000 to 2008 Games division gross profits are as follows: Nintendo leads the way with a gross profit margin of nine billion dollars. Sony has a reasonable gross profit margin of just over 2 billion dollars. Microsoft has made a gross loss of 5 billion dollars - ouch!!! MS has only made a profit of one billion dollars in the past year, the loss was at a peak of 6 billion dollars. Still a long way to break-even.

But thats just the thing Rock on, the 5 billion dollar loss your referring to is a "Sunk Cost."

In economic terms, this means it shoudn't be (and won't be) taken into account when Microsoft decides whether or not to continue in the console business.  What will be taken into account includes:

-current assets (manufacturing facilities, developer relationships)

-cash-flow (they are currently making a tonne of profit) 

-future growth potential (the games market is EXPANDING) 

Ok thanks for pointing that out to me. But I guess lots of people would have differing views on Microsoft and its performance.

It would take 4 to 5 profitable years of earning at or over one billion dollars each year for MS to get back to recover its losses.

What Starcraft says is true. If a company made a huge investment and it turning a profit, they don't mind the huge gap in their bank account, because it's slowly filling up with money from profits.

The point is, if they fill another 1 or 2 billion now, and 360's empire starts to collapse, and they have to invest another 3 billion to put the Xbox 720 into the market, they're gonna think that maybe that's not the smartest idea. And certainly not if they are more or less pushed into using blu-ray. Because Sony will use every nickle they make on MS to fight them with it. The better the Xbox 720 does, the more money Sony makes to make life hard on them.

That's no battle you want to get into.

Because if you do, and you fail again, then you've gone down 3 rounds, and you can kiss consumers trust goodbye.

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Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:

But thats just the thing Rock on, the 5 billion dollar loss your referring to is a "Sunk Cost."

In economic terms, this means it shouldn't be (and won't be) taken into account when Microsoft decides whether or not to continue in the console business. What will be taken into account includes:

-current assets (manufacturing facilities, developer relationships)

-cash-flow (they are currently making a tonne of profit)

-future growth potential (the games market is EXPANDING)


Ok thanks for pointing that out to me. But I guess lots of people would have differing views on Microsoft and its performance.

I know it sounds bad when you think about how much money they have lost in the past, but in reality that sunk cost has created a large number of assets that will make it easier to make money in the future.  For example, they have lost less on this generation than last and it's likely this generation will eventually be profitable on the whole for Microsoft.

It just doesn't make any economic sense for them to quit now they have carved out marketshare and profitability to work with. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

You know what i want for xbox is a darn new Mech Game from the battletech universe.  One that combines the best elements of Mech Assault 1 and 2.  Plus a Mech lab this would be a killer game. for 360 or 720 an improved conquest and clans system more chat longes.  explorable worlds.  Mercinaries.  Basically a MMorpg based Mech game plus a simple mech game for new people.  Also two new controlers.  one for message typing and another saber like point click device and maybe an xbox branded compatible digital camera.

Love is whats most important.


You really think the consumer will decide on the fact that blu-ray will be bigger than dvd? Jeez, you're ignorant.

Just as DVD was forced upon us, BD will too.
Distributors want to move away from dvd, because they're too easy to copy, have too small a profit margin and illegal downloading makes them miss out on tons of $$$.

So in the future, you will see big movies being released first on blu-ray, with the dvd release the following month. Just as they did with dvd. And the more people who buy into dvd, the more they will push dvd releases back.

BD means less piracy for distributors, bigger margins, and selling you some of the the same crap multiple times.

And I know BD has lots of contributors, but Sony's share in all this is quite big. So the % of the royalties for them is also quite big. You really think a hardware and software giant with that much resources would be pushed out of the market that easy?

As a gamer, I hope MS keeps making Xbox 720, Xbox 1440 and so on. Just to keep competition running, and keep Sony away from domination. Because that wouldn't be a good thing for us, gamers.

But the analist in me says it aint gonna happen.
We'ge got more chance to hope for a unified platform. Like DVD is one, and HD tv is one, and gasoline is one, and so on.

Only then wil gaming truly be mass market

EaglesEye379 said:

yeah in 2012-2015 xbox1440 will be out, i agree with u

I like technology when its moving forward..

PSN: methys

stclam said:
Never, 360 is their last console

But will will team up with Sega and release DreamBox

 y? it's been a success IMO so far