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What Starcraft says is true. If a company made a huge investment and it turning a profit, they don't mind the huge gap in their bank account, because it's slowly filling up with money from profits.

The point is, if they fill another 1 or 2 billion now, and 360's empire starts to collapse, and they have to invest another 3 billion to put the Xbox 720 into the market, they're gonna think that maybe that's not the smartest idea. And certainly not if they are more or less pushed into using blu-ray. Because Sony will use every nickle they make on MS to fight them with it. The better the Xbox 720 does, the more money Sony makes to make life hard on them.

That's no battle you want to get into.

Because if you do, and you fail again, then you've gone down 3 rounds, and you can kiss consumers trust goodbye.