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Forums - Politics Discussion - Donald Trump sex talk video/audio leaked

PwerlvlAmy said:
Hes in a deep trouble and even though I aint voting for him, I agree that I've heard a lot worse than that before lol

By a presidential candidate?

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Lrdfancypants said:
Soundwave said:

People have combed over those emails like 5000 times hoping to find something notable and nothing. She's a 60-year old woman who was careless setting up an email account, Trump is the most unqualified person to ever be nominated for either party in the history of the country. 

At some point the "what about-ism" stuff just starts to ring hollow. They are not the same, one candidate is clearly worse. 

Is this your first election ?

Uh, no, lol. Not by a long shot. The first presidential election I followed as a kid was Dukakis-Reagan in 1988. Even many Republicans are saying Trump is a terrible candidate, and many more are quietly not saying anything but feel the same exact way. 

pray4mojo said:
Bandorr said:
Yet something like this won't matter. People already disgusted by them won't care.
Those already drunk on the kool-aid aren't suddenly going to snap out of it.

While I don't know how many people are "in the middle" I doubt anything this mild will suddenly cause them to to start considering trump.

The middle are the ones who decide these things and they're the ones who will be the most turned off by this audio. 

"Grab her by the pussy" is a line that's going to dog Trump for the rest of the election cycle I think, even he can't spin this. A good chunk of "undecided voters" are women too. 

To be honest though I always found his comment about his own daughter to be more bizarre (my daughter has a hot body, I'd probably date her if she wasn't related .... riiiiiiiiiiight on, buddy, nothing creepy about that). 

Soundwave said:
Lrdfancypants said:

Is this your first election ?

Uh, no, lol. Not by a long shot. The first presidential election I followed as a kid was Dukakis-Reagan in 1988. Even many Republicans are saying Trump is a terrible candidate, and many more are quietly not saying anything but feel the same exact way. 

ok, then you were just exaggerating the comment. 

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Lrdfancypants said:
Soundwave said:

Uh, no, lol. Not by a long shot. The first presidential election I followed as a kid was Dukakis-Reagan in 1988. Even many Republicans are saying Trump is a terrible candidate, and many more are quietly not saying anything but feel the same exact way. 

ok, then you were just exaggerating the comment. 

What comment? I certainly do think Trump is one of the worst, maybe the worst candidate to run for president in the history of the country. 

His very candidacy has damaged the entire political process and taken it down into the toilet. 

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Soundwave said:
Lrdfancypants said:

ok, then you were just exaggerating the comment. 

What comment? I certainly do think Trump is one of the worst, maybe the worst candidate to run for president in the history of the country. 

His very candidacy has damaged the entire political process and taken it down into the toilet. 

The comment I found interesting and highlighted in my original response. I'm not sure why you're talking about this other stuff. 

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Okie_Loki said:
After the things Bill Clinton did IN the White House among other rumored sexual things and victims outside of it, why does this matter? Truly, if we let Bill get away with it and say "we don't care what he says or does in the sheets" which is what I've heard so many Democrats say to protect Bill, why is this an issue? I'll tell you, it shouldn't be. If people excuse one guy for his actions, then you need to exucse the next guy.

You realize there were impeachment hearings? Its not like Bill just shrugged and walked into the strip club again.

bunchanumbers said:
Okie_Loki said:
After the things Bill Clinton did IN the White House among other rumored sexual things and victims outside of it, why does this matter? Truly, if we let Bill get away with it and say "we don't care what he says or does in the sheets" which is what I've heard so many Democrats say to protect Bill, why is this an issue? I'll tell you, it shouldn't be. If people excuse one guy for his actions, then you need to exucse the next guy.

You realize there were impeachment hearings? Its not like Bill just shrugged and walked into the strip club again.

He wasn't impeached for what he did "in the sheets".  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


It was already pretty much over, this sealed it.

the USA does need someone that speaks his mind, just not this person ^^

Twitter @CyberMalistix

Soundwave said:
Azuren said:
I like how people think this kind of stuff is more important than Hillary's email situation.

People have combed over those emails like 5000 times hoping to find something notable and nothing. She's a 60-year old woman who was careless setting up an email account, Trump is the most unqualified person (morally, experience, temperment, self humilty, etc. etc. etc.) to ever be nominated for either party in the history of the country. 

At some point the "what about-ism" stuff just starts to ring hollow. They are not the same, one candidate is clearly a lot worse. 



No really. What. They did find stuff. They confronted her about it, and she made herself out to be incompetent. "I thought they were alphabetical"? Really? C, S, and TS are alphabetical? 


If you combed the news for more than anti-Trump news, you'd know that the FBI is imploding with special treatment for the whole situation, approved by Comey and detested by agents. The FBI even disposed of a laptop after a "limited examination" of it. That's destruction of evidence, btw. But by all means, let's talk about Trump's mouth, not the fact that Hillary broke protocol and allowed confidential government information to be viewable on Wikileaks. Never mind that people get sent to prison for this every year. Never mind that this is an offense that can bar you from ever holding public office again. 


No, Trump said something offensive again. 

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