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pray4mojo said:
Bandorr said:
Yet something like this won't matter. People already disgusted by them won't care.
Those already drunk on the kool-aid aren't suddenly going to snap out of it.

While I don't know how many people are "in the middle" I doubt anything this mild will suddenly cause them to to start considering trump.

The middle are the ones who decide these things and they're the ones who will be the most turned off by this audio. 

"Grab her by the pussy" is a line that's going to dog Trump for the rest of the election cycle I think, even he can't spin this. A good chunk of "undecided voters" are women too. 

To be honest though I always found his comment about his own daughter to be more bizarre (my daughter has a hot body, I'd probably date her if she wasn't related .... riiiiiiiiiiight on, buddy, nothing creepy about that).