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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Pro Wrasslin' Thread (WWE, WWF, WCW, TNA, ROH, NWA, NJPW, etc)

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What match are you excited for at WWE Payback 2017?

Neville vs. Austin Aries ... 1 5.88%
Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyat... 3 17.65%
The Hardy Boyz vs. Cesaro... 3 17.65%
Kevin Owens vs. Chris Jer... 4 23.53%
Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss (Raw Women's Title) 3 17.65%
Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe 1 5.88%
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman 2 11.76%

I liked Goldberg's return speech. Made me remember why we all loved him. He has a lot of intensity. "You're Next, and Last!" Really sounds like he's gunning for Lesnar. His entire build "One more spear, One more JACKHAMMER!" Plus the way he was interacting with the crowd. I like how he mentioned there aren't too may "superheroes" left. In the vein of Bret Hart, himself, Michaels, etc. Cena's really the only "baby face" left in the company.

Don't get me wrong, it's going to be a clusterfuck of a mess.  But I'm hyped.

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As much as I am still NOT looking forward to their 2nd match, after how much of a bombing disappointment their 1st one was...
It was really awesome to see Goldberg's return. He was extremely emotional and genuine, and it was very easy to get behind it.

That's always the best promos in my opinion. The ones that come straight from the heart where the wrestler is saying what they're really feeling. Even though may not actually be real, it's real to them damn it! I love it!

PAOerfulone said:

I honest to God believe that Sasha vs Charlotte inside Hell in a Cell should be the main event!

it's nice to see women's wrestling that doesn't suck.  It was real good at the turn of the century with Lita and Trish and a few others, but ever since I came back, it was pretty terrible aside from AJ Lee and Paige.  Now with the NXT Call-Ups, Women's Wrestling has a place in the main event.  amazing. 

Wish I could retweet this post. 

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2-4 years ago, during what I like to call "The Dark Age of the Diva", the women weren't even sniffing the main event of SmackDown, and to go from that, to main eventing a PPV inside Hell in a Cell, is truly amazing! And just goes to show how incredible these women are.

It saddens me how over Goldberg is. We have so many amazing wrestlers who can even cut a great promo and the dude with little wrestling talent (even in his prime) and average promo skills is the one who people want to watch -_-

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Blame Creative, Booking, and Vince. 
In terms of Wrestling Ability and Athleticism, this is probably the greatest roster we've ever had! It's right up there with WCW 1997 and the SmackDown Six era. 
On RAW you've got Rollins, Owens, Zayn, Neville, Jericho, the Cruiserweights, Sasha, Charlotte, Bayley, the Club, New Day, Rusev, Reigns, Cesaro, etc. Plus Finn Balor when he comes back.
And on SmackDown you've got the best wrestler on the planet in AJStyles, Ambrose, Cena, Ziggler, Orton, Becky, the Usos, American Alpha, Miz, Bliss, etc.
Add in the NXT Guys that will eventually get called up like Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura, Hideo Itami (if he can stay healthy), and Asuka... I mean, talk about stacked!!!
But in terms of characters, larger than life figures, SUPERSTARS, this is probably the weakest it's ever been. Outside of Cena, who do you have that has or can reach those levels. I don't see anyone that can reach, come close, or even sniff those levels of Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena popularity under the current environment. And anytime we do get someone who gets close or is on the verge, Creative, Booking, and Vince cut their legs off from underneath. (Ziggler after Survivor Series 2014, Zack Ryder in 2011-12) Hell, it took the fans hijacking the shows AND CM Punk leaving in order for them to get their heads out of their ass and put Daniel Bryan (who was SMOKING WHITE HOT at the time) in the Main Event of WrestleMania!
They just have such a stifling strangle hold over everything having to be done & scripted a certain way to meet the standards Vince wants for his PG setting, that the wrestlers have little to no room to be creative or to truly find themselves, find their character, build that character, and get that character OVER. And because of that, they can't seem to put their heart into it because it's not really them, and if they don't buy or believe in it, how on earth can they expect the fans to?

I absolutely hope they decide to let Goldberg beat Lesnar. I don't know where else they can go if Bill looses. There is no one that can legitimately beat him after that. On the other hand if he looses, yhen he could go on a stumble, and start to look human, and have to work backto the top.

All in all, I am really excited to see what happens.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


I honestly don't see Goldberg winning this one. They're most likely just giving Brock his win back from WrestleMania XX, and Goldberg only agreed so that his wife and son can see him wrestle just one time. I think this is a One & Done deal for Goldberg, then he'll headline the Hall of Fame Class of 2017, while Brock goes to WrestleMania to take on the next challenger (I'm hearing that it's the Rock, though I would rather it be a full-time guy who will use the rub to get the rest of the roster over, and the only guys I think can be legit threats are Reigns, Samoa Joe, and Nakamura.)

I STILL am baffled and upset by Sting losing to Triple H (Enter the Shovel!)
Rollins, I understand. He was the WWE Champion, he's the younger, newer guy and you needed somebody huge to put him over. 
But that win for Rollins would have meant SOOOOO much more if Sting had beaten Triple H at WrestleMania and gotten some huge momentum behind him!
Because a) What did Sting do to get a title shot? b) It plants seeds of doubt and fear in the Authority that Sting could realistically be the Champion since he beat Triple H. c) A win over such a huge legend who had considerable momentum would have put over Rollins like a million bucks and he'd be a bigger star than he is currently.
But nope, Vince just couldn't stop stroking his cock over beating WCW and Triple H just couldn't keep his shovel out of it. (sigh)

Goldberg winning would be the dumbest booking ever
I can't stand Lesnar but booking him as an undefeatable beast and then having him lose to an old man who hasn't fought in over a decade is stupid.
Are you really expecting me to believe that Goldberg is capable of destroying everyone on WWEs roster??
And where would the payoff be for somebody overcoming Lesnar?? It would be worse than Lesnar being the one to beat Taker.
If you don't pass the torch than your wasting the potential to build a new star which we can see WWE needs right now.
Somebody overcoming Lesnar clean should be a big push for them, why does Goldberg need that for what is clearly his last match ever.