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Forums - Gaming Discussion - pros of pc gaming and pros of console gaming.

Goodnightmoon said:

I accept that people like console most, I like consoles a lot, just when they give me reasons to buy them,  right now the twins give me little reason.  And yes consoles are more simple, there is a diference, but I see that many people believes (or want to believe) that PC is way more complex and unconfortable of what it actually is, you can use a PC almost like a console this days, is not the same price, size or simplicity but is not that far.

I think gaming on PC got way more acessible. Consoles lost a bit of simplicity on the last gen, but this one managed to simplify things again, so I guess all platforms are at least on the correct direction now.

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zero129 said:
torok said:

This still in no way changes the moral issue of both cases.

Yes, if MS blocked Valve me and im sure 90% of true PC gamers would switch to Linux. So all them fans go on a riot to get out of the stadium whats MS going to do?.

Moral issues on selling stuff you bought? Really? So we should make it illegal to sell your house, car or a TV you don't want anymore. Maybe you consider it a crime if I donate old clothes to the Red Cross because I'm screwing the textile industry? Please, don't go that way. It's ridiculous. Maybe in the future we will have to go hidden in an alley to sell used games? People are showing this as a pro of physical media because it really is, digital copies have pros, but reselling them isn't one of them.

90% would switch to Linux? Yeah? I'm a Linux geek and not even in this case I can believe in that. Valve tried it with Steam OS and largely failed. You really think that people will forget 95% of the games being released? MS own Windows, they can do whatever they want. Guys like EU will complain, but it takes some years of legal battle to do anything, time enough for MS to do what they want. The only reason it didn't happened until now, is that they didn't cared enough. They still don't. The day they get determined to do so, it will be like squatting a fly, completely effortlesly. That's actually why I am an enthuasiast of open source software, at least it isn't owned by anyone.

Oh, and when all the fans riot, the police normally just stops them, game is suspended and the team they support gets a hefty fine, suspension from competitions and a bunch of games with closed gates.

Pretty much what the op said, plus:
higher performance/price ratio for consoles, that is, a 300 pc can't do what a ps4 can, a 400 pc pales in comparison to a ps4 pro.

zero129 said:
torok said:

Moral issues on selling stuff you bought? Really? So we should make it illegal to sell your house, car or a TV you don't want anymore. Maybe you consider it a crime if I donate old clothes to the Red Cross because I'm screwing the textile industry? Please, don't go that way. It's ridiculous. Maybe in the future we will have to go hidden in an alley to sell used games? People are showing this as a pro of physical media because it really is, digital copies have pros, but reselling them isn't one of them.

90% would switch to Linux? Yeah? I'm a Linux geek and not even in this case I can believe in that. Valve tried it with Steam OS and largely failed. You really think that people will forget 95% of the games being released? MS own Windows, they can do whatever they want. Guys like EU will complain, but it takes some years of legal battle to do anything, time enough for MS to do what they want. The only reason it didn't happened until now, is that they didn't cared enough. They still don't. The day they get determined to do so, it will be like squatting a fly, completely effortlesly. That's actually why I am an enthuasiast of open source software, at least it isn't owned by anyone.

Oh, and when all the fans riot, the police normally just stops them, game is suspended and the team they support gets a hefty fine, suspension from competitions and a bunch of games with closed gates.

No the moral issue on when you "Buy" a used game you know the Dev is getting none of that money just so you can save like 10€ off the full price..

This is no different then Someone playing a game that they still own and that they "Originally" paid "Full price" for on an emulator.

So when it comes to it are you morally ok with playing a game you already own and paid full price for on an emulator? At the end of the ~Day you already "Paid" for the game like you said so whats the problem?.

Also Fyi i have no problem with used games so lets not try strawman this here. I just think that when it comes down to it its foolish for a person telling someone they shouldnt play a game they own and paid for on an emulator but yet are ok with buying used games.

Companys have said both is wrong so why then does console fans seem to still think one is ok but the other isnt?.

In both cases like you said you paid for the game so shouldnt you be allowed to do what you want with it?.

you can only buy so many used game as they are avaible, if everyone buys used games then there are no games other than new copies, So it is supporting sales in an abstract way.

zero129 said:

No the moral issue on when you "Buy" a used game you know the Dev is getting none of that money just so you can save like 10€ off the full price..

This is no different then Someone playing a game that they still own and that they "Originally" paid "Full price" for on an emulator.

So when it comes to it are you morally ok with playing a game you already own and paid full price for on an emulator? At the end of the ~Day you already "Paid" for the game like you said so whats the problem?.

Also Fyi i have no problem with used games so lets not try strawman this here. I just think that when it comes down to it its foolish for a person telling someone they shouldnt play a game they own and paid for on an emulator but yet are ok with buying used games.

Companys have said both is wrong so why then does console fans seem to still think one is ok but the other isnt?.

In both cases like you said you paid for the game so shouldnt you be allowed to do what you want with it?.

When I buy an used car, the manufacturer don't get money either. If I buy a used car with just 1 year, I'm saving 10 to 15% at best. Really. It's a physical thing, it's mine. I can sell it, break it, burn it. Publishers may want to avoid this because they are greedy, but people seems to be smart enough to not fall for it. MS screwed an entire console gen trying to enforce this. That was great because it sent a message to everyone so it won't happen again, at least not soon.

The grey area about emulator is that you don't play what you just have. It's not like we all have hundreds of SNES cartridges. And the BIOS are not legal. Downloading copies on the internet also isn't. So emulators ARE somewhat legal as soon as you don't use any BIOS and just use ROMs that you dumped from original media you own and don't share this ROMs.

Don't think that I agree with the current legal status. I'm all for emulators because they allow us to keep the history of gaming, because you won't find working older consoles forever. I'm just pointing that according to law, they can't be compared with selling used games. One thing is 100% legal, the other isn't, which was your original comment and that was incorrect. Dura lex sed lex.

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Versatile and upgradable hardware.
Always the most powerful hardware.
Cheaper games than consoles. (which usually add up to cheaper gaming overall than you get on the consoles including hardware costs, for even powerful gaming PCs)
Cheaper hardware than consoles if you already own a PC and play non-demanding games.
Keyboard & mouse controls as well as a large amount of third party controllers of all shapes and sizes. All in all the most control options.
It's easy to run skype or discord in the background when playing with friends.
LAN parties.

Cheaper hardware in some cases.
Nintendo games (deserves to be mentioned separately from the other exclusives)
Gaming on the couch with friends.


A little technical knowledge required to get the most bang for your buck hardware wise.
Sometimes getting older games to run is a pain or flat out requires you to have an old machine lying around.
When you get technical problems that you can't figure out.

Games are way overpriced.
Developers are omitting split screen and local multiplayer more and more.
To play most old games you need the corresponding console. I can play DOS games just fine in DOSbox but good luck playing Vectrex without paying for old and rare hardware.
Weak hardware.
Limited control options.
Region locking.


One of the best things about PC gaming.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

zero129 said:
axumblade said:

Its merely a warning to keep you guys on topic. When the argument starts to navigate from what the topic is, i dont necessarily feel that is in direct need of moderation. It just needs to be addressed so the actual thread doesnt completely deviate from the conversation at hand. 

But!, now you see how good i am since i took you off topic xD .

Or he's a moderator doing his best to patiently explain to people not to take a thread off course.. but by all means, if you'd like a ban for it then keep going.

zero129 said:
AZWification said:

One of the best things about PC gaming.

Indeed. Do something like this on consoles!.

Everyone deserves a chance to kill Teletubbies in Left 4 Dead 2!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I have both a PS4 and a PC. The only advantage for console (IMO) is that I can play FPS games online with a controller and be on the same level as everyone else. On PC I'm forced to use a mouse and keyboard if I want that and I hate using mouse and keyboard.