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Forums - Sales Discussion - July 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware and software up!

...I seriously don't know how to take this month's console sales: One was down YOY despite the crazy deals it had. I know, the month before Xbox One S 2TB, so that had a negative effect on this month's sales...but it should've been well compensated by the deals. And it's just 10,000 units over PS4, which was really down YOY (probably, due to One's sales stealing sales from PS4, still at 349.99 - the 299.99 price cut should do good things if Sony does it).

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hudsoniscool said:
ABTR said:

it has some Japanese games yeah Sony is all around the world, Also has exclusives all the previous months with good games, on october the main focus is on VR and close the seasson  with  the Last Guardian, Gravity Rush and GT sports 

What is your point here? xbone last year was the best with exclusives  and still losing, most of NPD months, the real question here is how much a 3 years old 400$ console will sell, because we see here American buy the xbone only with 250$

No point, trying to gauge whether or not it's possible for xbox to take a couple npd's. 

I hope so for the good of competition. MS looks is on good way with those changes but don't forget we wait from Sony to lower the ps4 price for the Neo, so it wiil be a intresting seasson and winners we are the gamers :)



NeoGAF comment:

"So are we trusting in a chart posted by a banned user made in a banned forum... LOL"

I laughed for a good five minutes at the sheer idiocy of this post. The ignorance is utterly incomparable.

It's just a typical neogaf user who believes he's better than the others only beacause he's part of that site......

i'm buaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Nice work aqua. No 3DS though :-/ .

Great month for One...

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Ryng_Tolu said:
i'm buaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Nice work aqua. No 3DS though :-/ .

Great month for One...

The reason why I haven't said anything about 3DS because I haven't heard back from NPD yet on whether or not I can discuss 3DS numbers.

So I just posted the usual numbers in the meantime.

NPD HQ is on Long Island near NYC, and it's 4 AM here in NYC right now. So it may be a while before I hear back from them.

ABTR said:
hudsoniscool said:

No point, trying to gauge whether or not it's possible for xbox to take a couple npd's. 

I hope so for the good of competition. MS looks is on good way with those changes but don't forget we wait from Sony to lower the ps4 price for the Neo, so it wiil be a intresting seasson and winners we are the gamers :)

Yes I also think it will be interesting. I don't think the 250 price tag helped as much as it could have. The slim was about to release so that kinda held sales back a bit. I think unless Sony does a pricecut or something August is also in the bag. Yes I know they had NMS this month but that will only help so much. Not only did the 2tb release but so will the 500gb and 1tb slims. Also the OG xbox one will still basically be on clearance until they are all gone. 

September will have recore which looks like a good but smaller new ip. And Forza which looks like a giant homerun to me. Also the 500gb and 1tb models will still be very new. Also possible that the OG consoles are still on shelves and they as stated are basically be given away. Sony has that event in September I believe so that's the most likely time they will announce neo stuff and a pricecut. They will need that pricecut because unless I'm mistaken they don't have anything big games wise coming that month.

going past September is pretty useless because we don't know what Sony is going to do. Ms has gears but Sony has the last guardian and gran turismo(I'm pretty sure). I do think the slim is a shot of adrenaline that frankly Microsoft needed. Will it be enough to beat Sony this holiday? Not if Sony really wants to win. Anything more than a 50$ pricecut and they have it in the bag. Or if neo comes out this year and is 450$ or less also in the bag.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

Well that happened a month sooner than I thought. I figured XBO would take August, but didn't see this coming. Things are definitly slower now than expected. I still feel like XBOS, PSNEO, and PSVR are going to push sales to crazy levels, but it could not end up going that well.

The next couple of months will be very interesting. The PlayStation event and the reveal of NX in September will be huge for the future of the gaming industry. The big three need to keep up with the times, and innovate, or we may see gaming regress for a while.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


The 3DS just keeps selling.

binary solo said:
I forgot this was NPD week. I seem to have lost a lot of interest in hardware numbers with this site being so poor at keeping up to date. Or maybe the fact PS4 is winning so easily and there's no competition for 2nd and 3rd place that it's all rather boring.

Is it fun now? XD 

Pocky Lover Boy!