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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are Sony or MS capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Pokemon Go?


Are they?

No, only Nintendo with Pokemon. 328 78.47%
Yes, Sony with __________. 61 14.59%
Yes, Microsoft with____________. 29 6.94%

MS and Sony would love to cash in, they will be looking at this

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Isn't this based on nostalgia and what you grew up on?  I mean that's why I assumed adults were running around playing this. 

I would assume both MS and Sony have people that grew up with them.  

For instance for many pokemon is nostalgic for nintendo but for me something like duck hunt is nostalgic.  

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


There is nothing that exist on earth that could create the same instant energy and excitement that Pokemon does. It's something that people who never played the games are excited about, people who were casual players are excited and die hards are nuts over.

The only thing that could come close, and close to me is making a splash one-one thousandth of a slash compared to Pokemon Go, is Mario Kart for cell devices online that use your local town as a actual track you can race around. Considering how logistically impossible that concept is, Pokemon Go is the king. Nothing comes close from the position of love and energy from Sony or Microsoft.

Goodnightmoon said:
potato_hamster said:

Don't you think that a moderator, someone who is supposed to be fair and balanced, can't take a step back and take an objective point of view to realize that it totally isn't a fair question in any way?

This is utterly ridiculous.

If I made a thead that said "Poll: Are MS and Nintendo capable of making a video game experience as great as what Sony does with Playstation" I'd get absolutely thrashed for it and accused of being a fanboy. But Nintendo and it's fans get an exemption because apparently Nintendo is special.

But that is a totally different question, we are not even talking about the quality of the games. When someone aswers "no" to his question he is not automatically saying that Nintendo ips are better or anything like that, if something they say those ips are more able to be liked for a much larger population, if they are better or not is another question, if the question was  "Are MS and Sony capable of making a video game experience as great as what Nintendo does with its consoles?" Then I may agree with you, but is not.

But the question doesn't at all state that this has anything to do with Sony or MS's current IPs. It's literally asking if they are capable of producing anything that garners the success of Pokemon Go. That's it. I'm not reading any more into it than what it's stating, you're the one that's softening the question, and making it sound less ridiculous by including current IPs.

No one realistically thought a company like Mojang was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Minecraft until they did.
No one realistically thought a company like Rovio was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Angry Birds until they did.
No one realistically thought a company like the guy who created Flappy Bird was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Flappy Bid until they did.

Any company with any new IP released at any time *could be* the next "culural phenomenon" and you have no idea until it's announced. MS could announce a mobile game the next E3 that makes Pokemon Go look like child's play in terms of mass appeal, financial success and install base. What then? What did MS between now and 10 months in the future that made them capable of doing something the people who say they aren't capable of doing today? Does the purchasing of Mojang mean that MS actually now is capable of creating a "cultural phenomenon"?

Again, the question is completely non-sensical and requires a very skewed point of view that elevates Nintendo above everyone else to even ask that.

potato_hamster said:
Goodnightmoon said:

But that is a totally different question, we are not even talking about the quality of the games. When someone aswers "no" to his question he is not automatically saying that Nintendo ips are better or anything like that, if something they say those ips are more able to be liked for a much larger population, if they are better or not is another question, if the question was  "Are MS and Sony capable of making a video game experience as great as what Nintendo does with its consoles?" Then I may agree with you, but is not.

But the question doesn't at all state that this has anything to do with Sony or MS's current IPs. It's literally asking if they are capable of producing anything that garners the success of Pokemon Go. That's it. I'm not reading any more into it than what it's stating, you're the one that's softening the question, and making it sound less ridiculous by including current IPs.

No one realistically thought a company like Mojang was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Minecraft until they did.
No one realistically thought a company like Rovio was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Angry Birds until they did.
No one realistically thought a company like the guy who created Flappy Bird was capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Flappy Bid until they did.

Any company with any new IP released at any time *could be* the next "culural phenomenon" and you have no idea until it's announced. MS could announce a mobile game the next E3 that makes Pokemon Go look like child's play in terms of mass appeal, financial success and install base. What then? What did MS between now and 10 months in the future that made them capable of doing something the people who say they aren't capable of doing today? Does the purchasing of Mojang mean that MS actually now is capable of creating a "cultural phenomenon"?

Again, the question is completely non-sensical and requires a very skewed point of view that elevates Nintendo above everyone else to even ask that.

Um, yes it does. It clearly states in the OP: Can Sony or Microsoft ever get this kind of frenzy over any of their IPs?

Around the Network

Microsoft has Minecraft, which is now apparently now recognizable than Mario. I don't believe Sony has anything of value that can be marketed across ashe groups like this, though.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

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Okay, so everyone seems to be placing minecraft as a possible next big phone app game in the likes to pokemon and to that I say, no.  Let's try to place apples to apples.  Pokemon's appeal has always been the instant gratification of catching pokemon.  As early as the pokemon games in the GB, the appeal was these magical creatures that fit in your pocket and were at your command to wield as you so please.  Flash foward 15+ years later and the concept has been realized(albeit by AR).  You're a kid again with nostalgia and the old appeal of catching and even best when you encounter a rare pokemon at even footing with one another.  You have realized(somewhat) being Ash Ketchum.  You are now a pokemon trainer in the real world.'s just not easily translated  as pokemon.  I can't think of a game so easily translated as pokemon from it's source material to the real world.  Sure, minecraft has the appeal, but it's appeal is embedded with one's own imagination and the building one creates.  A minecraft to the real world translation would be if you were Green Lantern and whatever you wanted to create you could manifest.  If say AR would be implemented, you can't fly and build to your hearts content.  The only game you can do that with your phone is with Minecraft as it exists now. 

Pokemon translates on all sorts of levels, not just gameplay, but character and all the aspects of pokem(gym leaders, new location, exploration, dangers of getting run over by some driver as your trying to capture). So, no.  No to MS, to Sony, to anyone else.  Pokemon is in a league all its own.

No. Sony targets the core audience of gamers. They learned that if you do something well dont f it up. They do very very well at what they are good at.

MS could do it I guess, but it would not be with any existing IPs. Halo is their biggest one, its past its prime and like Sony's reasons, its a game for gamers.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

We'll see how long it lasts. They have made similar buzz for longer periods than this with hardware. After all Sony made "the biggest thing to come around since TV was invented"

I am Iron Man

Rab said:
MS and Sony would love to cash in, they will be looking at this

Sony is always one step ahead of MS! 

Jranation said:
"If you can't beat them, join them"
Sony is already ahead of Microsoft!

Pocky Lover Boy!