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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are Sony or MS capable of creating a cultural phenomenon like Pokemon Go?


Are they?

No, only Nintendo with Pokemon. 328 78.47%
Yes, Sony with __________. 61 14.59%
Yes, Microsoft with____________. 29 6.94%

Nintendo isn't capable of this on their own hardware, and Sony and M$ can't in general.

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Aeolus451 said:
Goodnightmoon said:

How am I antagonazing anyone? I didn't even posted the tweet to begging with, I just saw the answer and though it was funny, why this overreaction? 

You've been here long enough to know the lines. You're taking things to a personal level you when you starting calling people salty and loling at juvenile replies to a tweet. Just tone the shit down. 

Sorry if that came up as offensive to anyone, it wasn't my intention, and a for the salty thing, maybe was not the best choice of word but if you read the comment you could agree with me that it made no sense for the thread and looked like he was offended with no reason, because he agrees with me just at the beggining of his sentence, so why the coment about third parties destroying Nintendo? But anyway let's not derrail this anymore here, just want you to know that it wasn't my intention to offend or antagonize anyone.

Uh...if we're talking cultural change the xbox brand and flagship titles literally created an entire subculture. personality, and population of "bro gamer". I don't think even Nintendo has a walking, breathing meme.

Sony did with the first two PS.

Carl2291 said:

Over $340 Million worldwide for a movie based on a videogame is fantastic, especially on a budget of ~$70 Million. Pre-Warcraft (which was a failure) it was the highest grossing movie based on a videogame.

You chose a poor example.

Not when they reportedly spent a whole lot of money on a huge marketing push.

Remember, studios only take a part of the US box office and a much smaller share from the worlwide revenue. If you do the math it doesn't seem so good.


Chris Hu said:
gatito said:

They said the same thing about Angry Birds, did you go see their movie? Yeah, nobody did.

The Angry Birds movie actually did pretty good at the box office considering it was a sub par movie overall.  So far it still made more money overseas then Finding Dory did.  Also its still Sony/Columbia biggest hit so far this year and since I'm hoping that Ghostbusters will bomb it will be their biggest hit of the year since they really have nothing else worth metioning the rest of the year.

By 10 millions more or less, but Angry Birds has almost completed its run while Dory is yet to open in many overseas countries.

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CGI-Quality said:
potato_hamster said:

Lol. Just by reading the title I knew this was made by a Nintendo fan. Because you have to think Nintendo is head and shoulders above MS and Sony as a company that is capable of making hit video games, or creating games, game series or game characters that have the same impact that Nintendo characters have. Which is of course, total horseshit.

How about this poll: Are Sony and MS capable of making a home console that sells as poorly as the Wii U?

Quit with the flame bait.

Don't you think you're being a little unreasonable with this one? He's merely asking a fair question, basing such an idea on the current situation.

Don't you think that a moderator, someone who is supposed to be fair and balanced, can't take a step back and take an objective point of view to realize that it totally isn't a fair question in any way?

This is utterly ridiculous.

If I made a thead that said "Poll: Are MS and Nintendo capable of making a video game experience as great as what Sony does with Playstation" I'd get absolutely thrashed for it and accused of being a fanboy. But Nintendo and it's fans get an exemption because apparently Nintendo is special.

Naw unless Playstation does some Anime AR thing. Also Microsoft has Minecraft but that's dying fast now.

potato_hamster said:
CGI-Quality said:

Don't you think you're being a little unreasonable with this one? He's merely asking a fair question, basing such an idea on the current situation.

Don't you think that a moderator, someone who is supposed to be fair and balanced, can't take a step back and take an objective point of view to realize that it totally isn't a fair question in any way?

This is utterly ridiculous.

If I made a thead that said "Poll: Are MS and Nintendo capable of making a video game experience as great as what Sony does with Playstation" I'd get absolutely thrashed for it and accused of being a fanboy. But Nintendo and it's fans get an exemption because apparently Nintendo is special.

But that is a totally different question, we are not even talking about the quality of the games. When someone aswers "no" to his question he is not automatically saying that Nintendo ips are better or anything like that, if something they say those ips are more able to be liked for a much larger population, if they are better or not is another question, if the question was  "Are MS and Sony capable of making a video game experience as great as what Nintendo does with its consoles?" Then I may agree with you, but is not.

their ips are not that strong.

Depends on how lucky they get. Candy Crush and Angry Birds weren't strong IPs either and they were/are massive. You cannot predict what will go viral. This reminds me of the Tamagotchi. Everyone had to have one back then. All the publicity with dead bodies, people getting robbed are just fuelling people's curiosity.