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CGI-Quality said:
potato_hamster said:

Lol. Just by reading the title I knew this was made by a Nintendo fan. Because you have to think Nintendo is head and shoulders above MS and Sony as a company that is capable of making hit video games, or creating games, game series or game characters that have the same impact that Nintendo characters have. Which is of course, total horseshit.

How about this poll: Are Sony and MS capable of making a home console that sells as poorly as the Wii U?

Quit with the flame bait.

Don't you think you're being a little unreasonable with this one? He's merely asking a fair question, basing such an idea on the current situation.

Don't you think that a moderator, someone who is supposed to be fair and balanced, can't take a step back and take an objective point of view to realize that it totally isn't a fair question in any way?

This is utterly ridiculous.

If I made a thead that said "Poll: Are MS and Nintendo capable of making a video game experience as great as what Sony does with Playstation" I'd get absolutely thrashed for it and accused of being a fanboy. But Nintendo and it's fans get an exemption because apparently Nintendo is special.