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Okay, so everyone seems to be placing minecraft as a possible next big phone app game in the likes to pokemon and to that I say, no.  Let's try to place apples to apples.  Pokemon's appeal has always been the instant gratification of catching pokemon.  As early as the pokemon games in the GB, the appeal was these magical creatures that fit in your pocket and were at your command to wield as you so please.  Flash foward 15+ years later and the concept has been realized(albeit by AR).  You're a kid again with nostalgia and the old appeal of catching and even best when you encounter a rare pokemon at even footing with one another.  You have realized(somewhat) being Ash Ketchum.  You are now a pokemon trainer in the real world.'s just not easily translated  as pokemon.  I can't think of a game so easily translated as pokemon from it's source material to the real world.  Sure, minecraft has the appeal, but it's appeal is embedded with one's own imagination and the building one creates.  A minecraft to the real world translation would be if you were Green Lantern and whatever you wanted to create you could manifest.  If say AR would be implemented, you can't fly and build to your hearts content.  The only game you can do that with your phone is with Minecraft as it exists now. 

Pokemon translates on all sorts of levels, not just gameplay, but character and all the aspects of pokem(gym leaders, new location, exploration, dangers of getting run over by some driver as your trying to capture). So, no.  No to MS, to Sony, to anyone else.  Pokemon is in a league all its own.