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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gaming's worst marketing/business decisions?

Intrinsic said:
Miyamotoo said:

There is nothing like core base, PS2 sold 155m and PS3 half of that, GC sold 23m, Wii sold 101m than Wii U 14m, original Xbox sold 30m and Xbox360 all about how much curent console is apeling to market, not about some mistakes from 90".

We relly dont know what is Nintendo doing with NX, I am sure they will not repet Wii U mistakes.

You ssy the strangest things. What do you mean by there is nothing like a core base? A core bade are the nulber of people that will buy a platform simoly because there is a name on the box. They dont care much for anything else. They arr the most die hard fans of that platform. 

And I'm not going to get into the dales figures you threw around, there werr a lot more to those things than just sales. Like price and time on the market. Eg. The PS3 still cost around $150-$200+, 10YEARS AFTER ITS LAUNCH. The PS2 hit $200 one year after its launch. Gues how much a PS2 cost when the PS3 was released. 

I mean that core base doenst mean nothing if you have bad product that is not appeling, all come to if some product is mass apeling. Sony said that more than half of PS4 owners were previous Wii or Xbox360 owners, or that never before had any Sony console.

Point of those figures that I through it all come to how good your current product is, not how many consoles you sold last gen or previous.

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Intrinsic said:
Miyamotoo said:

About N64 that gen, we can now say that cartridges are N64 cartridges were definitely bad move, but back then evre CD based console failed, (actually PS1 is first CD based console that succeed), so there was logic to continue with cartridges if all CD consoles before failed.

Wii U is totaly difrent story, beacuse Nintendo made bloody mess with Wii U, they made too many mistakes, you cant relly say that Wii U has just one reason or two reasons why failed like you can say for N64. There is reason why Wii U is worst selling Nintendo console.

Every cd based console failed not cause there wasnt a sound reason to use CDs, they wrre cheaper than carts and held more storage. They failed because of how they consoles were released. Saturn was released before devs even could finsih making games for it and at $400 which at the time was pricey. The 3DO was good hardware, but cost $600 when jt was released. Too expensive in a time when gaming basically comprised of parents buying stuff for their kids. Philips CDi had a very limited release cause phillips were more toying with the idea of a console than going all in.

Besides the industry calling for cds back with the N64 and nintendo ignoring, nintendo were still trying to impose very similar royalty programmes that devs already hated with the SNES. 

GC, the machine was even more powerful than the PS2. But they chose to go with a proprietary disc format that could only hold 1.5GB compared to the PS2s 4.7GB. At a time when all the rsve was about DVDs they made a console that couldnt play DVDs. 

I don't know how else to say this.... but if you twally follow the industry and nintendo, you will see that they are reslly still just making the same mistakes they always used to make since the 90s. 

Yes, but point that they are failed, and if you have all CD consoles that failed you will naturly thing maybe isnt still time for CD based console.

Royalites changed with GC.

Huge number of PS2 could fit on GC disks, you could easily have dual layer disk also. Yes, DVD player one of reasons why PS2 sold so much.

Not true, N64 had cartridge problem because of size of games and something similar could said for GC to, Wii U didn't had any problem with format or size of games, you can put game of any size of game on Wii U disk. And that was bigest problem of Nintendo in 90", and they didnt had that problem even with Wii U now.

zorg1000 said:

Yes, I read what you wrote, "how about they "just make what third parties want" which will at the veey lesst gaurantee that all gsmes are ALSO available on their platform".

How do they do that without making a device very similar to what the others are doing? What it comes down to is that you believe Nintendo needs to release a console with the same storage format, similar specs, similar controller & similar system features as PS/XB have in order to succeed or in other words, just do what the others are doing.

No. What I'm saying is that they should at lesst do as well as others then build upon that.

If everyone is using blurays, HDDs, X86, 4-8GB.... then they should at the veey lesst match all that. Being "different" should preferably mean that while you have all they have, you have stuff they don't. And not having this or that at the expense of other key features that could result in poor support. 

Intrinsic said:
zorg1000 said:

Ok, so N64 & GC missed out on key 3rd party titles because cartridges/mini-DVD had less storage than CD/DVD. How is that at all related to Wii U's failures?

I'll put it this way then.

The problem with nintendo is that they do not make decisions that would favour the developmemt community. They make decisions for themselves first then require all developers to conform. Its what they have always done.


  • Using carts instead of cds
  • opting for proprietary discs instewd of DVDs
  • making underpowered hardware but with motion controls (luvkily for them this gamble worked)
  • making underpowered hardware (again) with a tablet controller tbat no one actually wanted or knew what to do with including them.
  • if rumors are true, about to make hardware and shun x86 at a time when game dev costs are high and devs are looking fir ways to save costs. While coming into a market thats already 3yrs in. There are even rumors they are thinking of going back to carts. 
And in eveeything i mentioned, they all the while had a very strict rigurous QA programme that they onoy let go off when the wii was released. And lets not forget how underdeveloped their online infrastructure is compared to what "everyone esle is doing".
The things they carry over, what to me makes them the most guilty party in this thread; are cross generational. They keep finding ways to fuck things up. 


Well Wii & GC prove much of your statement wrong, back in 2005 before Wii launched, Iwata talked about how game development costs were going to increase significantly in the HD era and they were developing a console that would allow for developers to release unique software without huge financial risks.

Also Gamecube was praised for how straighforward it was to develop for in comparison to PS2 and recieved far greater support than N64 did. Various 3rd parties who pretty much skipped N64 entirely were now releasing games on GC such as Capcom, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami.

That is the exact opposite of, "The problem with nintendo is that they do not make decisions that would favour the developmemt community. They make decisions for themselves first then require all developers to conform. Its what they have always done."

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Intrinsic said:
zorg1000 said:

Yes, I read what you wrote, "how about they "just make what third parties want" which will at the veey lesst gaurantee that all gsmes are ALSO available on their platform".

How do they do that without making a device very similar to what the others are doing? What it comes down to is that you believe Nintendo needs to release a console with the same storage format, similar specs, similar controller & similar system features as PS/XB have in order to succeed or in other words, just do what the others are doing.

No. What I'm saying is that they should at lesst do as well as others then build upon that.

If everyone is using blurays, HDDs, X86, 4-8GB.... then they should at the veey lesst match all that. Being "different" should preferably mean that while you have all they have, you have stuff they don't. And not having this or that at the expense of other key features that could result in poor support. 

You are disagreeing with me while pretty much rewriting what I just said.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Intrinsic said:
The greatest fuck up of all time has to be nintendo.

First their draconian approach to third parties in the 90s, then they stabbed sony in the back which in turn led to the creation of their greatest nemesis.

But they didn't stop there, tgey then chose to use cartridges for the N64 inadvertently handing over the generation to sony.

If any company did what nintendo did then now they would be crucified then burned.

Whats interesting is that all nintendos demons are still haunting them till this day. PlayStation keeps growing, third parties won't touch them and for some sick reason they still somehow always manage to fuck it up on the hardware side of things.


Signalstar said:
Nintendo stabbing Sony in the back to partner with Phillips without even telling Sony has to be all time number 1. When you create your biggest competitor who then surpasses you...

Yeah, this is exactly what i was thinking, creating your biggest competition, has to be by far the worst one.

Because at least with the PS3 Sony managed to recover from it, Microsoft also managed to recover from the initial Xbox One reception, and every other mistake (like nintendos mistakes with the Wii U) can be fixed when a new generation starts, however the competition that is Playstation has been there since its inception, has given them one heck of a competition and doesnt seem to go away any time soon.

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes, they learn from their mistake... something Nintendo haven't been able to do even if their life depends on it with their consoles. He isn't just saying that the mistake done on the 90's are the problem (like a payback) but that nintendo is still making the same mistakes... but as a business I would have my doubts if the bridges they burnt in the 90's still don't cost them a little even today.

So we ignoring Game Cube!? Game Cube was very competitive hardware that was easy do develop for, after GC failed Nintendo go different strategy and that leave them to most successful generation in gaming.

Why are we ignoring GC? Do you know for a fact that Nintendo approached the developers and delivered what they wanted? Or did they delivered a lunch box with mini-DVD that only they though was a good idea?

It wasn't the most successful generation in gaming. Look at how much SW they sold compared to their sales in previous gen (against HW) or against their competitors... they sold 100M HW and 9.53 attach ratio (and let's not forget that at least 1 of that is for a SW that was bundled from release) while Xbox360 have attach ratio of 11.67 (or a wopping 3 games more per HW sold) or GC that have 9,6 without the mandatory bundle.

And considering they weren't able to follow up that to any degree... yes PS3 from 160M to 90M suffered a 44% decrease, but WiiU from 101 to 14 is a 86% drop.

Regarding the userbase (like the previous guy said, what you manage to sell in your darkest times) Nintendo console right now have a base of 15M against Xbox over 30M and Sony at 90M... what a gargantuan difference. Nintendo took their best attempt to barely outsell Sony biggest fumble.

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

If Nintendo could.... they either are incompetent to pull it off or dumb to not try... the way you say they could seems just like I saying that if I wanted I could be milionaire. I just aint because of reasons.

Well they basically tried that with GC, and now have two competitors doing basically same thing, of course that Nintendo will try something similar.

They weren't exactly trying the same thing. They delivered similar power, but were they able to at least provide everything else and more (and here the ghost of the past is at full power, with their mistakes from N64 and their bad relationship with devs, that you deny existence)... but we can also put in here the biggest weakness of Nintendo, that is that their customers focus so much on 1st party that 3rd parties that try end up losing interest very fast.

Miyamotoo said:
Intrinsic said:

Every cd based console failed not cause there wasnt a sound reason to use CDs, they wrre cheaper than carts and held more storage. They failed because of how they consoles were released. Saturn was released before devs even could finsih making games for it and at $400 which at the time was pricey. The 3DO was good hardware, but cost $600 when jt was released. Too expensive in a time when gaming basically comprised of parents buying stuff for their kids. Philips CDi had a very limited release cause phillips were more toying with the idea of a console than going all in.

Besides the industry calling for cds back with the N64 and nintendo ignoring, nintendo were still trying to impose very similar royalty programmes that devs already hated with the SNES. 

GC, the machine was even more powerful than the PS2. But they chose to go with a proprietary disc format that could only hold 1.5GB compared to the PS2s 4.7GB. At a time when all the rsve was about DVDs they made a console that couldnt play DVDs. 

I don't know how else to say this.... but if you twally follow the industry and nintendo, you will see that they are reslly still just making the same mistakes they always used to make since the 90s. 

Yes, but point that they are failed, and if you have all CD consoles that failed you will naturly thing maybe isnt still time for CD based console.

Royalites changed with GC.

Huge number of PS2 could fit on GC disks, you could easily have dual layer disk also. Yes, DVD player one of reasons why PS2 sold so much.

Not true, N64 had cartridge problem because of size of games and something similar could said for GC to, Wii U didn't had any problem with format or size of games, you can put game of any size of game on Wii U disk. And that was bigest problem of Nintendo in 90", and they didnt had that problem even with Wii U now.

Errrr the CD based consoles failed not because of CD, but other reasons so your fallacy hold no weight.

I want you to put Gran Turismo 4 in a mini dvd. Or the Final Fantasy X

Yep, WiiU doesn't have an inerent issue with disc format but it certainly have in ALL other aspects. I'm not certain you can put a 50Gb game on a WiiU disk and play it, can you?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

So we ignoring Game Cube!? Game Cube was very competitive hardware that was easy do develop for, after GC failed Nintendo go different strategy and that leave them to most successful generation in gaming.

Why are we ignoring GC? Do you know for a fact that Nintendo approached the developers and delivered what they wanted? Or did they delivered a lunch box with mini-DVD that only they though was a good idea?

It wasn't the most successful generation in gaming. Look at how much SW they sold compared to their sales in previous gen (against HW) or against their competitors... they sold 100M HW and 9.53 attach ratio (and let's not forget that at least 1 of that is for a SW that was bundled from release) while Xbox360 have attach ratio of 11.67 (or a wopping 3 games more per HW sold) or GC that have 9,6 without the mandatory bundle.

And considering they weren't able to follow up that to any degree... yes PS3 from 160M to 90M suffered a 44% decrease, but WiiU from 101 to 14 is a 86% drop.

Regarding the userbase (like the previous guy said, what you manage to sell in your darkest times) Nintendo console right now have a base of 15M against Xbox over 30M and Sony at 90M... what a gargantuan difference. Nintendo took their best attempt to barely outsell Sony biggest fumble.

Miyamotoo said:

Well they basically tried that with GC, and now have two competitors doing basically same thing, of course that Nintendo will try something similar.

They weren't exactly trying the same thing. They delivered similar power, but were they able to at least provide everything else and more (and here the ghost of the past is at full power, with their mistakes from N64 and their bad relationship with devs, that you deny existence)... but we can also put in here the biggest weakness of Nintendo, that is that their customers focus so much on 1st party that 3rd parties that try end up losing interest very fast.

Miyamotoo said:

Yes, but point that they are failed, and if you have all CD consoles that failed you will naturly thing maybe isnt still time for CD based console.

Royalites changed with GC.

Huge number of PS2 could fit on GC disks, you could easily have dual layer disk also. Yes, DVD player one of reasons why PS2 sold so much.

Not true, N64 had cartridge problem because of size of games and something similar could said for GC to, Wii U didn't had any problem with format or size of games, you can put game of any size of game on Wii U disk. And that was bigest problem of Nintendo in 90", and they didnt had that problem even with Wii U now.

Errrr the CD based consoles failed not because of CD, but other reasons so your fallacy hold no weight.

I want you to put Gran Turismo 4 in a mini dvd. Or the Final Fantasy X

Yep, WiiU doesn't have an inerent issue with disc format but it certainly have in ALL other aspects. I'm not certain you can put a 50Gb game on a WiiU disk and play it, can you?

Fact is that GC is far most 3rd party oriented console than every other Nintendo console was from SNES, and yet GC failed. After GC Nintendo changed strategy.

I said most successful generation in history of gaming, not most successful console (even is most sucfule Nintendo console), Wii+DS make most successful generation in history of gaming, thats 255m units of hardware and almost 2b units of software.

There is reason why exatly Wii U is their worst selling console, they made too many mistakes with Wii U, it was bloady mess, it have nothing with "ghosts of the pasts".


Regardless, ever cd based console failed before ps1 and that is clear fact.

Some games couldnt fit on mini DVD but huge majority could fit on dual layer mini DVD.

Other guy said that Nintendo doing same mistakes they done in 90" or they done with N64 and GC, but clear fact is that biggest mistake for N64 was cartridge format, something similar could say for GC, and Nintendo dont have those problems with Wii U, so he is obviously wrong. You can have 50GB Wii U game on dual layer disk, but you clearly dont need 50GB for 720p console.

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

Why are we ignoring GC? Do you know for a fact that Nintendo approached the developers and delivered what they wanted? Or did they delivered a lunch box with mini-DVD that only they though was a good idea?

It wasn't the most successful generation in gaming. Look at how much SW they sold compared to their sales in previous gen (against HW) or against their competitors... they sold 100M HW and 9.53 attach ratio (and let's not forget that at least 1 of that is for a SW that was bundled from release) while Xbox360 have attach ratio of 11.67 (or a wopping 3 games more per HW sold) or GC that have 9,6 without the mandatory bundle.

And considering they weren't able to follow up that to any degree... yes PS3 from 160M to 90M suffered a 44% decrease, but WiiU from 101 to 14 is a 86% drop.

Regarding the userbase (like the previous guy said, what you manage to sell in your darkest times) Nintendo console right now have a base of 15M against Xbox over 30M and Sony at 90M... what a gargantuan difference. Nintendo took their best attempt to barely outsell Sony biggest fumble.

They weren't exactly trying the same thing. They delivered similar power, but were they able to at least provide everything else and more (and here the ghost of the past is at full power, with their mistakes from N64 and their bad relationship with devs, that you deny existence)... but we can also put in here the biggest weakness of Nintendo, that is that their customers focus so much on 1st party that 3rd parties that try end up losing interest very fast.

Errrr the CD based consoles failed not because of CD, but other reasons so your fallacy hold no weight.

I want you to put Gran Turismo 4 in a mini dvd. Or the Final Fantasy X

Yep, WiiU doesn't have an inerent issue with disc format but it certainly have in ALL other aspects. I'm not certain you can put a 50Gb game on a WiiU disk and play it, can you?

Fact is that GC is far most 3rd party oriented console than every other Nintendo console was from SNES, and yet GC failed. After GC Nintendo changed strategy.

I said most successful generation in history of gaming, not most successful console (even is most sucfule Nintendo console), Wii+DS make most successful generation in history of gaming, thats 255m units of hardware and almost 2b units of software.

There is reason why exatly Wii U is their worst selling console, they made too many mistakes with Wii U, it was bloady mess, it have nothing with "ghosts of the pasts".


Regardless, ever cd based console failed before ps1 and that is clear fact.

Some games couldnt fit on mini DVD but huge majority could fit on dual layer mini DVD.

Other guy said that Nintendo doing same mistakes they done in 90" or they done with N64 and GC, but clear fact is that biggest mistake for N64 was cartridge format, something similar could say for GC, and Nintendo dont have those problems with Wii U, so he is obviously wrong. You can have 50GB Wii U game on dual layer disk, but you clearly dont need 50GB for 720p console.

So you insist on including HH on a conversation that have nothing to do with it just to make it seems better and also do a false cause/effect correlation to justify the lack of CD? Ok them keep going.

Even Nintendo had some games where they needed 2 discs, so they clearly choose the mini-DVD for dumb reasons, worst, it was even more expensive to produce than a common DVD.

And they are doing the same mistakes... the biggest one is their bad relationship with 3rd parties on consoles, and that is still in place. You said GC was the most 3rd party oriented console Nintendo made... but was it from what they though 3rd party wanted or what they said they wanted? I would bet more on the first. And when they assumed they made the mistake. That is the Nintendo way, to dictate what others may want

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

Fact is that GC is far most 3rd party oriented console than every other Nintendo console was from SNES, and yet GC failed. After GC Nintendo changed strategy.

I said most successful generation in history of gaming, not most successful console (even is most sucfule Nintendo console), Wii+DS make most successful generation in history of gaming, thats 255m units of hardware and almost 2b units of software.

There is reason why exatly Wii U is their worst selling console, they made too many mistakes with Wii U, it was bloady mess, it have nothing with "ghosts of the pasts".


Regardless, ever cd based console failed before ps1 and that is clear fact.

Some games couldnt fit on mini DVD but huge majority could fit on dual layer mini DVD.

Other guy said that Nintendo doing same mistakes they done in 90" or they done with N64 and GC, but clear fact is that biggest mistake for N64 was cartridge format, something similar could say for GC, and Nintendo dont have those problems with Wii U, so he is obviously wrong. You can have 50GB Wii U game on dual layer disk, but you clearly dont need 50GB for 720p console.

So you insist on including HH on a conversation that have nothing to do with it just to make it seems better and also do a false cause/effect correlation to justify the lack of CD? Ok them keep going.

Even Nintendo had some games where they needed 2 discs, so they clearly choose the mini-DVD for dumb reasons, worst, it was even more expensive to produce than a common DVD.

And they are doing the same mistakes... the biggest one is their bad relationship with 3rd parties on consoles, and that is still in place. You said GC was the most 3rd party oriented console Nintendo made... but was it from what they though 3rd party wanted or what they said they wanted? I would bet more on the first. And when they assumed they made the mistake. That is the Nintendo way, to dictate what others may want

Why I would not include HH, I include them because last gen Nintendo with its HW has most successful generation in history of gaming, you can't clearly do that if "all demons are still haunting them till this day".

You realise that back then DVD player wasn't cheap eat all, you also realise that having classic DVD disc would make Nintendo pay fees!? GC had very afordible price, one of reasons for that is not having DVD player.

I gave you bigest their mistake in history of their consoles, N64 cartridge format that can hold only 8-64MB compared to 700NB of CD, and guess what, they did not make same mistake with Wii U, so "all demons are still haunting them till this day" clearly isnt true, and thats whole my point.