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Intrinsic said:
Miyamotoo said:

About N64 that gen, we can now say that cartridges are N64 cartridges were definitely bad move, but back then evre CD based console failed, (actually PS1 is first CD based console that succeed), so there was logic to continue with cartridges if all CD consoles before failed.

Wii U is totaly difrent story, beacuse Nintendo made bloody mess with Wii U, they made too many mistakes, you cant relly say that Wii U has just one reason or two reasons why failed like you can say for N64. There is reason why Wii U is worst selling Nintendo console.

Every cd based console failed not cause there wasnt a sound reason to use CDs, they wrre cheaper than carts and held more storage. They failed because of how they consoles were released. Saturn was released before devs even could finsih making games for it and at $400 which at the time was pricey. The 3DO was good hardware, but cost $600 when jt was released. Too expensive in a time when gaming basically comprised of parents buying stuff for their kids. Philips CDi had a very limited release cause phillips were more toying with the idea of a console than going all in.

Besides the industry calling for cds back with the N64 and nintendo ignoring, nintendo were still trying to impose very similar royalty programmes that devs already hated with the SNES. 

GC, the machine was even more powerful than the PS2. But they chose to go with a proprietary disc format that could only hold 1.5GB compared to the PS2s 4.7GB. At a time when all the rsve was about DVDs they made a console that couldnt play DVDs. 

I don't know how else to say this.... but if you twally follow the industry and nintendo, you will see that they are reslly still just making the same mistakes they always used to make since the 90s. 

Yes, but point that they are failed, and if you have all CD consoles that failed you will naturly thing maybe isnt still time for CD based console.

Royalites changed with GC.

Huge number of PS2 could fit on GC disks, you could easily have dual layer disk also. Yes, DVD player one of reasons why PS2 sold so much.

Not true, N64 had cartridge problem because of size of games and something similar could said for GC to, Wii U didn't had any problem with format or size of games, you can put game of any size of game on Wii U disk. And that was bigest problem of Nintendo in 90", and they didnt had that problem even with Wii U now.