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Intrinsic said:
zorg1000 said:

Ok, so N64 & GC missed out on key 3rd party titles because cartridges/mini-DVD had less storage than CD/DVD. How is that at all related to Wii U's failures?

I'll put it this way then.

The problem with nintendo is that they do not make decisions that would favour the developmemt community. They make decisions for themselves first then require all developers to conform. Its what they have always done.


  • Using carts instead of cds
  • opting for proprietary discs instewd of DVDs
  • making underpowered hardware but with motion controls (luvkily for them this gamble worked)
  • making underpowered hardware (again) with a tablet controller tbat no one actually wanted or knew what to do with including them.
  • if rumors are true, about to make hardware and shun x86 at a time when game dev costs are high and devs are looking fir ways to save costs. While coming into a market thats already 3yrs in. There are even rumors they are thinking of going back to carts. 
And in eveeything i mentioned, they all the while had a very strict rigurous QA programme that they onoy let go off when the wii was released. And lets not forget how underdeveloped their online infrastructure is compared to what "everyone esle is doing".
The things they carry over, what to me makes them the most guilty party in this thread; are cross generational. They keep finding ways to fuck things up. 


Well Wii & GC prove much of your statement wrong, back in 2005 before Wii launched, Iwata talked about how game development costs were going to increase significantly in the HD era and they were developing a console that would allow for developers to release unique software without huge financial risks.

Also Gamecube was praised for how straighforward it was to develop for in comparison to PS2 and recieved far greater support than N64 did. Various 3rd parties who pretty much skipped N64 entirely were now releasing games on GC such as Capcom, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami.

That is the exact opposite of, "The problem with nintendo is that they do not make decisions that would favour the developmemt community. They make decisions for themselves first then require all developers to conform. Its what they have always done."

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.