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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rockstar Vs Blizzard


Which on is the better company?

Blizzard 134 36.22%
Rockstar 165 44.59%
Konami 42 11.35%
None of those 29 7.84%
pokoko said:
Blizzard. They've pretty much defined at least 3 different genres. That's amazing.

As for Rockstar, I don't care anything about GTA or Red Dead.

Which three? All I can think is hack'n'slash RPGs with Diablo. RTS games existed before Warcraft (Dune and C&C), so I wouldn't personally count StarCraft, and as far as I know WoW didn't define anything either (although it really nailed it by doing everything so well). WoW did have a huge impact though, but I wouldn't call it defining anything. Hearthstone and card games perhaps, or were there popular games in that genre before it? I guess that's two.

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Zkuq said:
pokoko said:
Blizzard. They've pretty much defined at least 3 different genres. That's amazing.

As for Rockstar, I don't care anything about GTA or Red Dead.

Which three? All I can think is hack'n'slash RPGs with Diablo. RTS games existed before Warcraft (Dune and C&C), so I wouldn't personally count StarCraft, and as far as I know WoW didn't define anything either (although it really nailed it by doing everything so well). WoW did have a huge impact though, but I wouldn't call it defining anything. Hearthstone and card games perhaps, or were there popular games in that genre before it? I guess that's two.

Warcraft popularized the RTS genre and also made it the great genre it is today.And while Starcraft didnt innovate anything, since Warcraft already did it, it did perfect the formula, being arguably the best RTS game ever made.And while WOW wasnt the first MMo to be created, it was(again) the one that made the genre popular in the first place, and pioneered many things which are now standards on MMO(which you can see by how many MMO tried to be a WOW clone).Plus diablo as you already mentioned.So yeah, you got there the 3 defining games that made 3 different genres as we have today.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Rockstar for me. Played and loved so many of their games. Haven't ever played a blizzard game and don't intend to either.

Zkuq said:
pokoko said:
Blizzard. They've pretty much defined at least 3 different genres. That's amazing.

As for Rockstar, I don't care anything about GTA or Red Dead.

Which three? All I can think is hack'n'slash RPGs with Diablo. RTS games existed before Warcraft (Dune and C&C), so I wouldn't personally count StarCraft, and as far as I know WoW didn't define anything either (although it really nailed it by doing everything so well). WoW did have a huge impact though, but I wouldn't call it defining anything. Hearthstone and card games perhaps, or were there popular games in that genre before it? I guess that's two.

You might have an argument with Warcraft/Starcraft but I don't see how it can argued that that WoW has not defined MMOs.  I was into MMOs when it came out and I remember it hitting the scene like a tidal wave.  Ask the average person what they think of when you say "MMO" and they'll probably say "WOW".  It has over 100 million accounts created--and that's for a subscription based service.

AbbathTheGrim said:
jason1637 said:
Rockstar isn't in the poll

It is and has always been.

Oh my bad. I saw Blizzard, Activision, and Konami.

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Rockstar made Red Dead Redemption so they win by default.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

Konami destroys both

Ka-pi96 said:
Ruler said:
Konami destroys both

Now? None of the 3
Historically? Konami > Blizzard > Rockstar

Rockstar and not even close