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Why would someone want to play with AI over other people?

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outlawauron said:
Why would someone want to play with AI over other people?

Some of us aren't overly competitive in nature, I know I've grown up throughout my life not always wanting to compete against another human, it's why I'm not interested in sports for that matter. For the most part I've grown up playing co-op games with few times where I have fought directly against friends. THe times I have played against humans was during last gen on the 360 when it came to games like cod, but also since then I've played a lot with different forms of AI from different games and found myself feeling nothing towards fighting an AI, no sort of emotions or memories of that particular AI like I would when facing another human that I'd easily store in memory the enxt time I saw them. 

AI as far as things go doesn't slag you off, doesn't go for the always easy win strats, most humans do what they can to win, even at times if it means taking the super easy routes or taking advantage of something others do not know much of, that to me isn't all that enticing when playing against another human because for the most part the same tactics end up repeating themselevs over and over, yes the same can happen with an AI but that AI isn't driven the way we humans are, they are merely programmed to do what they can and for that I cannot fault them for what they do, with a human you can ebcause you're expected to learn or at elast not repeat the same few tactics or easy rodads over and over and eyt that happens on a constant basis and frankly it puts me off wanting to go against another human, which is largely why I play co-op games or with humans and AI against other AI and sometimes humans in a non overkly competitive ranking form. 

At the end of the day there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to play with or against AI. I imagine this will be no different once AI takes a more advanced form, where it can interact with you on a higher level of intellect. Of course there are going to be those people that look down on AI or fear it, despite that they shouldn't need to as they can just compete with other human beings.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

archer9234 said:
celador said:
Is anyone here good with D.Va?

I tried her out for the first time today. Only a handful of matches. First match did pretty well (at least for me) with 17 eliminations in a game with quite high level players. After that not so good.

Her damage output at even middle range seems crappy, but at close range she seems to get comfortably beaten by guys that excel at close range, like Reaper. Also her Ult seems difficult to use effectively. It's so slow to actually finish people generally get away really comfortably.

I obviously need more practice, but I was wondering about other people's opinion of her

Yeah. DVA is a balancing act. To do the best damage, is to be at close range. And using her absorb beam at the right moment. Her self D does suck. Because it has to allow DVA to escape the blast radius. Which just helps the enemies. It's best to do it with someone elses Ult. I will help out DVA with Zarya by activating my graviton surge, to keep people in place. She has the advantage of never needing to reload. Which makes her excellent to deal with other tank characters.

Use her like Tracer, get behind the enemy lines and take out the support/squishies and defense, D.Va is surprisingly mobile if you use her boosters to get around the map.

archer9234 said:
Pemalite said:

It's so that Blizzard can entice people towards it's Microtransactions... A friend of mine has already spent $120 to unlock stuff because he got impatient.


Can you buy the competative points? Or can the gold gun be randomly unlocked in lootcrates? I never cared about the lootcrate stuff. Because there were many ways to get stuff. I saved up 1000 coins to get a skin. Took a month. I didn't mind that. But needing to win 300 matches, only from humans. I can't stand. If it were 100. Or you got 10 points each game. I wouldn't care. 300 is worse then saving up for 4 1000 skins. 

I haven't bought the game on PC, only on Xbox One due to my PC waiting for upgrades, there you can only buy loot-packs at the moment as far as I know.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

outlawauron said:
Why would someone want to play with AI over other people?

Why not though? I love playing AI. Playing humans for me gets tired, and agravating. Because people end up just doing cheap stuff. There was one match in competative mode were a Rehinhardt and a Bastion were camping above the payload start point, on Route 66. That was the cheapest thing you could of done, as a defense. It became really old, fast. I'm not saying I love the AI cause they're dumb. They're harder than humans, in a lot of areas. But doing cheap stuff gets tiring. The AI cheap factor is them just picking up medpacks.

I'm still having fun with humans. Because my team is real people. That's another reason I don't mind. This is why I hate the gold guns be locked to competative mode. Or that AI matches give you less XP. Everything should be equal. Who cares if you play in AI all the time. It doesn't hurt the people playing humans all the time. I'm not a shitty player. I do and can play human matches too. But I'd rather be relaxed, and blow up some bots.

Bumping with random crap


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new PS4 patch that added competitive play has definitely added some problems. Some frame rate drops, some kill cam issues. And the aiming seems has been altered. I guess I'll get used to it after a bit. But still, bad patch

The Sudden Death mode to determine tie games kinda sucks. I would have preferred a control point (even if you were previously on a payload map) because those are the most equal maps.

Signature goes here!

As it stands, Sudden Death mode is more or less in a bit of a rut, hopefully Blizz will sort this out for the next season. Despite me not at all being interested in ranked PVP, I can still sympathize with those that wanted that mode to play well for those interested in it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
As it stands, Sudden Death mode is more or less in a bit of a rut, hopefully Blizz will sort this out for the next season. Despite me not at all being interested in ranked PVP, I can still sympathize with those that wanted that mode to play well for those interested in it.

I'm not one to care about my ranking (I fully expect to be ranked low when my last placement matches are over) but as it stands the team who gets to attack on a payload map has a big advantage and I have some more competitive friends who really hate it.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

I'm not one to care about my ranking (I fully expect to be ranked low when my last placement matches are over) but as it stands the team who gets to attack on a payload map has a big advantage and I have some more competitive friends who really hate it.

Yeah it seems that way. I managed to catch a recent vid from Level Cap a few hours back where his team were doing well, reached sudden death and then the enemy team cheesed and went all D.VA and stomped them as the attacking team so easily. I'm not overly against everyone playing as the same character but in some instances it can be a cheese move like with sudden death where it becomes a form of a needed strat in order to snag that easy win.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"