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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Link will remain a male.No gender option

Earlier this week at E3 2016, GameSpot spoke to Nintendo producer Eiji Aonuma about the upcoming Wii U and NX game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. During the conversation, which was translated by a Nintendo representative, we asked Aonuma if the rumors of having the option to play as a female version of Link are accurate. He said that he's aware of the conversations happening online, stating: "So yes, there were rumors like that, and we did discuss as a staff as to what would be possible if we took that route."

However, instead of entertaining the idea of the player being able to choose the hero Link's gender, Aonuma said his team considered what they deemed to be the simplest option; making princess Zelda the lead character. "We thought about it," said Aonuma, "and decided that if we're going to have a female protagonist it's simpler to have Princess Zelda as the main character."

This idea was ultimately rejected, because according to Aonuma "...if we have princess Zelda as the main character who fights, then what is Link going to do? Taking into account that, and also the idea of the balance of the Triforce, we thought it best to come back to this [original] makeup."

Aonuma's response implies that Zelda can't be the star of a game if it comes at the cost of Link's identity or involvement, and that when the "simpler" idea for a female hero didn't pan out, the concept was abandoned entirely. While he also mentions the balance of the Triforce as a reason behind their decision--it's not clear how that would negate the possibility of Link being female, rather than male.

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Disappointing news. :(

Link has always been a male. No need to change that.

Not even a female Link? Not even a male Link who identifies himself as a woman or a female link who identifies herself as a man?

Nintendo being such a cisgender again.

I agree totally, if they do female zelda game, it should be Zelda, not female Link. Which does indeed ruin some balance, but honestly they should have game eventually where you play all three tri force pieces. 


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And anyone who makes big waves over this is a pure sensationalist. Not saying I would mind a female character, but not every game needs one nor should any developer be berated for not having one. It's their game, their decision.

Also, it does raise an interesting question: Link has little personality most times and they always avoid having too much "canon" development so that players can project onto the character on some level. So what would Link be like as a completely non-playable support character? He would have to speak for one. And Zelda has ALWAYS had a personality so...she would need to speak. Would be interesting to see.

INB4 tumblr gets mad for no reason.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

I don't mind. I still don't understand why people are so keen on seeing a female Link. Who cares what they're like, as long as they fit into the game well. Also, I don't like the gender-specific pronouns. They make it unnecessarily hard to discuss persons in a gender-neutral manner.

I prefer somethings stay the same.
Link has always been a boy.

Great news!I knew Aonuma had common sense.It goes to say that not every rumor Emily gives is true.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.