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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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BvS has now passed Spider-Man 2 worldwide to become the 8th highest grossing comic book movie of all time.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:

Seems fair. I gave the movie a 6.5. I have to say thats the worst Lex Luthor and most depressing Superman ever created. Henry Cavill is great, but wow what a shitty script. 

That's pretty much what I gave it. 

Affleck was fantastic, and Alfred might be my favorite version of the character. Henry Cavill is doing the best with what he has. Wonder Woman was pretty good.

Basically everything else (from a comicbook fan standpoint and a movie lover standpoint) was bad or subpar.

Should be past $800 million world wide once today's numbers come in. $900 million is still doable, if it really got $170 from marketing deals then it should easily be more profitable then Man of Steel eventually.

Official numbers are in from yesterday along with much anticipated foreign numbers. It's already passed $800 million worldwide now:


Also, I don't personally think they should release the extended cut in theaters unless they have some hard evidence that shows they'll get NEW faces in to see the movie. Otherwise they'll just be double dipping into fans pockets who've already seen it and they won't be expanding their potential fan base. Instead, they need to tell the public that they'll take the criticisms the movie faced and learn from them to make sure Justice League delivers where people expect it to. 

Anyone have the list of top grossing comic book films for comparison?

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Wyrdness said:
Anyone have the list of top grossing comic book films for comparison?


No idea about this list for worldwide numbers. BvsS can be really happy about the good opening, the hype helped a lot to get people in the cinemas before word of mouth started to kill the legs.   

Kinda funny that a movie that came screaming out the gate this fast has sputtered to a halt.

It's barely creeping past 800 million worldwide. Now, that's not a small amount of money, but this is a movie that should have been up there alongside the Avengers 1 and 2 (1.5 and 1.4 billion, respectively). As it stands, it almost certainly won't break 1 billion (something that 5 movies did last year) and may not even hit 900 million.

Given this weekend's numbers Domestically, as well as it's current status, I'm actually willing to bet that, when it's all said and done, Zootopia will make more money. At least in the US (And maybe internationally, too)

How sad is that. a Furry movie with nudist elephants and stoner goats not based on a previously existing IP may beat the DC Holy Trinity and major kickoff to the DC Extended Cinematic Universe.

IT's not much of a relief, since it's still gonna make money in the end, but it's nice to see a bad movie performing below expectations.

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Will get close to the 900 million box office mark worldwide. Of course, the studio will recieve just under half(40-45%) of the total gross, with the cinemas taking the remainder. Considering the production budget is being reported as being 250 million as well as the supposed 150 million worldwide marketing budget, the movie won't be considered a success for Warner Brothers. Just breaking even or making a slight profit is essentially a waste of time considering those efforts could have been utilized elsewhere. WB need to manage their budgets better. Tone down the CGI, ground the movie down slightly and streamline the script so audiences don't get mental fatigue(the movie went for much too long and infused too many concepts in order to set up Justice League). 250 million budget is ridiculous considering Deadpool was made with something like 60 million and looks as good and was a much more enjoyable movie. That movie made 800 million worldwide. Go figure.

Guitarguy said:

Will get close to the 900 million box office mark worldwide. Of course, the studio will recieve just under half(40-45%) of the total gross, with the cinemas taking the remainder. Considering the production budget is being reported as being 250 million as well as the supposed 150 million worldwide marketing budget, the movie won't be considered a success for Warner Brothers. Just breaking even or making a slight profit is essentially a waste of time considering those efforts could have been utilized elsewhere. WB need to manage their budgets better. Tone down the CGI, ground the movie down slightly and streamline the script so audiences don't get mental fatigue(the movie went for much too long and infused too many concepts in order to set up Justice League). 250 million budget is ridiculous considering Deadpool was made with something like 60 million and looks as good and was a much more enjoyable movie. That movie made 800 million worldwide. Go figure.

There are articles saying exactly what you are saying here, anyone with any critical sense will agree with you, and yet fans will clain because itll end up making somewhere around 860-880 M worldwide it was a smashing sucess. Ppl realy need to put the box office of this movie in perspective, its like if the first Avengers movie had made 850M worldwide, Disney wouldve shut down the MCU on the spot. Only reason Warner wont do the same and reboot the whole thing is because they can´t afford to,  they already made too many mistakes with Super Heroes movies, they don´t have public trust anymore, they need to get what they started, turn it around and make it work.

DakonBlackblade said:
Guitarguy said:

Will get close to the 900 million box office mark worldwide. Of course, the studio will recieve just under half(40-45%) of the total gross, with the cinemas taking the remainder. Considering the production budget is being reported as being 250 million as well as the supposed 150 million worldwide marketing budget, the movie won't be considered a success for Warner Brothers. Just breaking even or making a slight profit is essentially a waste of time considering those efforts could have been utilized elsewhere. WB need to manage their budgets better. Tone down the CGI, ground the movie down slightly and streamline the script so audiences don't get mental fatigue(the movie went for much too long and infused too many concepts in order to set up Justice League). 250 million budget is ridiculous considering Deadpool was made with something like 60 million and looks as good and was a much more enjoyable movie. That movie made 800 million worldwide. Go figure.

There are articles saying exactly what you are saying here, anyone with any critical sense will agree with you, and yet fans will clain because itll end up making somewhere around 860-880 M worldwide it was a smashing sucess. Ppl realy need to put the box office of this movie in perspective, its like if the first Avengers movie had made 850M worldwide, Disney wouldve shut down the MCU on the spot. Only reason Warner wont do the same and reboot the whole thing is because they can´t afford to,  they already made too many mistakes with Super Heroes movies, they don´t have public trust anymore, they need to get what they started, turn it around and make it work.

The Avengers isn't a fair comparison in any way, and I think you should realize that considering how well thought your post is. 

How well established was the MCU when the first Avengers broke? 6 films? 7? This is the SECOND film in the DCEU - Green Lantern would have been first but they're scratching that entirely and rebooting. Man of Steel was the ONLY stepping stone for BvS and for it to reach $800 million IS a success in its own right. And for such a success Deadpool was and how Marvel fans are screamimg about it, BvS surpassed it WW already. Of course, we can't deny how sluggish this has been since week 1, but it wasn't a complete failure either. It'll inch close to $900 million which is impressive no matter how you spin it. Do I agree that in many ways this should have easily hit $1 billion? Yes, and I do blame some of that on Snyder and the critics reactions to the film. If the film had even 50% favorable reviews, it'd probably be over $900 million this weekend. It was slaughtered by critics (right or wrong), and it's up to WB to learn from BvS and make Justice League and the rest of the DCEU better.