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Kinda funny that a movie that came screaming out the gate this fast has sputtered to a halt.

It's barely creeping past 800 million worldwide. Now, that's not a small amount of money, but this is a movie that should have been up there alongside the Avengers 1 and 2 (1.5 and 1.4 billion, respectively). As it stands, it almost certainly won't break 1 billion (something that 5 movies did last year) and may not even hit 900 million.

Given this weekend's numbers Domestically, as well as it's current status, I'm actually willing to bet that, when it's all said and done, Zootopia will make more money. At least in the US (And maybe internationally, too)

How sad is that. a Furry movie with nudist elephants and stoner goats not based on a previously existing IP may beat the DC Holy Trinity and major kickoff to the DC Extended Cinematic Universe.

IT's not much of a relief, since it's still gonna make money in the end, but it's nice to see a bad movie performing below expectations.

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