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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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Lawlight said:
V-r0cK said:

We're on a website that deals with sales and we also discuss about the legs of sales where this is the is an exact scenario of a game sales so thought I'd just share this.

What would happen if a huge game like CoD had an amazing first week then from then on sales plummet like crazy.  What would that tell you about the game or gamers revolving around that game?  You still don't think that would mean anything?  BvS may have passed most of other other superhero movies opening gross but if that article indicates a pattern of huge sales drop then BvS may not even make it to $1B lifetime.  I'm no expert that's why im looking forward to see next week's sales to see how true that article is.

If you want to defend the BvS movie then fine but dont shoot the messenger.

If CoD plummeted, it still wouldn't mean anything if the game ultimately sold a lot.

That doesn't make any sense.  

In the scenario we're discussing, in order for it to ultimately sell alot it has to keep selling.  In these industries CoD or BvS aren't suppose to plummet a week after launch as they cant just rely on the first week/weekend sales but the following weeks as well.  If BvS plummets now then there sales will end at roughly $500M ww lifetime and that would be pretty bad compared to most recent superhero movies/blockbuster movies.  

It's all about good legs and that's what the initial article was talking about.

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V-r0cK said:
Lawlight said:

If CoD plummeted, it still wouldn't mean anything if the game ultimately sold a lot.

That doesn't make any sense.  

In the scenario we're discussing, in order for it to ultimately sell alot it has to keep selling.  In these industries CoD or BvS aren't suppose to plummet a week after launch as they cant just rely on the first week/weekend sales but the following weeks as well.  If BvS plummets now then there sales will end at roughly $500M ww lifetime and that would be pretty bad compared to most recent superhero movies/blockbuster movies.  

It's all about good legs and that's what the initial article was talking about.

At 500 million, it would not be profitable. People really have taken box office mojo formula of profitability too black and white. 


Acevil said:
V-r0cK said:

That doesn't make any sense.  

In the scenario we're discussing, in order for it to ultimately sell alot it has to keep selling.  In these industries CoD or BvS aren't suppose to plummet a week after launch as they cant just rely on the first week/weekend sales but the following weeks as well.  If BvS plummets now then there sales will end at roughly $500M ww lifetime and that would be pretty bad compared to most recent superhero movies/blockbuster movies.  

It's all about good legs and that's what the initial article was talking about.

At 500 million, it would not be profitable. People really have taken box office mojo formula of profitability too black and white. 

Oh I know $500M is not enough at all.  

Just been stating that regardless of BvS huge opening, it needs good legs.  And an article I've posted earlier stated that ticket sales have broken record of biggest blockbuster drop in sales day after day.  But some believe that that doesn't mean anything and its huge opening is enough.

Acevil said:
V-r0cK said:

That doesn't make any sense.  

In the scenario we're discussing, in order for it to ultimately sell alot it has to keep selling.  In these industries CoD or BvS aren't suppose to plummet a week after launch as they cant just rely on the first week/weekend sales but the following weeks as well.  If BvS plummets now then there sales will end at roughly $500M ww lifetime and that would be pretty bad compared to most recent superhero movies/blockbuster movies.  

It's all about good legs and that's what the initial article was talking about.

At 500 million, it would not be profitable. People really have taken box office mojo formula of profitability too black and white. 

As oposed to your word?

Hynad said:
Acevil said:

At 500 million, it would not be profitable. People really have taken box office mojo formula of profitability too black and white. 

As oposed to your word?

Because it is common sense, and you can actually research it yourself, that other costs exist, or do you realistically think marketing budget and variable costs are in production budget


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Acevil said:
Hynad said:

As oposed to your word?

Because it is common sense, and you can actually research it yourself, that other costs exist, or do you realistically think marketing budget and variable costs are in production budget

Is that all you got?

You claim that the movie isn't yet profitable. But you have no idea how much they spent on marketing, among other expenses. You bring this up, but have nothing to back anything. Just "I think my common sense is enough to make such claims".

Sorry, that's not enough to take you seriously.

Hynad said:
Acevil said:

Because it is common sense, and you can actually research it yourself, that other costs exist, or do you realistically think marketing budget and variable costs are in production budget

Is that all you got?

You claim that the movie isn't yet profitable. But you have no idea how much they spent on marketing, among other expenses. You bring this up, but have nothing to back anything. Just "I think my common sense is enough to make such claims".

Sorry, that's not enough to take you seriously.

Yes, because unless it is leaked, you cannot know. That is how the industry is, and that revenue number, isn't what the studio is getting either. However again unless something leaks, you will not know exact numbers. 

When it comes to Video Games or Movies, you rarely know the marketing budget and other costs associated outside of the production budget. In Box Office Mojo it even states this is the PRODUCTION BUDGET, not TOTAL BUDGET.


Acevil said:
Hynad said:

Is that all you got?

You claim that the movie isn't yet profitable. But you have no idea how much they spent on marketing, among other expenses. You bring this up, but have nothing to back anything. Just "I think my common sense is enough to make such claims".

Sorry, that's not enough to take you seriously.

Yes, because unless it is leaked, you cannot know. That is how the industry is, and that revenue number, isn't what the studio is getting either. However again unless something leaks, you will not know exact numbers. 

When it comes to Video Games or Movies, you rarely know the marketing budget and other costs associated outside of the production budget. In Box Office Mojo it even states this is the PRODUCTION BUDGET, not TOTAL BUDGET.

Indeed. Different movie, a decade ago. That's proof enough. 


Acevil said:
Hynad said:

As oposed to your word?

Because it is common sense, and you can actually research it yourself, that other costs exist, or do you realistically think marketing budget and variable costs are in production budget

Show everyone the the total cost of this movie then, if you're going to claim it wasn't profitable show figures highlighting this, those who don't aggree with you have something backing them up in the sales numbers now it's your turn to back your stance.

420m in one weekend is also over half of what Deadpool has made in total so far and that movie itself holds a record.

Wyrdness said:
Acevil said:

Because it is common sense, and you can actually research it yourself, that other costs exist, or do you realistically think marketing budget and variable costs are in production budget

Show everyone the the total cost of this movie then, if you're going to claim it wasn't profitable show figures highlighting this, those who don't aggree with you have something backing them up in the sales numbers now it's your turn to back your stance.

420m in one weekend is also over half of what Deadpool has made in total so far and that movie itself holds a record.

See I like using absolutes, but since I can not use absolutes financial statements, here have this

As for the other costs associated, I am sorry I cannot provide that evidence, because that is well hidden in books that I would never have access to. 

You guys know I am stating this movie will be profitable, right, just saying the statement at 420 million WW it isn't profitable yet, because that isn't how financial data works.