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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 4.5 PRICE, RELEASE DATE! - The Know (RUMOUR?)

Oops. I'm going to buy another PS4...................................................................................................................................................................................?

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

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MortienGerrux said:

The Nvidia Tegra X1 mobile chip, has 1 Teraflops of processing power, the XB1 has 1.31 Teraflops and the PS4 has 1.84 Teraflops. So we have a 10 watt mobile chip that's nearly as powerful as the Xbox One.

You comparing 32FP performance to 16FP.  It a common mistake since mobile apu advitise there 16FP performance while video cards/consoles almost always list there 32FP performance.

The Nvidia Tegra X1 FP32 performance is 512 GigaFlops.  less then half of the XB1 and PS4.  

Cyran said:
MortienGerrux said:

The Nvidia Tegra X1 mobile chip, has 1 Teraflops of processing power, the XB1 has 1.31 Teraflops and the PS4 has 1.84 Teraflops. So we have a 10 watt mobile chip that's nearly as powerful as the Xbox One.

You comparing 32FP performance to 16FP.  It a common mistake since mobile apu advitise there 16FP performance while video cards/consoles almost always list there 32FP performance.

The Nvidia Tegra X1 FP32 performance is 512 GigaFlops.  less then half of the XB1 and PS4.  

That's the K1 in the 2014 Nvidia Shield Tablet, the X1 was released at CES 2015 and is the chip in the Nvidia Android TV box.

Nvidia showed two X1's running in a self driving car system, with a total power of 2.3 Teraflops, which is more then the PS4.

Imagine if they used that for the PS4.5 they could make it 10x smaller then the current PS4.


I love the sound of technical stuff, but it hurts my head. Can't wait to see how this goes over. Expect reasonable trade ins.

Is there somewhere a 'video; didn't watch'? I'm not going to watch a stupid video for information I could read in a minute or so if there was a written version.

Around the Network
MortienGerrux said:

KBG29 said:

 Not sure how long you have been following the gaming market, but I can tell you from experience that this kind of talk has been going on for 20+ years I have been following the market. People always under estimate what is going to be in a console. During the build up to PS3 people where saying that the console would most likely only have 128MB of RAM, if you said it was going to have 256MB people said you where bat shit crazy. Then when it was announced with 512MB people where amazed for about a second, until they decided well it should have had 1GB. Go forward to the PS4 launch, and people where dead set it would have 2GB of RAM, and at the most 4GB. Then MS and Sony both came with 8GB of RAM. Again, people where blown away, until they decided well it should have had 16GB. 

Console generations have been having roughly a 14x increase in RAM every generation since PS1 when I started following gaming. For a console to be a generational leap on the same level as we have seen in the past it would have to have 128GB of RAM. Anything less would only be a partial leap, or a PS4.X.

The way I see it, a PS4 Spec 2 releasing in 2016 - 2017 should have 16GB of RAM, then a PS4 Spec 3 releasing in 2019 - 2020 should have 32GB or RAM. Then in 2024 the release of the PS5 we should have a device with 128GB of RAM.

Yeah because having 128GB of ram  gives you 0 extra FPS compared to 8GB of ram in a normal budget PC.

16GB is already considered overkill for gaming purposes. We won't go past 16GB for the next 5-10 years. 8GB has been the sweetspot for like +5 years now.

Give it time, RAM requirements will sky rocket soon. As SSD prices fall larger files will start to become more prevalent. You have to have super fast storage in tandem with that amount of RAM, and once the market hss a high enough concentration of super fast storage, you will see this take effect.

8GB is on the very low end at this point. 16GB is pretty much a necessity if you want 4K and multi-tasking. 32GB would be overkill, but it would not be a generational leap. That is why we are seeing these moves from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. There is tech that is worth upgrading to, but it is not enough to move from one platform to another. Thus these spec 2 and possibly spec 3 and 4 platforms will happen.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
MortienGerrux said:

Yeah because having 128GB of ram  gives you 0 extra FPS compared to 8GB of ram in a normal budget PC.

16GB is already considered overkill for gaming purposes. We won't go past 16GB for the next 5-10 years. 8GB has been the sweetspot for like +5 years now.

Give it time, RAM requirements will sky rocket soon. As SSD prices fall larger files will start to become more prevalent. You have to have super fast storage in tandem with that amount of RAM, and once the market hss a high enough concentration of super fast storage, you will see this take effect.

8GB is on the very low end at this point. 16GB is pretty much a necessity if you want 4K and multi-tasking. 32GB would be overkill, but it would not be a generational leap. That is why we are seeing these moves from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. There is tech that is worth upgrading to, but it is not enough to move from one platform to another. Thus these spec 2 and possibly spec 3 and 4 platforms will happen.

If the "mainstream-pc" with a GTX 970 or R9 390 is already 200-250% more powerful then the PS4 then how will it survive until 2024?

tsk tsk... its so sad to see so many hoopla over nothing.

remember the psp?
psp 1000
psp 2000
psp 3000

psp 3000 had more ram or something and what not... did anyone take advantage that it was better and released a game that the psp 1000 couldnt run?... yeah... nope.. only nintendo would be that dumb to allow that shyet to happen.

so, to everyone going bananas, take a deep breath and chillax

MortienGerrux said:
Cyran said:

You comparing 32FP performance to 16FP.  It a common mistake since mobile apu advitise there 16FP performance while video cards/consoles almost always list there 32FP performance.

The Nvidia Tegra X1 FP32 performance is 512 GigaFlops.  less then half of the XB1 and PS4.  

That's the K1 in the 2014 Nvidia Shield Tablet, the X1 was released at CES 2015 and is the chip in the Nvidia Android TV box.

Nvidia showed two X1's running in a self driving car system, with a total power of 2.3 Teraflops, which is more then the PS4.

Imagine if they used that for the PS4.5 they could make it 10x smaller then the current PS4.


No read the first the pargraph of the article you posted.

"two Tegra X1 Chips, for an impressive total of upto 2.3 TeraFlops of compute power on FP16."

So 2.3/2 = 1.15 at FP16.  You need to divde again by 2 to get the FP32 performance which is 575 which basically what I said.  The PS4 is still more then double the performance at FP32.

MortienGerrux said:
KBG29 said:

Give it time, RAM requirements will sky rocket soon. As SSD prices fall larger files will start to become more prevalent. You have to have super fast storage in tandem with that amount of RAM, and once the market hss a high enough concentration of super fast storage, you will see this take effect.

8GB is on the very low end at this point. 16GB is pretty much a necessity if you want 4K and multi-tasking. 32GB would be overkill, but it would not be a generational leap. That is why we are seeing these moves from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. There is tech that is worth upgrading to, but it is not enough to move from one platform to another. Thus these spec 2 and possibly spec 3 and 4 platforms will happen.

If the "mainstream-pc" with a GTX 970 or R9 390 is already 200-250% more powerful then the PS4 then how will it survive until 2024?

PS4 will stay relevant through these tiered upgrades until a true generational leap can take place.

This PS4K will easily be as powerful as the HD7970 which had ~4TF of performance. It should also move to 16GB of RAM. 

With those stats, PS4 Spec 2 will hold its own with the big boys for another 3 - 4 years. Then a PS4 Spec 3 should take its place until the PS5 is released. 


The original PS4 will continue to see support throughout the entire life cycle, as it is more than capable of continuing to output 900p/30fps games  that are closer to the 1440p and 4K of the Spec 2 & 3 PS4's than the PS3/360 versions where in comparison to PS4/XBO titles. This will be a lot easier task than when devs where building for PS3/PS4/360/XBO/PC, as the tech between PS4 & XBO's upgrades will be nearly identical compared to the techs of those platforms.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams