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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 4.5 PRICE, RELEASE DATE! - The Know (RUMOUR?)

DF finally has a comparison between 3DS and N3DS, see what all that extra power gets you.
Basically the upgrade compares to going to a 16 core 5.4 ghz ps4 with 16GB memory. Only the GPU stays the same as apparently it was underused yet gets 1.67x increase in vram.

There's apparently 2 games that use it with mixed results.
Hyrule warriors, 20 fps on 3DS, 30 fps on N3DS
Monter hunter 4 ultimate, 30 fps on 3DS circle pad required, 45-50 fps on N3DS with improved textures
And there are a couple exclusives for N3DS like Xenoblade Chronicles.

Existing games do not run any better. (Load faster though and you can use a hack to make some games run faster)

Now is this worth increasing the price of a mid gen slim version for?
The possible power increase for ps4 will be a lot less, no 1440p gaming, no 30 to 60 fps bumps, doubt any dev will bother with specific enhancements for ps4.5 or bring out patches for old games. There is no incentive to do so. Any improvements will be for the OS.

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KBG29 said:

 The games on PS4 Spec 2 are not going to be any different than on the day one PS4. The only difference will be frame rate, resolution, lighting textures, etc. 

Oh, only framerate, resolution, lighting, textures, etc?

You're right, that won't make games ANY different from the day one PS4.  /smh.

ratchet426 said:

KBG29 said:

 The games on PS4 Spec 2 are not going to be any different than on the day one PS4. The only difference will be frame rate, resolution, lighting textures, etc. 

Oh, only framerate, resolution, lighting, textures, etc?

You're right, that won't make games ANY different from the day one PS4.  /smh.


Why do you care? Your device can play ALL the same games. Do you get all bent out of shape a year after you upgrade your phone and a new gen is released?


Keep in mind the og ps4 will be probably 40% cheaper and already have 45-50m in the wild. Developers will use the og as the base.

Probably just a PS4 Slim with 4K video playback and maybe some intergrated VR features.

Regardless, this E3 will be completely EPIC!

Honestly, everyone bitching about this should blame Nintendo and Microsoft. They are the ones that already declared they are short circuiting the generation. Sony needs to play their game too.

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Azuren said:
FIT_Gamer said:

Yeah a loss of 100%. I't won't be a 4K gaming console. I still don't understand how anyone thinks it will be. More likely a Slim model with 4K video streaming, and possibly slightly more optimized. 4K just doesn't make sense right now, majority don't even own 4K tvs and the currently model of PSVR couldn't even take advantage of 4K. 

While I agree it would be a huge loss, I suggest you look at your numbers again. 100% loss would giving it away for free. 

lol it was an exaggeration. I just meant they might as well just be handing them out at that price for a 4K gaming machine. 

KBG29 said:

My guess is that the next generation of consoles will be in late 2018 or early 2019 when Nvidia Volta/Next-Gen AMD arhictecture releases.

The problem with that is those new chips are not a significant enough upgrade to justify a whole new generation of consoles. They don't even equate to half the jump we saw between PS3 and PS4. The same can be said about the CPU and the RAM as well, a true next gen console needs to have at least 128GB of RAM to see the same leap we have seen in every PS generation so far. Additionally SSD tech is still not cheap enough to put in a console, and that is going to be a good part of the baseline for and new generation console, because it is going to require that type of read write speeds as a standard to achive truly next level games on both VR an traditional gaming. 

I appreciate your dedication, but please don't talk about hardware if you don't know a lot about it.

We don't need 128GB of ram to get a new generation of consoles. In February 2013 when the PS4 was announced the best video card was the GTX 680.

In Juni 2015 we got the GTX 980Ti which is 2-2.5x more powerful then the GTX 680. Hardware is advancing faster then ever.

Consoles arn't going anywhere, but the traditional console business model is dead. Devices like the Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV Box, and Roku are all gaming platforms as well. PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo are all targeting the same market as these devices. They are also targeting the Cable and Satellite box industry as well. All of these devices are fighting for that position under the TV, and that is a place that PC towers are never going to hold a large market.

I don't know, even the hardware charts here on VGChartz say console sales have dropped 250% since 2009.

Why should people get a console when in 2-3 years they can have the same power as the PS4 in a tablet? A few years later even in a smartphone? All they need to do is port games over to Android or Ios. I'm already astonished why games like Fifa 16 aren't on smartphones and tablets yet. Connect the smartphone/tablet to the TV and a bluetooth controller and you have a portable console.

The Nvidia Tegra X1 mobile chip, has 1 Teraflops of processing power, the XB1 has 1.31 Teraflops and the PS4 has 1.84 Teraflops. So we have a 10 watt mobile chip that's nearly as powerful as the Xbox One.

MortienGerrux said:
KBG29 said:

I appreciate your dedication, but please don't talk about hardware if you don't know a lot about it.

We don't need 128GB of ram to get a new generation of consoles. In February 2013 when the PS4 was announced the best video card was the GTX 680.

In Juni 2015 we got the GTX 980Ti which is 2-2.5x more powerful then the GTX 680. Hardware is advancing faster then ever.

Consoles arn't going anywhere, but the traditional console business model is dead. Devices like the Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV Box, and Roku are all gaming platforms as well. PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo are all targeting the same market as these devices. They are also targeting the Cable and Satellite box industry as well. All of these devices are fighting for that position under the TV, and that is a place that PC towers are never going to hold a large market.

I don't know, even the hardware charts here on VGChartz say console sales have dropped 250% since 2009.

Why should people get a console when in 2-3 years they can have the same power as the PS4 in a tablet? A few years later even in a smartphone? All they need to do is port games over to Android or Ios. I'm already astonished why games like Fifa 16 aren't on smartphones and tablets yet. Connect the smartphone/tablet to the TV and a bluetooth controller and you have a portable console.

The Nvidia Tegra X1 mobile chip, has 1 Teraflops of processing power, the XB1 has 1.31 Teraflops and the PS4 has 1.84 Teraflops. So we have a 10 watt mobile chip that's nearly as powerful as the Xbox One.

Not sure how long you have been following the gaming market, but I can tell you from experience that this kind of talk has been going on for 20+ years I have been following the market. People always under estimate what is going to be in a console. During the build up to PS3 people where saying that the console would most likely only have 128MB of RAM, if you said it was going to have 256MB people said you where bat shit crazy. Then when it was announced with 512MB people where amazed for about a second, until they decided well it should have had 1GB. Go forward to the PS4 launch, and people where dead set it would have 2GB of RAM, and at the most 4GB. Then MS and Sony both came with 8GB of RAM. Again, people where blown away, until they decided well it should have had 16GB. 

Console generations have been having roughly a 14x increase in RAM every generation since PS1 when I started following gaming. For a console to be a generational leap on the same level as we have seen in the past it would have to have 128GB of RAM. Anything less would only be a partial leap, or a PS4.X.

The way I see it, a PS4 Spec 2 releasing in 2016 - 2017 should have 16GB of RAM, then a PS4 Spec 3 releasing in 2019 - 2020 should have 32GB or RAM. Then in 2024 the release of the PS5 we should have a device with 128GB of RAM.

On the GPU side, for a true generational leap, you have to have something that is roughly 6X the power of the last generation. So if PS4 is 1.84TF you would be looking at a PS5 that has to put out about 11TF. The PS3 was at 400Gflops of single precision processing, with the PS4 at 1.84TF, however, PS4 was a bit lower than many devs had anticipated as they where looking for about 2.4TF of power. At that I would say they would want no less than  14TF from a PS5. Currently the top of the line chips, the Titan X only has 7TF, and the R9 Fury X is at 8.6TF. Nvidia's Pascal chips which should be releasing soon, are getting close. The flagship pascal chip is suppossed to have 12TF of single precision performance. This is going to be very limited in supply, and well over $1000, and that price/power won't be viable in the console space for quite some time.

In this department, I can see the PS4 Spec 2 doubling the performance of the PS4 while still maintaing the $400 sweet spot for the console market. So we will likely see around 4TF of single precision performance. With the PS4 Spec 3 I think we will be getting closer to the performance of the current top of the line GPU's, this will give us about 8 - 10TF of performance. Once the PS5 launchs in 2024 I could see it reaching about 40TF of performance if nvidias estimates for Volta putting out those number in 2018 - 2019 are true. 


As for the battle between what people label as PC's, consoles, tablets, smartphones, and handhelds, I am not even going to get in to that. 

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


I'd suppose Sony will make it a requirement that any game developed will have to run on the OG PS4, with this PS4.5 thing only getting a better running version, so no exclusives.

KBG29 said:

 Not sure how long you have been following the gaming market, but I can tell you from experience that this kind of talk has been going on for 20+ years I have been following the market. People always under estimate what is going to be in a console. During the build up to PS3 people where saying that the console would most likely only have 128MB of RAM, if you said it was going to have 256MB people said you where bat shit crazy. Then when it was announced with 512MB people where amazed for about a second, until they decided well it should have had 1GB. Go forward to the PS4 launch, and people where dead set it would have 2GB of RAM, and at the most 4GB. Then MS and Sony both came with 8GB of RAM. Again, people where blown away, until they decided well it should have had 16GB. 

Console generations have been having roughly a 14x increase in RAM every generation since PS1 when I started following gaming. For a console to be a generational leap on the same level as we have seen in the past it would have to have 128GB of RAM. Anything less would only be a partial leap, or a PS4.X.

The way I see it, a PS4 Spec 2 releasing in 2016 - 2017 should have 16GB of RAM, then a PS4 Spec 3 releasing in 2019 - 2020 should have 32GB or RAM. Then in 2024 the release of the PS5 we should have a device with 128GB of RAM.

Yeah because having 128GB of ram  gives you 0 extra FPS compared to 8GB of ram in a normal budget PC.

16GB is already considered overkill for gaming purposes. We won't go past 16GB for the next 5-10 years. 8GB has been the sweetspot for like +5 years now.