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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

spemanig said:
Luke888 said:

It's just fact that MK games release 3 years one after the other, MK8 released in 2014 and MK7 in 2011, MK Wii in 2008 and so on...

I think this situation is a bit different. The reason they can release to frequently is because of the platforms they release on. This next MK is going to be the successor to both handheld and console Mario Kart. This is going to be a big turning point for the franchise, and that's not happening only three years after the console variant.

Again, it doesn't matter though. You can replace a new Mario Kart with Diddy Kong Racing Returns and your actual point remains the same.

MK8 released in May 2014, I am pretty sure Nintendo can prepare MK9 for end of 2017, 3.5 years after last one.

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Einsam_Delphin said:
KLXVER said:

Dont worry. Nintendo will make The Thousand Year Door available on the NX VC and he`ll be in a good mood again


I still have my gamecube copy and a working Wii so I wouldn't care if they did that. Only a new Paper Mario game that's actually good will cheer me up towards the franchise. Same with Mario Party.

Yeah, like you wont buy the new Paper Mario.

SJReiter said:
Ok, so here's the thing that I think some people are missing is all this.

Just because a product 'ceases production' at a certain point, it doesn't mean that all copies of that product immediately vanish from store shelves. I remember reading last year that one reason why Nintendo was so profitable in 2014 was because they didn't have to manufacture any Wii Us that year. Every Wii U sold was produced in 2013. This may not be 100% correct but I remember reading something along those lines.

Anyway, I'm pretty certain that even if they cease production of the Wii U by the end of this year, you will still see Wii Us on store shelves well into 2017, probably even into 2018.

Maaaaybe some into 2017, simply because demand for the system is so low to begin with, but 2018? Nah. 

First of all retail space is not finite, retailers are going to want this gone as fast as possible so they can use that space for something that actually sells. 

Secondly, I don't know if people know the history of the GameCube but about mid-way through the GameCube's life cycle Nintendo made a grave error in overproducing the system so much so that they had to halt production for several months because of a glut of inventory. This was seen as a big black eye for Iwata's early days as president. 

This is also why it was so hard to find Wiis early on, Nintendo underproduced because they were so hurt by what happened with the GameCube that they didn't want that they were overly cautious with the Wii. 

People who don't understand finacials also need to understand a glut of unsold inventory is one of the major things investors look at in financial briefings and that can damage the stock price badly. 

KLXVER said:
zorg1000 said:

Im sorry that you cant follow what is going on, he said other companies would love to have IP as popular as Nintendo does, then u brought up something that has nothing to do with what he said. Now ur just going around in circles.

Sure they would love to have them, but their consoles are still outselling Nintendo consoles. So how much do they really want them? Who do you think needs what most? Sony and MS consoles needing Nintendo IPs or Nintendo consoles needing 3rd party?

Again, that has nothing to do with the original statement. The points that you are making are irrelevant to the original point which was that Nintendo's strong IP are their biggest strength.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Soundwave said:

Don't think having the most third party support is a "gimmick". Forget the PS2, GameCube couldn't even beat the XBox and the XBox only had 4 years on market and GCN was $99.99 for the entire second half of its life cycle. 

Nintendo has branding issues IMO. A lot of people (whether we agree or not) don't want to buy a console that's too "cartoony" or "too kid friendly" IMO. 

Given a choice even kids choose something else. I think the Wii was able to overcome this by targetting casual *adults*, but I believe this audience is also now shut off from Nintendo due to sexier/cooler/more convienant smart devices. 

Having a DVD player for that cheap at that time built in was, and again, the GCN had the minidisk problem.

Nintendo definitely does have serious branding issues, but that doesn't stop the above two issues being far more crippling to the GCN's success than Nintendo's brand.

Kids don't choose anything. Parents do. The PS2 targeted those same casual adults. With its DVD player. The PS1 did too. With its CD player. Same with PSP. With its being a portable multimedia device before the iphone. You know, their gimmicks.

Everyone lost those types of casuals, not just Wii. Wii and DS took them from Playstation and Apple took them from Wii and DS (and PSP). Now no one has them so it's only gamers in a way it hasn't been since Gen 4, and Nintendo can easily win that with good hardware that has no caveats, something they literally haven't done on the console front since the Super Nintendo aka Gen 4.

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KLXVER said:
Aerys said:

I can show you plenty of french ones with whom i talked for years and were hardcore fans of nintendo, and then  became, like me, former nintendo fans after the WiiU

Well then I dont know what to tell you. Not sure what you hated so much about the WiiU that the Wii and GC did right, but thats fine. 

It's more about what i found in precedent nintendo consoles and didnt in WiiU ( though Wii hadnt as much as i hoped for but at least it had so many different exclusives with innovative gameplay that it made it unique, something new and fresh style even if the nintendo titles themselves disappointed me for most compared to gamecube versions , but the WiiU has not enough exclusive good games + not enough nintendo games i was waiting for ( the game that could have make me rebuy it, Zelda, wont even be exclusive to WiiU, it says a lot, even though i will be more careful next time and wait years before i buy NX to see if they dont make the same mistakes), thats too far from the cult consoles that the n64/GC/Wii were, thats the point, it will be the most forgettable console of nintendo for me ( and a lot of other people i guess)

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


zorg1000 said:
KLXVER said:

Sure they would love to have them, but their consoles are still outselling Nintendo consoles. So how much do they really want them? Who do you think needs what most? Sony and MS consoles needing Nintendo IPs or Nintendo consoles needing 3rd party?

Again, that has nothing to do with the original statement. The points that you are making are irrelevant to the original point which was that Nintendo's strong IP are their biggest strength.

and I compared that to Sony and MS. If their IPs are Nintendos biggest strength, then its obviously not enough. That was my point.

I dont think ill bother with the NX either, if that rumoured control is real, i dont like the look of it at all, would have to blow my socks off for me to consider purchasing it.


Aerys said:
KLXVER said:

Well then I dont know what to tell you. Not sure what you hated so much about the WiiU that the Wii and GC did right, but thats fine. 

It's more about what i found in precedent nintendo consoles and didnt in WiiU ( though Wii hadnt as much as i hoped for but at least it had so many different exclusives with innovative gameplay that it made it unique, something new and fresh style even if the nintendo titles themselves disappointed me for most compared to gamecube versions , but the WiiU has not enough exclusive good games + not enough nintendo games i was waiting for ( the game that could have make me rebuy it, Zelda, wont even be exclusive to WiiU, it says a lot, even though i will be more careful next time and wait years before i buy NX to see if they dont make the same mistakes), thats too far from the cult consoles that the n64/GC/Wii were, thats the point, it will be the most forgettable console of nintendo for me ( and a lot of other people i guess)

Ok, so you didnt like many of the games on the console. Thats fine. I dont like many games on the PS1. Doesnt mean I hate it though.

Wright said:

You'll be in depression for a long time then, I'm afraid.


I know... <(ToT<)


KLXVER said:

Yeah, like you wont buy the new Paper Mario.


Oh cmon now. I think I've made it pretty clear how I much I freakin hate that game, and I've only done so based on it's own merits. Don't even get me started on how it and Sticker Star are absolute disgusting disgraces to the Paper Mario series.