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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I demand a sequel to Xenoblade X!


Do you want a sequel to Xenoblade X?

Yes 128 59.81%
No 26 12.15%
That's a stupid question 15 7.01%
I don't even own that game 13 6.07%
I don't even own a Wii U 13 6.07%
I don't even have a current gen system 5 2.34%
I don't even do gaming 5 2.34%
I just want to wonder why... 9 4.21%
maxleresistant said:
bigtakilla said:

I wouldn't be entirely against them, I just don't see them as a "need" in the slightest.

Because you're a fan, and like every fan, you don't see the limitations of the genre you love.

Monolith focused a lot of efforts in stuffs that were minors, they certainly wanted to do a lot, way too much in my opinion.  It's the basic debate quality VS quantity, I will always side with the quality, I prefer an amazing game that last 2hours that leaves me wanting more, than a tedious game that last 30h that would make me puke if I played it 1 min more. So yes I would have wished that Xenoblade was a more condensed, more interesting game, with more features, better polish, and less useless side quests. But by changing all that, Xenoblade X, is no more Xenoblade X for the people that love Xenoblade X.

I have to say, they thoroughly tested the game, because on a technical standpoint it's really impressive that a game with such an open world doesn't have any technical flaws. 

I seriously hope Nintendo didn't that way with the new Zelda. Open world games can be a lot better than that.

But that wasn't my point. My point wasn't that its a less worse open world game, it's that the new take Monolith took on Xenoblade X is an improvement on the way open world games are. The way shops level up are probably the least tedious of any game I played. It offers TONS of customization at little to none of the current tedious trends open world games have forced on us in recent years. You are saying a smaller cast with a more focused story = quality and I'm saying that's not the case, just that the story is one that is meant to be spread out to numerous chapters, and a smaller cast takes away from the game.

Adding optional content is not a bad thing, nor is it something that needs to be "fixed".  

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bigtakilla said:
maxleresistant said:

Because you're a fan, and like every fan, you don't see the limitations of the genre you love.

Monolith focused a lot of efforts in stuffs that were minors, they certainly wanted to do a lot, way too much in my opinion.  It's the basic debate quality VS quantity, I will always side with the quality, I prefer an amazing game that last 2hours that leaves me wanting more, than a tedious game that last 30h that would make me puke if I played it 1 min more. So yes I would have wished that Xenoblade was a more condensed, more interesting game, with more features, better polish, and less useless side quests. But by changing all that, Xenoblade X, is no more Xenoblade X for the people that love Xenoblade X.

I have to say, they thoroughly tested the game, because on a technical standpoint it's really impressive that a game with such an open world doesn't have any technical flaws. 

I seriously hope Nintendo didn't that way with the new Zelda. Open world games can be a lot better than that.

But that wasn't my point. My point wasn't that its a less worse open world game, it's that the new take Monolith took on Xenoblade X is an improvement on the way open world games are. The way shops level up are probably the least tedious of any game I played. It offers TONS of customization at little to none of the current tedious trends open world games have forced on us in recent years. You are saying a smaller cast with a more focused story = quality and I'm saying that's not the case, just that the story is one that is meant to be spread out to numerous chapters, and a smaller cast takes away from the game.

Adding optional content is not a bad thing, nor is it something that needs to be "fixed".  

I didn't talk about a smaller cast. God this conversation is just tiring. We're getting nowhere.

I'm done. you win, X is perfect.

While I thought X was really good, there is definitely room for improvement in terms of music, pacing, UI, and story.

I find the complaints about XCX to be annoying. It was too long, too complicated, everything had to be learned rather than explained, yada yada.

The concept was you're on this never before mission of humanity to survive. I felt not learning how everything works and coming into it on your own was a product of the developer trying to create a sense of being overwhelmed which is how any of us would feel given earth went bye bye and we're on some unknown rock that looks like it missed out on their own dinosaur extinction. The size and scope was more than appropriate considering it was supposed to be a freaking planet to discover. My only gripe is a lack of New Game Plus. The story, plot holes and everything that came along with it to me felt right in line with the chaos of the situation.

In the next title I would allow the user to adjust the volume of music and maybe switch between having a OST with lyrics and without. 
The camera needs to be tightened and a new approach on how it's being utilized during cinematic scenes. 
In a world where we can battle with giant skells why can't I call L on my cell phone to find out where the hell he is?
Purchase a house or expand on customizing the barracks.
Have a replay story cinematic scene option in the event you forget something or miss a detail.
I love flying and finding more locations but don't forget we have an entire planet to hide Mole people.
scrap the current controls of the automobile mode in a skell and have something a lot tighter, that felt sloppy. 
Greatly increase the avatar design options.
Streamline story missions into more logical chunks and offset that with expanding the side quest numbers. 

Cubedramirez said:
I find the complaints about XCX to be annoying. It was too long, too complicated, everything had to be learned rather than explained, yada yada.

The concept was you're on this never before mission of humanity to survive. I felt not learning how everything works and coming into it on your own was a product of the developer trying to create a sense of being overwhelmed which is how any of us would feel given earth went bye bye and we're on some unknown rock that looks like it missed out on their own dinosaur extinction. The size and scope was more than appropriate considering it was supposed to be a freaking planet to discover. My only gripe is a lack of New Game Plus. The story, plot holes and everything that came along with it to me felt right in line with the chaos of the situation.

How does the horrible NLA music fit into this theory of people's complaints being "in line" with the situation? :P

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curl-6 said:
Cubedramirez said:
I find the complaints about XCX to be annoying. It was too long, too complicated, everything had to be learned rather than explained, yada yada.

The concept was you're on this never before mission of humanity to survive. I felt not learning how everything works and coming into it on your own was a product of the developer trying to create a sense of being overwhelmed which is how any of us would feel given earth went bye bye and we're on some unknown rock that looks like it missed out on their own dinosaur extinction. The size and scope was more than appropriate considering it was supposed to be a freaking planet to discover. My only gripe is a lack of New Game Plus. The story, plot holes and everything that came along with it to me felt right in line with the chaos of the situation.

How does the horrible NLA music fit into this theory of people's complaints being "in line" with the situation? :P

I can't lie, that track was so damn awful. And that's a shame because I really enjoyed the music of the whole game.  I edited my post before I saw your reply and I wanted to add an option to adjust the music volume and select if you want lyrics or no lyrics in your music. Frankly if we could select from a list of tracks and decide where we want them to play that would be my dream setting.   

Cubedramirez said:
curl-6 said:

How does the horrible NLA music fit into this theory of people's complaints being "in line" with the situation? :P

I can't lie, that track was so damn awful. And that's a shame because I really enjoyed the music of the whole game.  I edited my post before I saw your reply and I wanted to add an option to adjust the music volume and select if you want lyrics or no lyrics in your music. Frankly if we could select from a list of tracks and decide where we want them to play that would be my dream setting.   

Yeah, I loved so many of the tracks; the Cauldros, Noctilum, Sylvalum and Oblivia field themes, and the final boss music, for instance. But yeah, most of the songs with English lyrics were cringe-worthy. Sound mixing options would also have helped a lot, voices were often drowned out in cutscenes.

Overall, while I did have some issues with it, XCX was still my GOTY for 2015.

If there is one thing could never understand is why do people not like the lyrical music in XCX? I mean I actually like the Day Theme for NLA (Not night, I dislike that one) . I mean I don't care for the cutscene music but songs like Uncontrollable, Ex001(?) , Both battle themes (skell & on foot), and Don't Worry. I listen to them outside my gaming sessions.

Maybe it's because I have a lot of experience with lyrical music (I'm a big fan of rock and alternative music) that I'm just more open to the idea. Then again I haven't played many RPG's with Orchestrated tracks IE games like Final Fantasy.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

killeryoshis said:
If there is one thing could never understand is why do people not like the lyrical music in XCX? I mean I actually like the Day Theme for NLA (Not night, I dislike that one) . I mean I don't care for the cutscene music but songs like Uncontrollable, Ex001(?) , Both battle themes (skell & on foot), and Don't Worry. I listen to them outside my gaming sessions.

Maybe it's because I have a lot of experience with lyrical music (I'm a big fan of rock and alternative music) that I'm just more open to the idea. Then again I haven't played many RPG's with Orchestrated tracks IE games like Final Fantasy.


The only track I hated was the flying track, not only is it annoying but it plays over the planet music (which is fucking amazing)


killeryoshis said:
If there is one thing could never understand is why do people not like the lyrical music in XCX? I mean I actually like the Day Theme for NLA (Not night, I dislike that one) . I mean I don't care for the cutscene music but songs like Uncontrollable, Ex001(?) , Both battle themes (skell & on foot), and Don't Worry. I listen to them outside my gaming sessions.

Maybe it's because I have a lot of experience with lyrical music (I'm a big fan of rock and alternative music) that I'm just more open to the idea. Then again I haven't played many RPG's with Orchestrated tracks IE games like Final Fantasy.

Because the lyrics sound either badly translated or just plain stupid, and the actual singing is generally poor.