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I find the complaints about XCX to be annoying. It was too long, too complicated, everything had to be learned rather than explained, yada yada.

The concept was you're on this never before mission of humanity to survive. I felt not learning how everything works and coming into it on your own was a product of the developer trying to create a sense of being overwhelmed which is how any of us would feel given earth went bye bye and we're on some unknown rock that looks like it missed out on their own dinosaur extinction. The size and scope was more than appropriate considering it was supposed to be a freaking planet to discover. My only gripe is a lack of New Game Plus. The story, plot holes and everything that came along with it to me felt right in line with the chaos of the situation.

In the next title I would allow the user to adjust the volume of music and maybe switch between having a OST with lyrics and without. 
The camera needs to be tightened and a new approach on how it's being utilized during cinematic scenes. 
In a world where we can battle with giant skells why can't I call L on my cell phone to find out where the hell he is?
Purchase a house or expand on customizing the barracks.
Have a replay story cinematic scene option in the event you forget something or miss a detail.
I love flying and finding more locations but don't forget we have an entire planet to hide Mole people.
scrap the current controls of the automobile mode in a skell and have something a lot tighter, that felt sloppy. 
Greatly increase the avatar design options.
Streamline story missions into more logical chunks and offset that with expanding the side quest numbers.