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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will a wall truly help the US?


Wall for the US?

Yep 76 30.52%
Nope. 173 69.48%

It's so humorous to watch people in the US scream "freedom for all humans!!" back in the 80's when the eastern and western Germans had a wall up and all of a sudden, it's "BUILD A WALL"!!

Hey, here's a concept. Instead of hiding behind "laws" why no just say what you're REALLY thinking. "I'm a bigot, I hate Mexican people and I want them to go home."

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fatslob-:O said:
Why not ?

Every year we get over 200000+ illegal mexicans crossing the border while receiving a $10000+ deficit for each and everyone one of them in the process ...

The wall would likely pay for itself easily in 5 years and if not at the very least in 8 years ...

Immigration is a serious issue in the US and it's one of the reasons why Donald Trump is succeeding in the republican primaries ...

Donald Trump is succeeding because ignorant people believe his lies/bullshit. That 200,000 number might scare the shit out of republicans but it was 1.6million in 2000 and illegal immigration is currently at net zero. Illegal immigrants are also way more important for the US economy than you might think. The wall wouldn´t pay for itself, it would cost the taxpayers every year as long as it stands.

mofili said:

Donald Trump is succeeding because ignorant people believe his lies/bullshit. That 200,000 number might scare the shit out of republicans but it was 1.6million in 2000 and illegal immigration is currently at net zero. Illegal immigrants are also way more important for the US economy than you might think. The wall wouldn´t pay for itself, it would cost the taxpayers every year as long as it stands.

Well aren't we quick to jump on the hate bandwagon ... 

Even if there is hardly any illegal migration anymore what are you going to do about the $50 billion dollar deficit from the still residing illegals from Mexico itself ? 

fatslob-:O said:
Why not ?

Every year we get over 200000+ illegal mexicans crossing the border while receiving a $10000+ deficit for each and everyone one of them in the process ...

The wall would likely pay for itself easily in 5 years and if not at the very least in 8 years ...

Immigration is a serious issue in the US and it's one of the reasons why Donald Trump is succeeding in the republican primaries ...

Because it would do nothing. People will just come a different way.  It will offend all resonable people of the world, bring back ties to WWII Germany, and damage the reputation of the USA around the globe, and with a Large Trading Partner, Mexico.

People crossing the border isn't the problem.  It's the companies that hire people illegally and get away with it that is the problem.  IMO those companies should be charges as violating the employees civil rights (Civil Rights in the USA cover all humans- regardless of where they are born or citizenship.)  And the business managers face crimial charges.

Thousand of business get away with it.  That is the reason people come.  The people aren't the problem, it's the business that exploit them and try to get around US law.

Funny, how some of Trump's own business have been caught, but he hasn't gotten into trouble because of corprate loopholes.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Zappykins said:

Because it would do nothing. People will just come a different way.  It will offend all resonable people of the world, bring back ties to WWII Germany, and damage the reputation of the USA around the globe, and with a Large Trading Partner, Mexico.

People crossing the border isn't the problem.  It's the companies that hire people illegally and get away with it that is the problem.  IMO those companies should be charges as violating the employees civil rights (Civil Rights in the USA cover all humans- regardless of where they are born or citizenship.)  And the business managers face crimial charges.

Thousand of business get away with it.  That is the reason people come.  The people aren't the problem, it's the business that exploit them and try to get around US law.

Funny, how some of Trump's own business have been caught, but he hasn't gotten into trouble because of corprate loopholes.

Who cares if they come in a different way, just deterring most would be enough. Infiltrating most countries and getting a good lifestyle there would be too much work for me so I just mostly stay. Barbed wires should do the trick for most Mexicans out there and your third sentence is a hyperbole ... 

Companies aren't even the root of the issue, they just want low labour costs. Scapegoating businesses here is just asking to derail this thread ... 

The reasons why illegal immigrants come here is to siphon the taxes to get a better life ...

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The awkward moment when immigration is below net zero, more people are leaving the country than joining the country.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Focus on building walls when the infinitely more important infrastructure is collapsing and in disrepair. We won't have to worry about losing money to illegal immigrants when the power grids fucking fail.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Nope, a wall won't help. They already come in tunnels and every other way imaginable. What is a wall going to stop?

ArchangelMadzz said:
The awkward moment when immigration is below net zero, more people are leaving the country than joining the country.

When's that awkward moment coming? It's not happened yet:

waste of money... and not just a small amount billions.