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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will a wall truly help the US?


Wall for the US?

Yep 76 30.52%
Nope. 173 69.48%

The best was when Mexico said "Hey, we're not paying for your stupid wall". And then Trump says " Wall just got 10 feet higher!"

What does that even mean? That's not negotiating. That's not how a president talks. Trump, as president, is going to have to visit with foreign leaders all the time! Do we really want him to be a DICK everywhere he goes? Come on. It was funny for a bit, but it boggles my mind how some people can take him seriously.

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Saying the wall in Israel doesn't work is just stupid. The arabs that are killed trying to get over the wall aren't trying to go to Israel to get a job. They are stopped from randomly killing people at bus stops and markets. As has been stated many many times, the cost of the US/Mexico wall will be taken from the 60+ Billion that Mexico gets from us in trade and aid every year. Literally 2 months worth to pay for it. Sure, 1000s of people will find a way over/under it but not the 100s of thousands that just walk over here every year. Including people who aren't looking for a better life, but to take lives. And with actual enforced laws of employment those 1000s will be out of luck when they do get here. The amount of drugs stopped from coming here will be gigantic. The price of weed will go sky high and really put a dent in use by poor people. That is a benefit not talked about much. I see no downside whatsoever...

Skratchy said:

The best was when Mexico said "Hey, we're not paying for your stupid wall". And then Trump says " Wall just got 10 feet higher!"

What does that even mean? That's not negotiating. That's not how a president talks. Trump, as president, is going to have to visit with foreign leaders all the time! Do we really want him to be a DICK everywhere he goes? Come on. It was funny for a bit, but it boggles my mind how some people can take him seriously.

Yes we do. Why should we care what the leader of mexico thinks of us? He lets his poeple rot in corruption so bad that they leave his country to come to ours. I'd rather a leader that stands up for us and is percieved as a dick, than Obama always apologizing and excusing and being taken for a fool by the rest of the world


Last edited by Zuhyc - on 14 January 2018

Everything about the wall is stupid, and no one explains it better than John Oliver.