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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
JNK said:
deskpro2k3 said:
You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

which game content on the ps4 or even on the ps3 wasnt possible on previous generations (like ps2)?

We already had big open worlds in GTA San andreas and Elder scrolls morrowind as an example.

The content is already the same. Only the graphics are improving.


God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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you overestimate nintendo ips and underestimate sony ips.

JNK said:

no thats exaggereted.

Keep in mind bioshock mobile versions runs on iPhone 5 and above. So this versions only uses the iPhone 5´s power as an base.

The iPhone 6s is already ~10-20 times stronger then the iPhone 5. 

Check this gameplay of crysis 3 running nativly on nvidia shield. Thats an android tv box using an arm cpu (same cpus used in smartphones). The a9x cpu used in the ipad Pro is already stronger then this.

What CPU a device features don't matter when it comes to rendering gaphics ... 

And second the Shield Console is running the game at 20 WATTS, how is a phone going to do that with a 2 WATT TDP ?

Ok first off I play way more games that are Playstation Exclusive than those that are Nintendo Exclusive. Nintendo games have become something of a niche in all seriousness, at least when it comes to those who ONLY play Nintendo games (I do like them myself so don't castrate me). Now I play even more games that are available on X1 and PS4, but not my WiiU. In fact the third party aspect of this totally eclipses Nintendo's entire library. Your logic is flawed.

Furthermore there is a pretty decent leap from PS4 to PS3. I have already explained it once in another thread, but here is a minor example because I am not typing all that again right now. Play any of the Public Events that feature end game bosses in Final Fantasy 14 on PS3 and compare that same fight to playing it on PS4. Do that and tell me which one runs flawlessly and effortlessly and which one has other players, monsters, and the boss itself disappearing or not even showing up on screen because the system can't handle it, which ultimately screws you from the goal making it truly unplayable. This is just one example of the leap.

Also if you think the PS3 could handle Horizon, Infamous SS, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3, Bloodborne (compare to DS2), Driveclub, or any other true current gen game that utilizes the hardware if it had minor visual downgrades, then you are truly clueless. There is a LOT more to these games than just the basic visual upgrade and this is what you fail to mention. What about physics? AI? Draw Distance? Processing what goes on in the world around you? Yeah, the leap is far bigger than you think, even if they are not powerhouses.

And about the screens being posted, anyone can take a bad shot of a in a decent looking PS4 game and compare them to a great shot in The Last of Us and make it look smaller than it is. All it does is show how far you are reaching with this.

So no, I do not agree with you on this.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

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TheBlackNaruto said:
JNK said:
deskpro2k3 said:
You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

which game content on the ps4 or even on the ps3 wasnt possible on previous generations (like ps2)?

We already had big open worlds in GTA San andreas and Elder scrolls morrowind as an example.

The content is already the same. Only the graphics are improving.


God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.

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RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

Don't be so obtuse.

You're acting like others can't make games like those. Sony chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. MS chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. It doesn't mean that either Sony or MS aren't capable.

If Sony or MS wanted to go toe-to-toe with Nintendo on Nintendo's playground, they would. There's just more money in their own playground, and if you haven't noticed, Nintendo's playground keeps getting smaller.

Sony's and Microsoft's track records at making such games is pretty bad. You act as if they haven't tried, but there's plenty of evidence for failure out there.

Also noteworthy, the handheld market is dominated by first party games, because the majority of third parties never took it seriously. Microsoft didn't dare to enter the market, Sony got pushed out. Without third parties, both Sony and Microsoft find themselves unable to compete with Nintendo.

I think Sony got Naughty Dog to make a game like that once... I can't remember how that panned out. Ohh wait, the Crash Bandicoot series for PS1 did 20 million in sales. Now I know that's 3 games, but that's not too shabby compared to Mario 64's 12 million in sales. It seems to me when Sony takes platformers seriously, like Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Now I know that MS hasn't had as much luck but they haven't really tried,  Fable is a bit in that vein. There have been plenty of successful platformers that never touched a Nintendo console.

However, you have that backwards. Without third parties, Nintendo finds itself unable to compete with Sony and Microsoft. The Wii U has many absolutely incredible first party titles - that almost no one in the gaming community has played. Take a look at WIi U sales - that's what happens when you have no third party support.

fatslob-:O said:

What CPU a device features don't matter wen it comes to rendering gaphics ... 

And second the Shield Console is running the game at 20 WATTS, how is a phone going to do that with a 2 WATT TDP ?

Power consumption is already improving very very much.

Smart tvs wont have this problems.


Here is something about the a9x.

That CPU is already running fine on a mobile device.

Its stronger then a Macbook Pro Intel CPU (no ULV cpus)

And the a9x has a low wattage while the macbook pros intel cpus uses around 50 watt.


Mobile Graphic cards are improving as well. 

JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.


Okay before answering...what do you consider when you say "content" because that is a very braod term that incorporates a lot of things. For instance I argue that any game on PS3/PS4, 360/XB1, Wii/Wii U could be made on the PS2 it would just take up 20 disc, not have half the animations, the enviorment would be basically bare/ non exisitent, no real interactions with the enviorment or chracters, not as many weapons and you an go on and on. All of that "content" would not be there because the PS2 can not handle it.

So when you say "content" what are you are being very broad with your breakdowns.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

JNK said:
GProgrammer said:
JNK said:

Nintendo can sell more consoles even with inferior hardware (gameboy, DS, Wii).

Is that why the Wii U is outselling the ps4 and the xbone? Oh wait ... thats not happening

The reality is the NX is now at 0 sold and the ps4 has sold 36 million and probably will be at 50 million when the NX launches, now thats a hell of a headstart the NX will have to overcome

I never talked about Ps4 or NX. I never said this "future nintendo console" will do alot better then wii u right now. I just said, that ps4 and xbox one might get obsolete in the future and then Nintendo console will be the last relevant and most sucessfull.

Nintendo has sold less on the N64 gen, the Gamecube Gen and on this Gen is aslo selling way less. They Won wit the WiiU bu thats cause they sold it to every non gamer in the planet, amongst gamers PS360 won by a landslide. And they dominate the handheld market but they also pioneared it and only Sony realy tried to compete but didnt manage to do it well.

JNK said:

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.

This will be a little blunt but this post is very ignorant, Tlous greatest strength is in its story driven narrative blended together with gameplay, somethign thats only possible because the tech allows for top notch performance capture and very high level character and facial animations. Tlou would be a standard cover based shooter on PS2, even on PS3 it almost killed the hardware, ND made some serious voodo magic to manage to get that thing runign on a PS3.

TheBlackNaruto said:
JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.


Okay before answering...what do you consider when you say "content" because that is a very braod term that incorporates a lot of things. For instance I argue that any game on PS3/PS4, 360/XB1, Wii/Wii U could be made on the PS2 it would just take up 20 disc, not have half the animations, the enviorment would be basically bare/ non exisitent, no real interactions with the enviorment or chracters, not as many weapons and you an go on and on. All of that "content" would not be there because the PS2 can not handle it.

So when you say "content" what are you are being very broad with your breakdowns.

thats graphics. Content eg is 3d world (like in ocarina of time) or big open worlds like in GTA.

Ocarina of time was impossible on the SNES. All ps3 games would be possible on ps2 (less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co).