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JNK said:
GProgrammer said:
JNK said:

Nintendo can sell more consoles even with inferior hardware (gameboy, DS, Wii).

Is that why the Wii U is outselling the ps4 and the xbone? Oh wait ... thats not happening

The reality is the NX is now at 0 sold and the ps4 has sold 36 million and probably will be at 50 million when the NX launches, now thats a hell of a headstart the NX will have to overcome

I never talked about Ps4 or NX. I never said this "future nintendo console" will do alot better then wii u right now. I just said, that ps4 and xbox one might get obsolete in the future and then Nintendo console will be the last relevant and most sucessfull.

Nintendo has sold less on the N64 gen, the Gamecube Gen and on this Gen is aslo selling way less. They Won wit the WiiU bu thats cause they sold it to every non gamer in the planet, amongst gamers PS360 won by a landslide. And they dominate the handheld market but they also pioneared it and only Sony realy tried to compete but didnt manage to do it well.

JNK said:

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.

This will be a little blunt but this post is very ignorant, Tlous greatest strength is in its story driven narrative blended together with gameplay, somethign thats only possible because the tech allows for top notch performance capture and very high level character and facial animations. Tlou would be a standard cover based shooter on PS2, even on PS3 it almost killed the hardware, ND made some serious voodo magic to manage to get that thing runign on a PS3.