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RolStoppable said:
potato_hamster said:

Don't be so obtuse.

You're acting like others can't make games like those. Sony chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. MS chooses not to make games like Nintendo's games. It doesn't mean that either Sony or MS aren't capable.

If Sony or MS wanted to go toe-to-toe with Nintendo on Nintendo's playground, they would. There's just more money in their own playground, and if you haven't noticed, Nintendo's playground keeps getting smaller.

Sony's and Microsoft's track records at making such games is pretty bad. You act as if they haven't tried, but there's plenty of evidence for failure out there.

Also noteworthy, the handheld market is dominated by first party games, because the majority of third parties never took it seriously. Microsoft didn't dare to enter the market, Sony got pushed out. Without third parties, both Sony and Microsoft find themselves unable to compete with Nintendo.

I think Sony got Naughty Dog to make a game like that once... I can't remember how that panned out. Ohh wait, the Crash Bandicoot series for PS1 did 20 million in sales. Now I know that's 3 games, but that's not too shabby compared to Mario 64's 12 million in sales. It seems to me when Sony takes platformers seriously, like Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, etc. Now I know that MS hasn't had as much luck but they haven't really tried,  Fable is a bit in that vein. There have been plenty of successful platformers that never touched a Nintendo console.

However, you have that backwards. Without third parties, Nintendo finds itself unable to compete with Sony and Microsoft. The Wii U has many absolutely incredible first party titles - that almost no one in the gaming community has played. Take a look at WIi U sales - that's what happens when you have no third party support.