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TheBlackNaruto said:
JNK said:
deskpro2k3 said:
You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

which game content on the ps4 or even on the ps3 wasnt possible on previous generations (like ps2)?

We already had big open worlds in GTA San andreas and Elder scrolls morrowind as an example.

The content is already the same. Only the graphics are improving.


God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.