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JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

God of War 3 wasn't, Uncharted 2 and 3, TLOU, Gears of War series, InFamous, the newer Halo games, Forza,  Metal Gear Solid 4...content takes in a lot(enviroment, characters on the screen, things and people you can interact with, abilities, weapons you can carry, number of missions etc). All of that has improved not just graphics...

which content of tlou wasnt possible on ps2? Its just a new ip. The game content could easily be made for ps2. There are even ps2 titles like shadow of the colusses thats content whise more advanced then many modern titles on ps4.


Okay before answering...what do you consider when you say "content" because that is a very braod term that incorporates a lot of things. For instance I argue that any game on PS3/PS4, 360/XB1, Wii/Wii U could be made on the PS2 it would just take up 20 disc, not have half the animations, the enviorment would be basically bare/ non exisitent, no real interactions with the enviorment or chracters, not as many weapons and you an go on and on. All of that "content" would not be there because the PS2 can not handle it.

So when you say "content" what are you are being very broad with your breakdowns.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23