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Ok first off I play way more games that are Playstation Exclusive than those that are Nintendo Exclusive. Nintendo games have become something of a niche in all seriousness, at least when it comes to those who ONLY play Nintendo games (I do like them myself so don't castrate me). Now I play even more games that are available on X1 and PS4, but not my WiiU. In fact the third party aspect of this totally eclipses Nintendo's entire library. Your logic is flawed.

Furthermore there is a pretty decent leap from PS4 to PS3. I have already explained it once in another thread, but here is a minor example because I am not typing all that again right now. Play any of the Public Events that feature end game bosses in Final Fantasy 14 on PS3 and compare that same fight to playing it on PS4. Do that and tell me which one runs flawlessly and effortlessly and which one has other players, monsters, and the boss itself disappearing or not even showing up on screen because the system can't handle it, which ultimately screws you from the goal making it truly unplayable. This is just one example of the leap.

Also if you think the PS3 could handle Horizon, Infamous SS, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3, Bloodborne (compare to DS2), Driveclub, or any other true current gen game that utilizes the hardware if it had minor visual downgrades, then you are truly clueless. There is a LOT more to these games than just the basic visual upgrade and this is what you fail to mention. What about physics? AI? Draw Distance? Processing what goes on in the world around you? Yeah, the leap is far bigger than you think, even if they are not powerhouses.

And about the screens being posted, anyone can take a bad shot of a in a decent looking PS4 game and compare them to a great shot in The Last of Us and make it look smaller than it is. All it does is show how far you are reaching with this.

So no, I do not agree with you on this.

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