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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you quit Modern Gaming if its Digital Only?


Would you quite Modern Gaming if its Digital Only?

yes 197 44.57%
no 245 55.43%
JOKA_ said:
Of course not.

In the 80s/90s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a cartridge.
In the 00s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a disc.
Right now, digital download is becoming (not fully yet) the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game.

Thats all it is, a way to get you a game. Its still going to be the same fun game no matter how the 0s and 1s are delivered to you.

You listed some advantages to physical over digital, and yes they do exist. However there are some advantages to digital:
- Can't be damaged
- Can't be stolen
- Can pre-load and literally play them the second they release, all without leaving my couch

Remove stolen. That can happen if your account password is found. Yes, by you doing stupid stuff. But it can happen. I'd also argue damaged. Drop the HDD or console.

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Wright said:

If I am allowed to make backup data of the content on my HDD (In case it ever breaks and I can no longer re-download the games per se on a new one), yes, why not? I will forever hold the data and the games. No internet blackout will prevent me from playing so.


I have like 15 digital games on my 360 that work perfectly fine, and I don't have to have the console connected to the internet.


The bolded for me the same. Since all digital is the case, bolded statement should be a primary focus. If not, I will not.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

Azzanation said:
potato_hamster said:
Azzanation said:
potato_hamster said:
Azzanation said:
potato_hamster said:
Azzanation said:
Lauster said:
Azzanation said:
Lauster said:
Azzanation said:
My simple question to those who would is "Do you play the game or the Box?*
Google what a video game is and what its meant to do and you will find your anwser there.

 My simple question to you is "Do you prefer to buy a product, or a service that you don't control ?"

 If your Steam account is closed (for whatever reason, like not accepting a new EULA for example) you loose all your games.

Note : link redirect to a french site, so there is this that is not the same story but seems to have the same result.

Iv had my Steam account since 2004, it has been more relyable then any console purchase i have made. All my games are playable today with free updates in 2016.

Look at the benefits

My games cant get lost, Stolen, Damaged, my home storage space increases, i dont have to put the disk in the machine to play it, and i can go anywhere around the world and not have to worry about taking my games with me.


That assumption electricity no longer exists.

Sorry but iv been collecting games since the 80s. I have no room or the patients with phyical games anymore. Its no longer needed.

I game because i want entertainment,  not so i can look at a box on my shelf knowing that its mine forever when in fact even phyical copy of games can still be taken away. I own many CD based games that no longer have support though a server. What if Live or PSN go down and you own 500 phyical games and you need a day one patch?


 Cool story bro, but you miss the point if you think that people that doesn't want the digital-only  is just for a "look at a box on my shelf" purpose.

I collect games since the 80s too, still not a problem for me, but I can understand your point about the space occupied.

I wish you to never have problem with the society of the man on your avatar.

In your 500 physical games, lets say there are  only 20 that are unplayable without their day one patch ? Still better to have 480 games playable than none if your Steam account is closed, isn't it ?


But it's more a DRM problem than a digital problem.


There is no argument, Digital is a far more superiour way to buy and play your games. I have had more console and disk problems with my games then i ever did with digital. Your basing your argument around "What if Steam shuts down" lol honestly you really think they will shut down? If you were right another company will pick it up and continue it. Its a major cash grab.

Your next gen console relies on the internet, most of your games require internet to play and to download the day one patches. Without PSN or Live your console is a sitting brick.

Have you notice that the game box you have has nothing in it? The console only needs the disk to prove you purchased it becasue the stupid gaming community we have today hated on DRM so now we are forced to put a plastic disk in the plastic box to give the tick of approval. Buying phyiscal is a complete waste of resources and the sooner we go 100% digital the sooner we will have Steam priced games. The longer companies have to supply disks the more we will pay for digital because they want to sell you the disks first becasue again "Stupid community" 

Its not like the past where you can look at your N64 collection and go "I own those games" espeacilly with the formats we game on today its only a cover nothing else. I dont even think my PS1 or NES even work today due to there age, so i have 500+ unplayable games because i have no other way to play them. But you would rather that then have a service that looks after your games for you. Imagine you have a house fire? You lose all your games, but if you have them online there untouchable and always ready to download.

Digital is also the best form of backwards compatiablity, you dont need to own multiple types of hardware and to hope to god your old consoles still work or worse, hoping the disks/cartridges still read.

Sure you cant sell digital but you can always sell your account. I personally dont buy games to sell them.

Theres so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin. Steam has steam prices because steam has competition - Amazon, gog, humble, origin etc. all over the exact same games that can be played on the same piece of hardware. Sony has no competition in the marketplace for PS4 games. MS has no competition in the marketplace for X1 games. You're not going to see steam-style prices so long as there is only an MS marketplace on your xbox to buy xbox games. They have no reason to.

Your PS1 and N64 games should work just fine if you took care of them. I still play my PS1 and dreamcast games all the time, and some of those games are 18 years old. Why wouldn't they work? People are still playing their NES games from 1985.

As for backwards compatibility, just try getting the original GTA working on Windows 10. Tell me how much fun of an experience that is if you get it to work as its supposed to.

*Your PS1 and N64 games should work just fine if you took care of them. *

Digital you dont have to take care of them. Not everyone lives in a perfect enviroment, people have lost there belongings or even there houses. What happens then? Do you get a refund on all your games you lost to your house fire? No, can you redownload them if there digital? Yes.

I own Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City, 3, 4 and 5 on Steam and they all work perfectly fine on my 55inch TV in full screen... i didnt even need to buy a remastered edition to play it in full.  

Hardware doesnt last forever , any body could tell you that, unless you have it sealed in an air tight, dust free Nasa storage room its going to not work one day. Same goes for disks and formats.

There are no benefits anymore having the games on disks, infact you get more disadvatages having it on disk then digital. The sooner the gaming community move on the better the industry becomes.


There are plenty of advantages to havings games on discs. Being able to re-sell them being a major one, being able to lend them to friends and family being another. Owning a copy of something that may in fact increase in price over time is yet another. Nevermind whatever value there is in having a game on your shelf rather than a hard drive if you see any in that.

You might not see those benefits as important to you, but that doesn't mean they're not important to others. In fact they might be important to the majority of console gamers.

Those benefits dont benefit the gamer who wants to play games. Your talking on those who want to collect or sell games. I went into a games shop wanting to trade in my Darks Souls 2 Collectors games, they offered me $17 for a perfect condition game.. stuff that, its worth keeping. I am a gamer who plays games not cares how much im going to get back when i sell it.

I would rather prefer to go home from work to see my collection of games still playable and accessable then to come home to games that dont work anymore or lost/stolen.

The benefits i care about are those that benefit the point of video games. If your a collector then go collect something else, if you just like looking at the box then go read and buy books. Video games are meant to be played not stored and resold. If your friends dont own the game, tell them to get a job and buy it, if its worth sharing then its worth buying. If your family cant play it, log into your account and give them the controller.

Its so simply its not even an argument anymore.

Ohh right, because gamers who want to collect games, don't also want to play them, and I mean, it's not like a lot of people out there sell or trade in their games once they're done with them so they can buy more games to play! They're just in it for collecting right?

It's just as easy to see your collection of games still playable and accessable with hard copies vs. digital. Try downloading a game you don't already have installed off of steam if their servers are down, or your internet is down, for example. But nothing is going to stop me from booting up Driver for my PS1 except for the unlikely event my PS1, PS2 and PS3 all break. You're just as vulerable to incidences beyond your control affecting the playability of your game collection, you're just trading one set of risks for different, arguably more sinister set of risks.

In your eyes, video games are solely meant to be played, and not stored or resold. But that's just you. That's not an objective fact, that's just your opinion, and it's not even an opinion commonly shared amonst console video gamers. I also think it's wonderful that yout thought-process dismissing the value of owning hard copies involves literally getting another hobby, or being a jerk to your friends or family. Not everyone shares your point of view. In fact, the all of the controversey surrounding the launch of the X1 shows that you and people that share your opinion are still part of tiny minority.

So you're just gonna have to deal with it.

Theres a bigger and better world out there. Living in the past does not help the future. Like they say, people are afraid of change.

I'm not afraid of change. See this. That's me embracing Digital. Except under my full control. I rip and control the file sizes, quailty, and don't deal with limitations. And don't have to use accounts or passwords, for this. That's the control I want from digital. Me owning a disc, doesn't interfer in anyway, your way of liking stuff done. Both should just be avalible, And that's really how far the argument should go. I basically want GOG on all services.

Azzanation said:

I dont have to deal with anything. Its those who refuse change are the ones that have to deal with it. Digital is a thing and its growing rapidly. Those who dont like it can stop playing games. Becaucse if they played the games they wouldnt care about the change.


Theres a bigger and better world out there. Living in the past does not help the future. Like they say, people are afraid of change.

Hard copy sales still outstrip digital sales 15-20 to 1 depending on the game. So "the past" is going to be "the current" until that ratio has pretty much flip-flopped. So again, you're going to have to deal with it.

archer9234 said:
JOKA_ said:
Of course not.

In the 80s/90s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a cartridge.
In the 00s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a disc.
Right now, digital download is becoming (not fully yet) the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game.

Thats all it is, a way to get you a game. Its still going to be the same fun game no matter how the 0s and 1s are delivered to you.

You listed some advantages to physical over digital, and yes they do exist. However there are some advantages to digital:
- Can't be damaged
- Can't be stolen
- Can pre-load and literally play them the second they release, all without leaving my couch

Remove stolen. That can happen if your account password is found. Yes, by you doing stupid stuff. But it can happen. I'd also argue damaged. Drop the HDD or console.

The first one is a legitimate argument.

The second one is bogus, because you can still redownload it. It's not damaged, your hardware is.

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Azuren said:
archer9234 said:

Remove stolen. That can happen if your account password is found. Yes, by you doing stupid stuff. But it can happen. I'd also argue damaged. Drop the HDD or console.

The first one is a legitimate argument.

The second one is bogus, because you can still redownload it. It's not damaged, your hardware is.

No difference. Something was broken. It was either the console or the HDD that you have to replace. The same would happen if the disc was broken. You're replacing discs with HDD's, are you not. I'll even argue the whole "don't need to leave your couch." Because I can pre-order the disc online. And it comes on release day. I don't need to leave my couch, either. The only thing i'd never be able to do. Is play it at 12am.

archer9234 said:
Azuren said:

The first one is a legitimate argument.

The second one is bogus, because you can still redownload it. It's not damaged, your hardware is.

No difference. Something was broken. It was either the console or the HDD that you have to replace. The same would happen if the disc was broken. You're replacing discs with HDD's, are you not. I'll even argue the whole "don't need to leave your couch." Because I can pre-order the disc online. And it comes on release day. I don't need to leave my couch, either. The only thing i'd never be able to do. Is play it at 12am.

Except no, because a broken HDD is a hardware issue that requires maintenance regardless of if you want to replace the game. A disc goes bad, you can decide you don't need that game, but you still have a working machine to play on. A harddrive goes bad, and you're out of luck until it gets replaced, regardless.

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archer9234 said:
JOKA_ said:
Of course not.

In the 80s/90s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a cartridge.
In the 00s the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game to you was on a disc.
Right now, digital download is becoming (not fully yet) the easiest, fastest, most efficient way to get a game.

Thats all it is, a way to get you a game. Its still going to be the same fun game no matter how the 0s and 1s are delivered to you.

You listed some advantages to physical over digital, and yes they do exist. However there are some advantages to digital:
- Can't be damaged
- Can't be stolen
- Can pre-load and literally play them the second they release, all without leaving my couch

Remove stolen. That can happen if your account password is found. Yes, by you doing stupid stuff. But it can happen. I'd also argue damaged. Drop the HDD or console.

What is someone going to do if they get your password?  Log in more games?  They aren't going to be able to take games away from you.  I don't know of a service that lets you delete games from an account.

You reset the password on the account, dispute the charge with your credit card company, and your games stay intact.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

archer9234 said:

No difference. Something was broken. It was either the console or the HDD that you have to replace. The same would happen if the disc was broken. You're replacing discs with HDD's, are you not. I'll even argue the whole "don't need to leave your couch." Because I can pre-order the disc online. And it comes on release day. I don't need to leave my couch, either. The only thing i'd never be able to do. Is play it at 12am.

The mailman brings your packages in your living room so you don't have to leave the couch? Convenient and creepy at the same time ;)

The is the issue of switching discs if you want to switch the game. No problem in most cases, but if you can't walk or leave the bed (disabled people) or if you are playing via remote play in another room/floor/house/town/country, it gets problematic.

If the HDD or flash memory of your 360/PS3/WiiU/XBO/PS4/PC gets damaged, you are fucked anyway, no matter if you play digital or physical games. Without a proper working OS, you can't play anymore.

If the optical drive of your 360/PS3/WiiU/XBO/PS4/PC/PSP or the modul bay of your 3DS gets damaged, you can still play your digital games.

Conina said:
archer9234 said:

No difference. Something was broken. It was either the console or the HDD that you have to replace. The same would happen if the disc was broken. You're replacing discs with HDD's, are you not. I'll even argue the whole "don't need to leave your couch." Because I can pre-order the disc online. And it comes on release day. I don't need to leave my couch, either. The only thing i'd never be able to do. Is play it at 12am.

The mailman brings your packages in your living room so you don't have to leave the couch? Convenient and creepy at the same time ;)

The is the issue of switching discs if you want to switch the game. No problem in most cases, but if you can't walk or leave the bed (disabled people) or if you are playing via remote play in another room/floor/house/town/country, it gets problematic.

If the HDD or flash memory of your 360/PS3/WiiU/XBO/PS4/PC gets damaged, you are fucked anyway, no matter if you play digital or physical games. Without a proper working OS, you can't play anymore.

If the optical drive of your 360/PS3/WiiU/XBO/PS4/PC/PSP or the modul bay of your 3DS gets damaged, you can still play your digital games.

Thank you. 

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