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Forums - Politics Discussion - Danish teen fought off her attacker - now she'll face fine. A 17-year-old girl who was physically and sexually attacked in Sønderborg will herself face charges for being in possession of Pepper spay,

So basically you are involved in a scuffle, the police find LSD on you and its suddenly the government's fault. Sorry but if you live in a country you are under social contract to follow their laws. More sensationalism.

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m0ney said:
FromDK said:

Danish and proud.. (this one part is not the reason.. for my sake pepersprays could be legal.. but we should offcourse never alow thing like stunners and guns)

AND.. the law is not that hard and she will 100% only get a litle fine.. (if at all)

Also.. there is a reason not to allow things like pepersprays.. stunners and guns (even for self protect).. becourse all studdy shows that bad guys adapt too. (more violent crimes)

Honestly I am shocked about your opinion and it is a good example of what is wrong with Scandinavian countries. You think criminals will stop doing their deeds because something will become illegal? Rape is illegal too, right? So why are rapists attempting rapes? Maybe because 'rape' is defined as 'surprise sex' in your country? I don't know I'm just guessing, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Not that I agree with it, but the argument goes like this.

Not all criminals are the same, some do crime not because they are evil but because they are desparate.  Desparate people can perhaps be reasoned with and helped.  However, giving citizens more and more tools to defend themselves results in a series of escalations by cold hard criminals and desparate criminals alike.  Give citizens peper spray, criminals wear masks and bring knives.  Give citizens knives, criminals bring guns.  Give citizens guns, criminals bring bigger guns. etc etc.  All the while more people get hurt criminals and citizens alike.

Again I don't think I buy the above, but I do know that the United States' (my country) cavalier attitude towards criminals can be pretty harsh.  Pretty much any crime except white collar crime can result in death and very people seem to give a shit. 

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

barneystinson69 said:

WTF?! Why should she be facing punishment for defending herself? I wonder if she was raped... would it have been different?


I usually carry a knife with me. If I was in her place, I probably would've gone to jail.


People really need to be more assertive on the refugees. Conservatives are too xenophobic and choose to hate them all, while liberals are too pathetic, claiming any sort of action against refugees is "racist".




12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

sc94597 said:

Why exactly is pepper spray illegal in the first place? How many violent crimes are commited with pepper spray in places it is legal? What exactly does the Danish government recommend a woman to do if she is being raped/assaulted and nobody is around?

Take it and hope the police catch whoever did it. 

Good she deserves the fine if she broke the law.

Next time she will read it and find a loophole (i.e. a spray full of sulfuric acid perhaps?) Surely law makers didn't think of home made sprays lol.



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LipeJJ said:
Socialism is really destroying Europe. Damn, I used to admire them...


What on earth does this have to do with socialism? :-3

m0ney said:
pokoko said:
As for why pepper spray might be illegal, I would assume that it has to do with how dangerous it can be, including possible fatal consequences.

That's ridiculous, almost anything around us can be used as a fatal weapon, how about arms and legs, let's make them illegal.

Come on, don't be silly.  You know that doesn't make any sense.  Don't stoop to nonsense arguments, not unless you're saying nothing should be illegal, ever.

sorry but this the kind of shit that makes me not respect a lot of the liberal rules in a lot of European countries. I have a problem with the ban on guns in some places, but at least that sort of makes sense to some degree

but banning pepper spray? are you kidding me? a girl (or guy), but especially a girl, should be able to carry and use pepper spray for protection from sexual predators and other things

some things in this world are absolutely ridiculous

Chazore said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Usually in those cases it's because the threat was already subdued, it becomes assault when you attack with no immediate danger.

All the time though?, 100% of the time?.

I'm pretty sure the word 'usually' doesn't mean 100% of the time.

No its not, it's saying of someone attacks you subdue them with the force they used on you, so if they didn't use a weapon you can't start beating them up with a weapon. Or if someone punches you you can't stab them with a knife unless you thought they were going to kill you.

The whole equal force thing is asking for equal fighting in real combat, which of course when it comes tow ar and actual survival doesn't always take effect nor matter much of the time until it's over and names are taken. WHat about the elderly who have no strength to hand to hand someone stronger than them but use a weapon (that may as well cover practically anything in a home) to subdue them or drive them out?. What about generally weak people or thise who are disabled?. There are already flaws with this already.

 Then it's not equal or equivalent force in that case. If a large human is attacking a small human in order to adequately defend himself he can use a weapon to damage him if it fends him off. But if that small human then beats him to death with the weapon he'd have to prove his life was in danger to not be charged with second degree murder.

Now you're talking about the prison system so that's not really anything to do with the self defence laws, when it comes to punishment vs rehabilitation, rehabilitation always had the lower re offending rate. Look at Scandinavian prisons for example.

The prison system, ie; punishments come into any sort of crime as ot before it's even committed, think about it if you are about to knock someone off, do you even once think for a second of any sort of outcome, even after you've done the action?. Some wouldn't think that but most tend to, some even ignore what could happen but there are enough out there who fear so much as a few months in jail to not commit a crime, fear is what can drive some to not doing anything bad, if someone ignores said fear and keeps going at it well then you need to break them until they learn the general lesson. Scan prisons are one example but we're talking the other billions on this rock.

And if all those other billions had simliar prison systems the re-offending rate would be down. Humans don't learn from punishment. The murder rate isn't really any different in states that have the death penalty. They don't care. If you actually teach them how to be human beings and live in society they are less likely to turn back to a life of crime because they know how to live.

No I don't imply any such thing, I'm stating what the law is and why they would punish someone for tieing up and torturing someone who broke into their house.

Yet you don't wish to challenge it in any sort of way let alone point out inconsistencies, why is this?, do you think the law is perfect, if not then why not challenge it at nearly every turn to actually bring about improvements?.

The Self Defence laws work rather well usually. This thread isn't that issue, pepper spray being illigal to carry is ridiculous. That needs to be changed. If she's the weaker person the only way to equal the force is the use pepper spray. And again if she then stabbed the guy to death after being pepper sprayed and running away then it's another story. (I'm not saying she wouldn't be justified in doing so) But the law doesn't have to reflect personal feelings. eg. I'm against the death penalty but will kill someone if they killed/sexually assaulted family or friends.



There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

ArchangelMadzz said:

pepper spray being illigal to carry is ridiculous. That needs to be changed. If she's the weaker person the only way to equal the force is the use pepper spray

That's more or less been my main focus, the fact she cannot carry it blows my mind especially with known cases of rape or assult with how such a spray has saved them along with Tasers.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"