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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: GFK (Nintendo client) leaks Nintendo's next gen system info and WSJ Rumor: NX to "work with" PS4, smartphones, PC

A lot of the info falls in line with the rumors. Then again, it falls in line a little too well.

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The 900p thing was the giveaway, what a lazy fake.

BlkPaladin said:
V-r0cK said:
If true:

Sensor bar? So motion control is still a big part of it. I wont be liking it as motion control games arent my forte.

A lot of the new "leaked" rumors are indicating a NX home and handheld console. I was hoping more of a hybrid of it being a handheld that you can hook up onto your TV and play with a controller, like the PSP/PSP Go and forgo the whole remote play-like feature.


They could still do the backward compatiblity of the controllers like they did with the Wii U, if they did that they would need a sensor bar for the WiiRemote. Because if it is the fusions concept there is a big possiblity of that since the Wii U's tablet could act as a teathered "mobil unit", ie has a second screen but cannot be used without the console's data.

I wouldnt say the Wii U included the sensor bar for bwc for the Wiimotes.  The sensor bar was included in the Wii U because Wii U games also used Wiimotes, thus the sensor bar is was included in the Wii U to play Wii U games.

If the NX was bwc then they wouldn't add the sensor bar and rather sell that as a separate add on unless future NX games will also require the sensor bar just like the Wii U.

The Wii was bwc with gamecube but they didn't add a GC controller even when the Wii had the GC controller ports.  And the Wii U is bwc with the Wii but it didn't include a Wiimote, just the gamepad only.

You could very well be right, but then I'd find it odd to include one piece of bwc in the NX box and not include the rest.

Wyrdness said:
What's wrong with 900p, that's what X1 outputs? A home console at that power could be sold for a competitive price, after all they admitted the Wii U is well above the price they'd normally consider.

wii u have 1080p60fps games so it would be weaker, im sure its fake

The developer decides the resolution, so at least that 900p/60fps part is bs.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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gatito said:
The 900p thing was the giveaway, what a lazy fake.

Unless Nintendo is playing it safe and not want any lawsuits (ie. Killzone Shadowfall) or false expectations from fans so they can't be blamed if their games aren't 1080p.  Wereas XB1 says 1080p yet devs are having trouble with that causing disatisfied fans.

In this scenario it would look better on Nintendo if they said 900p yet down the road they're able to produce 1080p games yes?

gatito said:
The 900p thing was the giveaway, what a lazy fake.

It's confirmed real. The survey comes from an official Nintendo client. They don't fake things. 900p shouldn't even be a point of contention. It's not saying that the console can only output in 900p. It literally says the console can stream 4k video in the line prior. It's literally just a list of general feature bullet points. Anyone with the most minimal knowledge of how consoles work can figure that out.

Wyrdness said:
Edwardooo said:
Bullshit. Not a single company will lists "900p" as a main feature.

Even the Wii U can output 1080p.


That maybe the average performance with 60fps though, most games on Wii U are 720p/60fps despite showing 1080p as a feature. X1 for example can output 1080p but most games are 900p, the aren't many console games that are 1080p/60fps even on PS4. Yeah it's likely you'd get some 1080p games but I think this is indicating what the average performance will be rather then what can be obtained in theory.

How would you know the average performance of a console that hasn't even been revealed, let alone the game being in development ? And even more than that, why would you put the average performance instead of the better ones like every good PR does ?

JRPGfan said:

that 900p thingy.... why even put that there tho?


only explanation i can imagine is the device will come with an screen which is 900p 60hz

As for the original rumor. This looks like a survey site where they are getting feed back for marketing ideas. The NX name is used since they will not use a name that isn't announced yet. And 900p thing may be for compatibility reasons since they usually don't do a normal resolution on their handhelds.