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Forums - Movies & TV - Alan Rickman has passed away


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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His performance in Die Hard was outstanding, not to mention Snape. May he rest in peace.

                                                                    Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!                                                                  


Terrible news, loved his work. He was fantastic in Robin Hood, Die Hard, and many other films.

Dogma is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is just tragic /:

Sad news RIP.

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RIP Hans gruper 😢

Damn I always liked the guy. He'll be missed.

Why are we losing so many great actors these days?, I at least expected a good few to start passing when I was at least near 40.

RIP Alan, you were a good man and a good actor, it's sad to see you go so soon.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Now he truly is the Metatron

RIP Mister Rickman

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

NOOoooo! I'll miss you professor Snape.