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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do people think that Nintendo could go or should go third-party?

In short, nintendo is not that good at making home consoles and the handheld market is skrinking. What's keeping people from playing (and buying) nintendo's games is that people have to buy it's home console which they often don't. If nintendo makes their games available to consoles, pc and mobile, their would sell very well and it's brand would expand without them having to invest in hardware for the games.

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Concepts that don't work now a days
1. Unique games don't sell consoles as it did in past.
2. Exclusives don't sell consoles unless it's unique like halo for original Xbox.
People want moderately powerful system with normal controller in which they can play COD, FIFA and GTA.

Aeolus451 said:

In short, nintendo is not that good at making home consoles and the handheld market is skrinking. What's keeping people from playing (and buying) nintendo's games is that people have to buy it's home console which they often don't. If nintendo makes their games available to consoles, pc and mobile, their would sell very well and it's brand would expand without them having to invest in hardware for the games.

Nintendo is great at making consoles. Their hardware is usually very well engineered.


KungKras said:
Aeolus451 said:

In short, nintendo is not that good at making home consoles and the handheld market is skrinking. What's keeping people from playing (and buying) nintendo's games is that people have to buy it's home console which they often don't. If nintendo makes their games available to consoles, pc and mobile, their would sell very well and it's brand would expand without them having to invest in hardware for the games.

Nintendo is great at making consoles. Their hardware is usually very well engineered.

 Most of nintendo's home consoles are not well designed because the very consumers it was designed for don't want it. It doesn't accomplish what it was designed for.

Maybe nintendo is great at making handhelds but certainly not home consoles. They typically miss the mark on what gamers want in a console to play games with hence why nintendo consoles don't sell well. It's why I believe nintendo would be better off just making games to sell on other video game platforms. They still make plenty of money while keeping their fans happy but be able to reach as many people as possible with their games. Their home consoles is what holding back the nintendo brand. They just don't sell well enough for nintendo to keep dicking around with in my opinion.

mornelithe said:
AZWification said:

Yeah, you're right.  I forgot to mention that the GameCube was also affected because Ninty gave away the console shooter market they had with Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, etc.. Those consoles would have sold so much better if those dumb decisions wouldn't have happened! Oh well.

I will say this, even with the Wii U's situation, who gives a fuck?  It's not like the 3DS failed or anything, their Amiibo's and other toys are doing well, and Nintendo's proven they can rebound from a bad situation as well as obviously having the largest collection of the most recognizable IP in gaming history in their stables to rely upon.   I do think they inadvertently made life a shitload easier for Sony to get into the market, though, but...I think it's worked out for the better for everyone in that regard.

Ninty can definitely rebound from the Wiiu situation, but they can't afford to screw up with the NX.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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KungKras said:
buuut... to answer your thread title, because they're bought into game industry propaganda and want the company to fail.

pretty much this

Ljink96 said:
People who say this are ignorant and don't understand Nintendo as a company. I really don[t want to write paragraphs on the idea as i've done before. I'll sum it up though. NO...JUST NO.

and this.


But mostly bitter fanboy hate/war and people who want to be "clever" and trying to avoid to be banned for obvious flaming.

Aeolus451 said:
KungKras said:

Nintendo is great at making consoles. Their hardware is usually very well engineered.

 Most of nintendo's home consoles are not well designed because the very consumers it was designed for don't want it. It doesn't accomplish what it was designed for.

Maybe nintendo is great at making handhelds but certainly not home consoles. They typically miss the mark on what gamers want in a console to play games with hence why nintendo consoles don't sell well. It's why I believe nintendo would be better off just making games to sell on other video game platforms. They still make plenty of money while keeping their fans happy but be able to reach as many people as possible with their games. Their home consoles is what holding back the nintendo brand. They just don't sell well enough for nintendo to keep dicking around with in my opinion.

Wii sure accomplished what it was designed for. Gamecube was probably the most well-designed console of all time in terms of hardware, it was X-box level powerful for a sliver of the manufacturing costs and the most dev-friendly platform of the gen, with a solid controller. Nintendo engineers know their shit.

I don't get what you're trying to say. Are we talking hardware or are you trying to blame Nintendo for third parties ignoring their platforms?


Personally, I just think the console scene has matured so much in the last half a decade or so to become much more than something to play games on. Yes, primarily that is still their main function, but these days most people want so much more from their consoles. Netflix, Spotify, Sky Go, TV on demand, Youtube, Internet, Media Player, etc. This is where its been headed for a while and will continue to head in that direction. I don't personally mind it, provided games stay at the forefront of what these consoles are about.

Unfortunately this is not where Nintendo want to go (so far anyhow) and its the reason they are being left behind. Games alone these days don't sell consoles. Or perhaps more accurately, they don't sell consoles anywhere near as much as they used to. People want more these days from their consoles.

I grew up with Nintendo, owned and loved the SNES, N64 and Gamecube. But this is when consoles were just that, consoles. I had little interest in the Wii and absolutely zero interest in the Wii U. Not because the games don't interest me, because some of them really do. But I'm not prepared to shell out £200 or so to play a handful of titles and then not be able to do anything else with the console.

Having said all this, I'd absolutely love Nintendo to release games on the other consoles. One thing they haven't lost focus on is how to make great games. The sales numbers would be humongous if we ever saw Mario Kart, Zelda, Metroid etc on multi platforms but Nintendo will never do it. I get the impression they would rather fall on their own sword and take every single franchise to the grave with them rather than develop for other platforms. And the sad fact is, if the NX bombs like the Wii U did, that might well be what happens.   Nintendo put themselves in the corner of the room whilst MS and Sony duked it out for everything else.  Thats all well and good if they want to be separate from them in terms of target audience etc, but the focus of the consumer now is now on the two guys in the middle rather than the one who sat it out.  Its a problem for Nintendo, and will only get bigger if the NX doesn't deliver on all fronts.

The other sad point is, is that iconic characters like Zelda, Mario etc are beginning to lose their shine to a small degree because the people who grew up on Nintendo are now older and in more cases than not have left Nintendo behind and the majority of kids today won't see past Xbox and PS4. 

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M

KungKras said:
Aeolus451 said:
KungKras said:

Nintendo is great at making consoles. Their hardware is usually very well engineered.

 Most of nintendo's home consoles are not well designed because the very consumers it was designed for don't want it. It doesn't accomplish what it was designed for.

Maybe nintendo is great at making handhelds but certainly not home consoles. They typically miss the mark on what gamers want in a console to play games with hence why nintendo consoles don't sell well. It's why I believe nintendo would be better off just making games to sell on other video game platforms. They still make plenty of money while keeping their fans happy but be able to reach as many people as possible with their games. Their home consoles is what holding back the nintendo brand. They just don't sell well enough for nintendo to keep dicking around with in my opinion.

Wii sure accomplished what it was designed for. Gamecube was probably the most well-designed console of all time in terms of hardware, it was X-box level powerful for a sliver of the manufacturing costs and the most dev-friendly platform of the gen, with a solid controller. Nintendo engineers know their shit.

I don't get what you're trying to say. Are we talking hardware or are you trying to blame Nintendo for third parties ignoring their platforms?

Yeah, it's great what Nintendo achieved with the GC in terms of hardware! Too bad they screwed up really badly in other aspects.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

SpokenTruth said:
daredevil.shark said:
Concepts that don't work now a days
1. Unique games don't sell consoles as it did in past.
2. Exclusives don't sell consoles unless it's unique like halo for original Xbox.
People want moderately powerful system with normal controller in which they can play COD, FIFA and GTA.

Did you just contradict yourself? 


Nope. By unique (first one) I meant to say what people refers Wii U's current library. As for the second I already gave an example.