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Forums - Movies & TV - The Force Awakens sucks! *MAJOR SPOILERS*

I love the

"It was too much like the originals! Can't they think of something original?!"

Kylo Ren is a very different type of villian than we've seen before ...

"What the hell was that! It was too different from the originals, that's not like Darth Vader at all?!"


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OdinHades said:
d21lewis said:

Call me crazy but.... wouldn't blacking out an entire sun be worse than blowing up some planets. They killed a solar system every time they charged it!!

And the explosion wasn't that big. Just goes to show, solar power isn't the way to go. Power that bad boy with windmills!

Don't even start with science stuff when it comes to Star Wars. Absolutely EVERYTHING is wrong in these movies in that regard, so it's no use talking about it.

Anyway, because I'm in the mood, I'll answer your question. I didn't see the movie and don't know how exactly that blocking should take place. But in any case, you won't kill a solar system with that. Not even a single planet. Imagine the sund would be blocked, earth would be fine for several years. By "fine" I mean that a lot of the population would die, but anyway. Earth wouldn't be TOTALLY fucked. The planet produces heat itself, which is enough for life in certain regions. On top of that, you can't block gamma rays, so the earth would still get energy in some form. But even if the sun simply disappeared, earth wouldn't go down instantly. The heat would go down with time without a sun, but we're talking about centuries at this point at the very least. So the question is, do they block the sun for good? Or just for a limited time? Say they are blocking the sun for a whole year. The planet would get dark as fuck, sure, but other than that, not too much would happen. If they block the sun for good, yeah, the planet is fucked - in about 10,000 years. 

Blowing up a planet is it's own beast. There's no turning back if you do something like that, that's it. Aaaaaaanyway, it's as good as impossible. To literally blow up a planet like earth with a weapon that turns mass perfectly fine into energy (a nuclear reactor has an efficiency of about 1 %, so yeah...) you would need the masses of 10 jupiters - at the very least. It just ain't happening. It would be better to just change the course of a big ass asteroids, of which are plenty in pretty much every solar system, using a gravity tractor.

edit: Oh, and screw both solar power and windmills. Way too inefficient. Nuclear power is the way to go, it's best for humans and nature. We should use our reactors from today until we got nuclear fusion figured out, if you ask me. 


I watch VSauce all the time.
 And I work at plant Vogtle (soon to be the biggest nuclear power plant in America). I was just being cheeky.

d21lewis said:

I watch VSauce all the time.
 And I work at plant Vogtle (soon to be the biggest nuclear power plant in America). I was just being cheeky.


Oh, okay then. =D

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


That was such a good counterargument, by God you should be a politician. You can't just say "No he's a Sith because I say so" when being a Sith requires a very specific set of circumstances in the Canon. But keep believing what you want, because you will no matter what reasoning others use. Good day.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

DivinePaladin said:
Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


That was such a good counterargument, by God you should be a politician. You can't just say "No he's a Sith because I say so" when being a Sith requires a very specific set of circumstances in the Canon. But keep believing what you want, because you will no matter what reasoning others use. Good day.


Not saying you're wrong, but you haven't yet defined what it takes to be a sith. At least do that before you fucking belittle him any more. Also, the comments in this thread are some of the saddest and stupidest I've ever read.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.

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Well, I haven't liked any Star Wars movie... They have all been awful... But I thought this one was merely mediocre instead of god awful. So... I guess that makes this one the best Star Wars for me?

shikamaru317 said:
StarOcean said:
The only thing that disappointed me about the movie was the soundtrack. Almost every Star Wars movie has an amazing soundtrack I can easily remember. People give the prequels shit but things like Duel of Fates and Battle of the Heroes are among some of the best and memorable themes in the series. For whatever reason the music in this movie wasn't very strong.

Yeah, that was my one big disappointment as well. I kind of feel like John Williams was phoning it in on this soundtrack. It wasn't bad by any means, but none of the new tracks were particularly catchy or memorable.

I re-watched it last night and there was one peice I liked but compared to the rest of the series it didn't really hold up well. I'm hoping the next movie will have a stronger soundtrack. 

d21lewis said:

Call me crazy but.... wouldn't blacking out an entire sun be worse than blowing up some planets. They killed a solar system every time they charged it!!

And the explosion wasn't that big. Just goes to show, solar power isn't the way to go. Power that bad boy with windmills!


Destroying the sun will kill everyone, including the bad guys.

ohmylanta1003 said:
DivinePaladin said:
Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


That was such a good counterargument, by God you should be a politician. You can't just say "No he's a Sith because I say so" when being a Sith requires a very specific set of circumstances in the Canon. But keep believing what you want, because you will no matter what reasoning others use. Good day.


Not saying you're wrong, but you haven't yet defined what it takes to be a sith. At least do that before you fucking belittle him any more. Also, the comments in this thread are some of the saddest and stupidest I've ever read.

The post he replied to initially literally linked the definition of Sith. If you really want me to repost the facts again, here:

Literally a quote by the director and one of the lead writers saying he's not. I won't go any deeper to link to Wikipedia or Wookiepedia or the other sites with direct sources to argue the canonical fall of the Sith. I'd like to think a goddamn quote from the guy who says what is or isn't canon in this movie is enough, unless we're going to argue that Jar-Jar or medichlorians are also in the movie somewhere too when Abrams said they're not. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

Wright said:
DakonBlackblade said:

About the reason for Lukes exile, he probably considered he failled as a jedi master and that the world would be better off without him training ppl just for them to fall to the dark side, its not liek he went in exile out of fear of Kylo Ren.


Yes, I agree. But does he leaves just because Kylo falls? Movie strongly suggest Kylo did something terrible to Luke's foundation, which can be seen in Rey's flashback of Kylo standing (with what seems to be another group of people) next to a lot of bodies; which again means Kylo is no pushover when it comes to getting his hands into a fight.

My guess is Kylo Ren murdered Luke's wife and he hid his daughter Rey on Jakku to proctect her...he then went into hiding just like Obi-Wan in A New Hope. The old guy who was murdered at the beginning holding the map was there to look out for Rey. Just my two cents for what it is worth.