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ohmylanta1003 said:
DivinePaladin said:
Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


That was such a good counterargument, by God you should be a politician. You can't just say "No he's a Sith because I say so" when being a Sith requires a very specific set of circumstances in the Canon. But keep believing what you want, because you will no matter what reasoning others use. Good day.


Not saying you're wrong, but you haven't yet defined what it takes to be a sith. At least do that before you fucking belittle him any more. Also, the comments in this thread are some of the saddest and stupidest I've ever read.

The post he replied to initially literally linked the definition of Sith. If you really want me to repost the facts again, here:

Literally a quote by the director and one of the lead writers saying he's not. I won't go any deeper to link to Wikipedia or Wookiepedia or the other sites with direct sources to argue the canonical fall of the Sith. I'd like to think a goddamn quote from the guy who says what is or isn't canon in this movie is enough, unless we're going to argue that Jar-Jar or medichlorians are also in the movie somewhere too when Abrams said they're not. 

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