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DivinePaladin said:
Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


That was such a good counterargument, by God you should be a politician. You can't just say "No he's a Sith because I say so" when being a Sith requires a very specific set of circumstances in the Canon. But keep believing what you want, because you will no matter what reasoning others use. Good day.


Not saying you're wrong, but you haven't yet defined what it takes to be a sith. At least do that before you fucking belittle him any more. Also, the comments in this thread are some of the saddest and stupidest I've ever read.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.