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Forums - Movies & TV - The Force Awakens sucks! *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Insidb said:
Azuren said:
I disagree, and you are therefore wrong /internetlogic

Personally, I found Kylo Ren to be a total wet blanket, but this isn't like A New Hope where Vader was already an established Sith Lord. This is more like in Revenge, when Anakin is still becoming a Sith Lord.

I disagree with everything you said. There are some basic similarities between IV and VII, but the characters play out very differently. You have the Prince son of a war hero who turned bad and is on a continuing journey to become a Sith Lord; a young girl who was abandoned on a junk world who has such an intense affinity with the Force that she was capable of pushing a wounded dark Jedi back in a Saber duel and learned both Force Pull and Mind Trick out of instinct; a Stormtrooper with a conscience who goes from coward to hero to save the girl; and an established expert fighter pilot who stares into the face of death and torture without batting an eye.

So while the plot is similar, the reactions and events are drastically different because of the different personalities. I mean, the mentor figure being Han instead of Obi was such a departure on so many levels that is hardly even the same role anymore.

TL;DR: Episode VII is Episode IV.

Eh, no. It borrows similarities from the plot, but the characters are vastly different. That's a fact. 

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Heavenly_King said:
DivinePaladin said:

Not according to literally everybody else except you and maybe some young kids who, like you, don't understand what defines a Sith  

LMAO!  I think you are the one who do not understand what a Sith is about.


Wrong and doesn't give a shit that he is. Destroys why it killed the movie for him 😂 

Call me crazy but.... wouldn't blacking out an entire sun be worse than blowing up some planets. They killed a solar system every time they charged it!!

And the explosion wasn't that big. Just goes to show, solar power isn't the way to go. Power that bad boy with windmills!

Insidb said:
Azuren said:
I disagree, and you are therefore wrong /internetlogic

Personally, I found Kylo Ren to be a total wet blanket, but this isn't like A New Hope where Vader was already an established Sith Lord. This is more like in Revenge, when Anakin is still becoming a Sith Lord.

I disagree with everything you said. There are some basic similarities between IV and VII, but the characters play out very differently. You have the Prince son of a war hero who turned bad and is on a continuing journey to become a Sith Lord; a young girl who was abandoned on a junk world who has such an intense affinity with the Force that she was capable of pushing a wounded dark Jedi back in a Saber duel and learned both Force Pull and Mind Trick out of instinct; a Stormtrooper with a conscience who goes from coward to hero to save the girl; and an established expert fighter pilot who stares into the face of death and torture without batting an eye.

So while the plot is similar, the reactions and events are drastically different because of the different personalities. I mean, the mentor figure being Han instead of Obi was such a departure on so many levels that is hardly even the same role anymore.

TL;DR: Episode VII is Episode IV.

It really shows that you didn't read it, nor do you have understanding of the concept of story telling. Plot is a big point, but characters are a bigger one. With radically different characters comes a radically different approach. 

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captain carot said:
Just watched it today. Of you're pissed because of logic gaps and plotholes you shouldn't watch any Star Wars.

That aside Force was great until, well, Han died. J.J., how could you do this to me? Honestly, my favorite character dying sucked. Kill Luke, kill Leia, I'm fine with that.

So, no, it's better than the prequels. And Attack of the Clones is the definition of a shitty movie, sorry.

While I agree it sucked and prefer Han to the other old characters, I think he died due to him not wanting to be in Star Wars anymore. He was barely convinced to be in V and VI -he probably only agreed to VII because he knew Han died, something he had wanted to happen for a long time now. He also said he wants nothing to do with the young Han Solo movie

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StarOcean said:
captain carot said:
Just watched it today. Of you're pissed because of logic gaps and plotholes you shouldn't watch any Star Wars.

That aside Force was great until, well, Han died. J.J., how could you do this to me? Honestly, my favorite character dying sucked. Kill Luke, kill Leia, I'm fine with that.

So, no, it's better than the prequels. And Attack of the Clones is the definition of a shitty movie, sorry.

While I agree it sucked and prefer Han to the other old characters, I think he died due to him not wanting to be in Star Wars anymore. He was barely convinced to be in V and VI -he probably only agreed to VII because he knew Han died, something he had wanted to happen for a long time now. He also said he wants nothing to do with the young Han Solo movie

Yea, story often depends on all kinds of personal and financial "non-artistic" reasons.

    CU......or CF ?

Azuren said:
Insidb said:

TL;DR: Episode VII is Episode IV.

It really shows that you didn't read it, nor do you have understanding of the concept of story telling. Plot is a big point, but characters are a bigger one. With radically different characters comes a radically different approach. 

I agree with your assessment, but I will enjoy people reacting to my "summary" lol.

StarOcean said:
captain carot said:
Just watched it today. Of you're pissed because of logic gaps and plotholes you shouldn't watch any Star Wars.

That aside Force was great until, well, Han died. J.J., how could you do this to me? Honestly, my favorite character dying sucked. Kill Luke, kill Leia, I'm fine with that.

So, no, it's better than the prequels. And Attack of the Clones is the definition of a shitty movie, sorry.

While I agree it sucked and prefer Han to the other old characters, I think he died due to him not wanting to be in Star Wars anymore. He was barely convinced to be in V and VI -he probably only agreed to VII because he knew Han died, something he had wanted to happen for a long time now. He also said he wants nothing to do with the young Han Solo movie

Exactly my thoughts when I saw that scene. He wanted to get out of the trilogy as early as possible.

d21lewis said:

Call me crazy but.... wouldn't blacking out an entire sun be worse than blowing up some planets. They killed a solar system every time they charged it!!

And the explosion wasn't that big. Just goes to show, solar power isn't the way to go. Power that bad boy with windmills!

Don't even start with science stuff when it comes to Star Wars. Absolutely EVERYTHING is wrong in these movies in that regard, so it's no use talking about it.

Anyway, because I'm in the mood, I'll answer your question. I didn't see the movie and don't know how exactly that blocking should take place. But in any case, you won't kill a solar system with that. Not even a single planet. Imagine the sund would be blocked, earth would be fine for several years. By "fine" I mean that a lot of the population would die, but anyway. Earth wouldn't be TOTALLY fucked. The planet produces heat itself, which is enough for life in certain regions. On top of that, you can't block gamma rays, so the earth would still get energy in some form. But even if the sun simply disappeared, earth wouldn't go down instantly. The heat would go down with time without a sun, but we're talking about centuries at this point at the very least. So the question is, do they block the sun for good? Or just for a limited time? Say they are blocking the sun for a whole year. The planet would get dark as fuck, sure, but other than that, not too much would happen. If they block the sun for good, yeah, the planet is fucked - in about 10,000 years. 

Blowing up a planet is it's own beast. There's no turning back if you do something like that, that's it. Aaaaaaanyway, it's as good as impossible. To literally blow up a planet like earth with a weapon that turns mass perfectly fine into energy (a nuclear reactor has an efficiency of about 1 %, so yeah...) you would need the masses of 10 jupiters - at the very least. It just ain't happening. It would be better to just change the course of a big ass asteroids, of which are plenty in pretty much every solar system, using a gravity tractor.

edit: Oh, and screw both solar power and windmills. Way too inefficient. Nuclear power is the way to go, it's best for humans and nature. We should use our reactors from today until we got nuclear fusion figured out, if you ask me. 

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Pretty much all the issues in the OP can also be applied to A New Hope if you take that movie by itself. Luke's backstory started and ended at "whiny kid who worked on a farm", we knew next to nothing about the Empire or the rebels, a random planet we knew next to nothing about was destroyed, and so on.

Was the new movie perfect? No, but I can't help but feel you wanted to hate the movie.


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