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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So Xenoblade X has an 84 on metacritix because there is too much to do and the world is too big?

Nautilus said:

There is alot of things that you said that are wrong.First, you first get skells around 20 to 30 hours in the game.Second, almost all reviewers are saying that when you get the Skells, it is a more than gratifying experience.Even the ones that gave a lower score said that.Third, I agree that you dont need to put 100+ hours into the game to really get the feel behind it, but playing only through the main story, or doing little effort to experience the whole game outside of what is "mandatory", is bad professionalism, no matter how you want to put it.Any game is made up more than the mandatory missions, story or bosses.If you dont take your time to explore the world, learn its lore, its carachters, get a little lost in it, you will obviosly lose alot of the experience and as a consequence, wont enjoy as much as you should.And thats true not only for XCX, but also for any game.Do you think Fallout would get the points it did if the reviewers ignored most of the side quests, the Vaults, building the settlements, and all that it has to offer?If you do that,is just plain bad professionalism, and a bad review as a consequence.

And again, the gameplay is not repetitive.Thats is also something that most reviewers agreed on.What they critisiced is the side quests(the ones that dont have story elements on it), and some types of side quests, like item catching, which is more trouble than fun.

Nothing against you, but you either read a very bad review, in which the reviewer clearly did a bad job either because he dosnt like the genre or is just bad at his work, or you didnt read the reviews properly, because most of you said about the game is wrong.I know in the end is just all opinions, but they work that for a living.People expect a certain level of quality and dedication in their review, and i personally think that many have been lacking for this game.(nt that all reviews that gave it a lower score are bad, but many of them are)

Point by point then. 

I read on Kotaku, Nintendo Life and other sites that authors got their first Skell around 40 - 50 hours.

I also stated that the process of getting the Skell was what reviewers were having issues with, the game itself, basically; not getting the Skell, because I'm aware that purchasing it adds a lot to the gameplay experience. With this I was only talking about of those reviewers that did not like X's gameplay in general , for any reason you want.

On the other hand, I agree that checking the whole game it's important to make a concrete and solid judgement, although I don't think I said something related to this, maybe because some reviewers are claiming that they just played from 20 to 30 hours? Well, yeah, it's hilarious. 

And, well, I have only read a few reviews (I know what I'll get and I know I'll like it), imported ones, mainly; and they often talked about a "gameplay with not enough depth to make X worthy of its long lenght". Are they wrong? Well, depends, but I agree with you on this, they may not be familiar enough with the genre or something like that. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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I'm glad to see the conspiracy against nintendo is still in effect, if we keep at it guys maybe by next gen they'll give up :D

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

For people claiming that 20-30 hours is not enough, you are demanding a lot of patience here when in reality, the amount of time needed to get in the game is an element of review (i.e. the pacing of the story/game needs work). A game shouldn't drag on with boring fetch quests to make itself seem longer. If that's the case (it seems like it is), then that is a valid complaint.

Most of these reviews are claiming that the story is not amazing like the original, and that many fetching quests exist. These seem like very solid complaints to me. Of course, there will be a few outliers that go "the graphix isnt ps4 good," but the majority seem to agree that the biggest issues lie in the story. And in an rpg, it would make sense to take down the game to the mid 80's as a result.

Overall I plan to get this game in the future, because there is more to a game then just a score. But I'm not going to go out of my way to give Xenoblade X a far better score than fallout 4 if the story and pacing is as big of an issue as people say

Well, like I wrote in another thread, the criticism this game is receiving is similar to many other games I love. Most MMOs, of course, but especially the Souls series.

* Lot's of grinding? Check.

* Lot's of repetition? Check.

* Doesn't explains it's mechanics "properly"? Check.

* Have to be played the "correct" way? Check.

* Have to be approached with the right mindset? Check.

* Might overwhelm the "casuals"? Check.

* Player's will need patience? Check.

* You have to deal with a lot of annoyance (and frustration) in other to have fun? Check.

* Questionable storytelling? Check. (Lore doesn't equal story. That's the most used argument among the skeptics of the souls games, I think.)

* Sub-par Netcode? Check. (Haven't read much on XCX online, but since it's on Nintendo's Network I'm gonna bet is weak.)

* Optimization (frame-rate) problems? Check.

I bet there's a few things I have missed, but I think I made my point. As to why this game isn't rating as high as the Souls series while sharing similar problems? I think we should take a closer look at XCX to see if the reason is that XCX strengths can't make up for it's weakness. I haven't played the game, so I don't know. But given that even the most hated entry in the Soul series somehow have a 91 metascore (DS2), I'm gonna guess that current industry trends and biases have a lot more to do with the scores.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game that wasn't made by the current favorite developer on the current favorite console. So, it's weakness aren't as forgiven.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

FunFan said:

Well, like I wrote in another thread, the criticism this game is receiving is similar to many other games I love. Most MMOs, of course, but especially the Souls series.

* Lot's of grinding? Check.

* Lot's of repetition? Check.

* Doesn't explains it's mechanics "properly"? Check.

* Have to be played the "correct" way? Check.

* Have to be approached with the right mindset? Check.

* Might overwhelm the "casuals"? Check.

* Player's will need patience? Check.

* You have to deal with a lot of annoyance (and frustration) in other to have fun? Check.

* Questionable storytelling? Check. (Lore doesn't equal story. That's the most used argument among the skeptics of the souls games, I think.)

* Sub-par Netcode? Check. (Haven't read much on XCX online, but since it's on Nintendo's Network I'm gonna bet is weak.)

* Optimization (frame-rate) problems? Check.

I bet there's a few things I have missed, but I think I made my point. As to why this game isn't rating as high as the Souls series while sharing similar problems? I think we should take a closer look at XCX to see if the reason is that XCX strengths can't make up for it's weakness. I haven't played the game, so I don't know. But given that even the most hated entry in the Soul series somehow have a 91 metascore (DS2), I'm gonna guess that current industry trends and biases have a lot more to do with the scores.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game that wasn't made by the current favorite developer on the current favorite console. So, it's weakness aren't as forgiven.

There are degrees to things though. While both games may have similar criticisms, dark souls can have a smaller quantity of repitition (or grinding or poor explanation or insert complaint here) compared to Xenoblade.

A game will never be perfect. Games will always have criticisms. The best games don't have high scores because they are flawless, but because they minimize any complaint thrown at it. In this case, dark souls does a better job than xenoblade x

Not everything is reviewer bias. It's annoying how quick people are to jump to this conslusion

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So the OP didnt play the game and complaining about an 84?! Jesus

Most of the criticisms that reviewers are making are valid for the most part ...

Bigger isn't always better and it seems unanimous that reviewers agree that XCX has a weaker level design compared to the predecessor. The game brings in less favoured aspects too from the predecessor like how it is cumbersome to learn the mechanics and the less than ideal side content too. The reviewers feel that the story is weaker and it doesn't help that we have a protagonist that doesn't speak up. As for the the soundtrack, it too appears to be weaker than the predecessor and as for me I really don't like most of Hiroyuki Sawano's compositions either (In fact I hate them.) ...

I found the Digital Foundry ""criticisms"" more useful than most of the reviews around the 70/100 :v

Some valid concerns. The UI is very busy and cluttered.  "The world is too big" sounds like an unreasonable comment, except in this case big == stretched out and slow progression.

My 8th gen collection

World is too big is another world for the world is empty and boring to traverse. Your perspective and bias will decide how you process or interpret the criticism.

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