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FunFan said:

Well, like I wrote in another thread, the criticism this game is receiving is similar to many other games I love. Most MMOs, of course, but especially the Souls series.

* Lot's of grinding? Check.

* Lot's of repetition? Check.

* Doesn't explains it's mechanics "properly"? Check.

* Have to be played the "correct" way? Check.

* Have to be approached with the right mindset? Check.

* Might overwhelm the "casuals"? Check.

* Player's will need patience? Check.

* You have to deal with a lot of annoyance (and frustration) in other to have fun? Check.

* Questionable storytelling? Check. (Lore doesn't equal story. That's the most used argument among the skeptics of the souls games, I think.)

* Sub-par Netcode? Check. (Haven't read much on XCX online, but since it's on Nintendo's Network I'm gonna bet is weak.)

* Optimization (frame-rate) problems? Check.

I bet there's a few things I have missed, but I think I made my point. As to why this game isn't rating as high as the Souls series while sharing similar problems? I think we should take a closer look at XCX to see if the reason is that XCX strengths can't make up for it's weakness. I haven't played the game, so I don't know. But given that even the most hated entry in the Soul series somehow have a 91 metascore (DS2), I'm gonna guess that current industry trends and biases have a lot more to do with the scores.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game that wasn't made by the current favorite developer on the current favorite console. So, it's weakness aren't as forgiven.

There are degrees to things though. While both games may have similar criticisms, dark souls can have a smaller quantity of repitition (or grinding or poor explanation or insert complaint here) compared to Xenoblade.

A game will never be perfect. Games will always have criticisms. The best games don't have high scores because they are flawless, but because they minimize any complaint thrown at it. In this case, dark souls does a better job than xenoblade x

Not everything is reviewer bias. It's annoying how quick people are to jump to this conslusion