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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So Xenoblade X has an 84 on metacritix because there is too much to do and the world is too big?

Faust said:
Or maybe just MAYBE, the game isnt god?

In what reality a 84 means a game is not good?

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LuckyTrouble said:
To be fair, from what I gather, the shortfalls of XCX are:
- Weak/Unimportant Story
- Soundtrack that doesn't seem to fit the game
- Shallow side quests

Those are all very good reasons to rate a game closer to 8 than 10, especially an RPG where all three of those aspects play a very important role in the overall experience. What I'm really tired of is people bitching over numbers. Just read the reviews. If you disagree, fine, whatever, but god damn it, don't just read a number and two lines of the conclusion and say "THIS REVIEWER IS SO BIASED AND HORRIBLE I NEED TO GO MAKE A BLANKET STATEMENT ABOUT THE BIAS OF GAMING MEDIA!"

People got upset and butthhurt at the Fallout 4 scores while disregarding constructive criticism.

spurgeonryan said:

What a thing to complain about in this day and age.


Why is it whenever a Nintendo game gets a lower score than it deserves that it is always for something dumb?

"Plays great mate! Lots of fun, great visuals and controls. ..but that music in section 250 on level 1,000 was too annoying. 8/10".


Or the reviewer makes sure to make the review a week before online is open (splatoon).


Is it because of nostalgia reasons that Nintendo is held to different standards? They remember perfection when they were kids amd now still expect it? I know this has been talked about before, but enough is enough. I habe not been this annoyed by a review since Skyward Sword.

The annoying thing I found about most of th reviews I read where them sayig "only played 20 hours" or some such.

If ignoring everything but basically main story you are still only halfway done from what i've heard.  Seems just story is like 40 hours.


Then I heard that side characters have no depth. Yet real reviews i've seen say you do their "heart to heart" or whatever its called in this game and it fleshes them out insanely good and makes the game soo good. Of course those are "optional"   But that's reveiwers these days. They bitch about a game being too Linear, and then a game that isn't linear they bitch that they shouldnt'h ave to do side quests to experience something.

Nautilus said:

Usually I would agree with you, but not in this case.There was a reviewer that complained about the battle system being completely automated, and another that killing weak enemies takes too long, which are all wrong.There were even some that complained that it was too big.Ifit didnt have things to do, it would be a legitimate complain, but we know thats not true.

And the shortfalls that you listed, while they are legitimate since its a matter of opinion, is divisive.There are alot of reviewers that said the music was incredible, that the game had a good story, while others said the oposite.(About the side quests, people did agree that the side quests, that werent affinity missions or normal missions, were really shallow.But I dont think thats really a bad thing, since they would incentive the player to explore more the world and help them lvl up and get stronger without feeling much like grind, but I digress)

All in all, reading alot of reviews, I feel like the ones that gave it a  "bad" score didnt put that many hours into the game and seemed to rush the playthrough to get the review ready, and XCX is a game that demands patience and time, otherwise your experience with the game will be prejudiced.Thats my view on it.

"And the shortfalls that you listed, while they are legitimate since its a matter of opinion, is divisive"

I don't think he denied this. Some reviewers may have liked all what the game had to offer, but others disagreed, to the point that many are criticising the same aspect.

Now, I disagree with you. You don't need to play 100 hours more to change your perspective on the story, after initially thinking it was bad; you don't need to complete all the side quests to establish that music doesn't fit with the game. I mean, some details about the aesthetics and narrative have been a common point of criticism among reviewers.

However, I know that you are talking exclusively about gameplay, where X supposedly fails by making the player repeat many things over and over, but that's the thing, actually. One reviewer put it nicely, I don't remember who was: "X has a lot of things to do, but they don't necessarily make up a great adventure". Even if you get your first Skell after 50 hours, if the process of purchase wasn't gratifying, then maybe the game doesn't deserve acclamation in that regard.

Still, don't take me wrong, I'm of those people who can tolerate hours of grinding.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

To be honest, a lot of reviewers are looking at the very small things. A lot of reviews are saying the story is good and the soundtrack is great but takes time to get used to. Reviewers seem to either really like the game or really dislike it.

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I've said it before, bigger isn't always better. Though i don't think that was the only issue here. But this score is in line with what i was expecting after the reception in Japan. A very good game, maybe even great but no masterpiece. And not as good as it's predecessor.

84 is an excellent score.

Ewww... 84, must be unplayable.

Seems like an interesting game, but I tend to get bored of games like this fairly quickly. If it only took about 20 hours to complete I might give it a shot. But 50 hours? No thanks.

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Goodnightmoon said:
Faust said:
Or maybe just MAYBE, the game isnt god?

In what reality a 84 means a game is not good?

i said god as in the bible not good lmao

Faust said:
Goodnightmoon said:

In what reality a 84 means a game is not good?

i said god as in the bible not good lmao

Oh, sorry about that