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spurgeonryan said:

What a thing to complain about in this day and age.


Why is it whenever a Nintendo game gets a lower score than it deserves that it is always for something dumb?

"Plays great mate! Lots of fun, great visuals and controls. ..but that music in section 250 on level 1,000 was too annoying. 8/10".


Or the reviewer makes sure to make the review a week before online is open (splatoon).


Is it because of nostalgia reasons that Nintendo is held to different standards? They remember perfection when they were kids amd now still expect it? I know this has been talked about before, but enough is enough. I habe not been this annoyed by a review since Skyward Sword.

The annoying thing I found about most of th reviews I read where them sayig "only played 20 hours" or some such.

If ignoring everything but basically main story you are still only halfway done from what i've heard.  Seems just story is like 40 hours.


Then I heard that side characters have no depth. Yet real reviews i've seen say you do their "heart to heart" or whatever its called in this game and it fleshes them out insanely good and makes the game soo good. Of course those are "optional"   But that's reveiwers these days. They bitch about a game being too Linear, and then a game that isn't linear they bitch that they shouldnt'h ave to do side quests to experience something.