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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD Screenshots (High quality)

I was really hyped for this game. But as others, when I was watching the direct I was thinking "ok enough wii version,just show the hd remaster!" And then I realised that was the remaster the whole time.
I agree that it looks slightly better than the wii version, but the changes are not so impressive to be honest. It looks like a really cheap port and I was expecting to be mindblown by it.
I still have hope, the game isn't released until march, maybe 4 more months are enough to make it look better.
The game just looks plain to me, I wish they do something with the lighting and contrast, and I would love those changes!

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sc94597 said:

Here's some screenshots from Dolphin. I have the Wii version, so unfortunately I have to use an outdated texture pack that isn't as good as some of the ones for the GC version. 


What happened here? Looks like something puked all over the floor and in the second one that font is hurting my eyes!

Seriously though. Character models and textures in this remaster are fine, pretty decent actually. It's the lack of a few modern shaders that make it look sort of 'flat', especially in the areas around the canyons. I hope there's still some tweaks made in the coming months.

S.Peelman said:
Seriously though. Character models and textures in this remaster are fine, pretty decent actually. It's the lack of a few modern shaders that make it look sort of 'flat', especially in the areas around the canyons. I hope there's still some tweaks made in the coming months.

Yeah, I think new lighting and shadows would go a LONG way to helping many areas look so much better.  They could do tweaks, I mean the kind of port they're doing isn't the most labor intensive.

Nuvendil said:
S.Peelman said:
Seriously though. Character models and textures in this remaster are fine, pretty decent actually. It's the lack of a few modern shaders that make it look sort of 'flat', especially in the areas around the canyons. I hope there's still some tweaks made in the coming months.

Yeah, I think new lighting and shadows would go a LONG way to helping many areas look so much better.  They could do tweaks, I mean the kind of port they're doing isn't the most labor intensive.

Yeah, a lighting model overhaul a la Wind Waker HD would have gone a long way towards smoothing over the rough edges. HDR and per-pixel illumination would have made a world of difference.

As it is, looks like the DX7 era lighting of the original has been retained, along with the original geometry, with only textures and screen resolution seeing improvement.

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curl-6 said:
captain carot said:

 Nintendo or better Tantalus ported the whole game to the Wii U. That should have alowed improvements like in OoT3D, MM3D or WW HD, though WW HD probably was the least improved, partially because of the look that game has.

WWHD actually had a lot of quite dramatic improvements over the original game; the lighting model was completely overhauled, introducing per-pixel illumination, HDR, ambient occlusion, and dynamic shadows. Also, in addition to being increased in base resolution, the textures benefitted from the addition of anisotropic filtering. Then of the course there's the bump from 640x480 to 1920x1080.
About the only thing that remained the same was the geometry meshes.

That is basically it. Though lighting on the 3DS is much simpler and it has no HDR, almost no geometry was untouched as well as all textures changed, added effects...

Compared to all three the graphical overhaul for TP looks really cheap.

captain carot said:
curl-6 said:

WWHD actually had a lot of quite dramatic improvements over the original game; the lighting model was completely overhauled, introducing per-pixel illumination, HDR, ambient occlusion, and dynamic shadows. Also, in addition to being increased in base resolution, the textures benefitted from the addition of anisotropic filtering. Then of the course there's the bump from 640x480 to 1920x1080.
About the only thing that remained the same was the geometry meshes.

That is basically it. Though lighting on the 3DS is much simpler and it has no HDR, almost no geometry was untouched as well as all textures changed, added effects...

Compared to all three the graphical overhaul for TP looks really cheap.

Agreed on TP, though I'd actually say that WWHD had the biggest update of the three. Perhaps not in terms of workload, but in terms of end-result visual improvement, it's the biggest leap in my opinion.

That's quite discussable.
After playing OoT 3D the N64 version looked like shit to me, especially with it's framerate issues. Emulator with HD texures wasn't that bad.

More important, if you take away the resolution benefits on an HDTV by playing WW GC on Dolphin it might not look as shiny but still pretty well (if you like the art style of course) because of the cartoony look.
And i'm talking about WW GC without texture packs or so.
That said, WWHD has all those graphical improvements that TPHD is missing.

TPHD right now looks way more outdated as the original Wind Waker on Dolphin (or an SDTV).

bigtakilla said:

That moment people realize Skyward Sword would have been a much better choice to make an HD version of.

SS is much newer game and still is looking pretty good because of art style, on other hand, TP on HD TV is looking bad. Saying that, we are geting SS HD on NX.

Improved resolution: ✓
Improved textures: ✓
Better frame rate: ✓
New lighting technique: X (This could make the game look a lot better and they have time to implement it, can happen).