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Nuvendil said:
S.Peelman said:
Seriously though. Character models and textures in this remaster are fine, pretty decent actually. It's the lack of a few modern shaders that make it look sort of 'flat', especially in the areas around the canyons. I hope there's still some tweaks made in the coming months.

Yeah, I think new lighting and shadows would go a LONG way to helping many areas look so much better.  They could do tweaks, I mean the kind of port they're doing isn't the most labor intensive.

Yeah, a lighting model overhaul a la Wind Waker HD would have gone a long way towards smoothing over the rough edges. HDR and per-pixel illumination would have made a world of difference.

As it is, looks like the DX7 era lighting of the original has been retained, along with the original geometry, with only textures and screen resolution seeing improvement.