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Forums - Movies & TV - What movie would you absolutely love to see turned into a tv show?

I haven't gave it any thoughts cause its usually the other way around in my head. Maybe the dark knight series or James bond would be cool.


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Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Titanic, no less than 3 seasons.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

spurgeonryan said:


Ground Hogs day for me homies! Yaeah boi!!!

Id watch that TV series. I love the movie (but felt it was too short / missing stuff).

In the movie your lead to believe hes been liveing the same day over and over, for like 30years or something insane.

He litterly goes nuts from it, and tries to kill himself alot of differnt ways.


But you hardly see any of that, just that suddenly he can do alot of new things (ice skulpting/play the piano/has medical knowledge, ect)

I feel like a tv series could explore alot of story telling with a concept like this.

No one, because I think TV shows are the devil.

I wouldn't mind the other way around, though, but I hardly know any TV series I'd be interested in watching a movie of.

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They already did Fargo and it was amazing (seriously, check it out).

My vote goes for Harry Potter, or specifically a series set in that world. If you read the books and saw the films tons of stuff gets mentioned and we get a brief slice of the world and history. My idea would be get some solid writers to work with Rowling in developing one of the other schools. It is mentioned there are other ones, so likely candidate would be one in New England. While being familiar and over lap could also introduce tons of new ideas in terms of the school, houses, and history.

Evil Dead......oh wait.

Leon could make a nice series.
And City of god.

SvennoJ said:
Leon could make a nice series.
And City of god.


Also i know this doesn't make any sense as it's not an original movie, but Harry Potter.

And Clerks.

I think Indiana Jones would make a really great TV show