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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star fox Zero delayed till Q1 2016

KLXVER said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think it really has much to do with wanting more games for 2016. I think Miyamoto simply has more ideas that he wants in the game, and at this point the Wii U is not really going to be a success one way or another, so you may as well let the developers make the best Star Fox game possible, because sadly who knows when the next will be made.

It's not like if only Star Fox had made it out for holiday 2015 the Wii U would've finished with 30 million units sold instead of 17 million LTD.

Nothing makes any difference to the Wii U anymore, the audience has already voted as to what they think of the system.

Besides we all knew this game was on a tight development schedule, the extra 2-3 months at least is for the best. 

Not really. Millions of us really like the system and want more games for it. Too bad that we matter so little to Nintendo.

You're still getting the game, and likely a better version of it. It's just that having to have Star Fox rushed for holiday is not exactly a company priority. Wii U is what it is from a sales POV, it doesn't really matter if Star Fox or Animal Crossing Amiibo Cash-In is the "November 2015" title in the grand scheme of things. 

Around the Network
Boberkun said:
PAOerfulone said:

Honestly, I fail to see why character faces are that important.

And it doesn't need to be bundled with any of those games.
If it's gonna remove it's "niche" nametag and stand alone as a legit AAA franchise for Nintendo.
It needs to do just that, do it alone.
And to do that, they need to market the hell out of it. Same way they've been doing with all their big time Wii U titles since Mario Kart 8.
I remember back when almost nobody outside of Nintendo Fan forms knew about Splatoon and those people said Splatoon was gonna bomb and barely reach Wonderful 101 numbers.
One fantastic marketing campaign later... Look where it is now. And it didn't need Mario or co. to do it, it did it by itself
Xenoblade has the advantage of having a preestablished fanbase. Now it needs huge marketing to extend that fanbase exponetially.
A Xenoblade stand alone bundle + $50 price cut world certainly help things as well

I haven't seen any marketing actions for Fatal Frame V and Zenobureido Cross. FFV got nothing and XenoX got.. ugh.. one short explanation trailer? Both games will flop hard in terms of sales due Nintendo's policy.


What?  First off, it's mid September, the game is launching in December.  Fallout isn't marketing.  Not even CoD and Assassin's Creed have started their main campaigns yet and they are the embodiment of exhorbitent marketing spending.  So no TV commercials now is just a duh for XCX.  But outside of ads, they have done a lot of promoting.  It has had trailers in three E3s, the majority of Directs since its announcement (including extensive spotlighting of the title), hours of gameplay shown on the Treehouse, gameplay previews at PAX, a PAX panel with a limited edition announcement, monthly explanation trailers leading up to launch, DLC for free.  So far, they've done everything right. We'll have to wait and see on the ad campaign side but all indicators are positive thus far.

KLXVER said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think it really has much to do with wanting more games for 2016. I think Miyamoto simply has more ideas that he wants in the game, and at this point the Wii U is not really going to be a success one way or another, so you may as well let the developers make the best Star Fox game possible, because sadly who knows when the next will be made.

It's not like if only Star Fox had made it out for holiday 2015 the Wii U would've finished with 30 million units sold instead of 17 million LTD.

Nothing makes any difference to the Wii U anymore, the audience has already voted as to what they think of the system.

Besides we all knew this game was on a tight development schedule, the extra 2-3 months at least is for the best. 

Not really. Millions of us really like the system and want more games for it. Too bad that we matter so little to Nintendo.

Well Nintendo said that they want to satisfie Wii U owners. Pikmin 4 looks like Wii U game and Starfox delay for one quarter doesn't change anything really.

Soundwave said:
KLXVER said:

Not really. Millions of us really like the system and want more games for it. Too bad that we matter so little to Nintendo.

You're still getting the game, and likely a better version of it. It's just that having to have Star Fox rushed for holiday is not exactly a company priority. Wii U is what it is from a sales POV, it doesn't really matter if Star Fox or Animal Crossing Amiibo Cash-In is the "November 2015" title in the grand scheme of things. 

Maybe not, but it would be nice to get at least 15 retail titles too choose from in one year...

KLXVER said:
Soundwave said:

You're still getting the game, and likely a better version of it. It's just that having to have Star Fox rushed for holiday is not exactly a company priority. Wii U is what it is from a sales POV, it doesn't really matter if Star Fox or Animal Crossing Amiibo Cash-In is the "November 2015" title in the grand scheme of things. 

Maybe not, but it would be nice to get at least 15 retail titles too choose from in one year...

Well maybe NX can address that. 

Around the Network
Soundwave said:
KLXVER said:

Maybe not, but it would be nice to get at least 15 retail titles too choose from in one year...

Well maybe NX can address that. 

It probably the first 3 years.

KLXVER said:
Maraccuda said:
Completely unacceptable. First was Zelda now Starfox.

Nintendo either
-A) once again under estimated the time on HD development
-B) need a game to sell in Q1 2016 as they have nothing planned, or
-C) wanting to release it alongside NX instead

Either way I am incredibly disgusted.

Ding Ding Ding! I think we have a winner!

i thought they have SMT x FE for Q1 2016 for the west.  

Skullwaker said:
Nuvendil said:
And here's something I hope comes out of this: I hope they take all the money they were going to use to market Star Fox and instead market Xenoblade Chronicles X. It's the most logical game to take the spotlight for the holidays. In the West anyway. It's an open world, science fiction RPG with a heavy emphasis on exploration and with some online elements. That's all marketable. And the aesthetics resonate with western designs in many ways, anime character models not withstanding.

Exactly what I was thinking! It really is their biggest game this holiday, and now there isn't really anything standing in its way. I hope Nintendo utilizes this chance. This series could very easily become the next Fire Emblem for Nintendo.

The series could but it won't Nintendo don't have the balls to push star fox to new heights as seen by their effort so far. Perhaps the new president does and only time will tell.


PS I woudl aim hire than even fire emblem.  The game has the core characters to wow a new generation of kids. 




Nuvendil said:

Boberkun said:
PAOerfulone said:

Honestly, I fail to see why character faces are that important.

And it doesn't need to be bundled with any of those games.
If it's gonna remove it's "niche" nametag and stand alone as a legit AAA franchise for Nintendo.
It needs to do just that, do it alone.
And to do that, they need to market the hell out of it. Same way they've been doing with all their big time Wii U titles since Mario Kart 8.
I remember back when almost nobody outside of Nintendo Fan forms knew about Splatoon and those people said Splatoon was gonna bomb and barely reach Wonderful 101 numbers.
One fantastic marketing campaign later... Look where it is now. And it didn't need Mario or co. to do it, it did it by itself
Xenoblade has the advantage of having a preestablished fanbase. Now it needs huge marketing to extend that fanbase exponetially.
A Xenoblade stand alone bundle + $50 price cut world certainly help things as well

I haven't seen any marketing actions for Fatal Frame V and Zenobureido Cross. FFV got nothing and XenoX got.. ugh.. one short explanation trailer? Both games will flop hard in terms of sales due Nintendo's policy.


What?  First off, it's mid September, the game is launching in December.  Fallout isn't marketing.  Not even CoD and Assassin's Creed have started their main campaigns yet and they are the embodiment of exhorbitent marketing spending.  So no TV commercials now is just a duh for XCX.  But outside of ads, they have done a lot of promoting.  It has had trailers in three E3s, the majority of Directs since its announcement (including extensive spotlighting of the title), hours of gameplay shown on the Treehouse, gameplay previews at PAX, a PAX panel with a limited edition announcement, monthly explanation trailers leading up to launch, DLC for free.  So far, they've done everything right. We'll have to wait and see on the ad campaign side but all indicators are positive thus far.

>> it's mid September, the game is launching in December

Right. It's a catastrophic small amount of time for promo campaign.


>>  Fallout isn't marketing.

lol. Now we compare Blade series to Fallout series?


>>  It has had trailers in three E3s

Yeah, Nintendo gave a "one minute" attention to XenoX on last E3. And completely forgot about Fatal Frame.


>> the majority of Directs since its announcement (including extensive spotlighting of the title)

Japanese directs. Officially there was no western XenoX directs. Neither Fatal Frame directs.


 >> hours of gameplay shown on the Treehouse

Hours of japanese build gameplay with stupidest Skells/Dolls mess ever.


 >> DLC for free

 That was mentioned in some magazine in the end of the article. Great marketing.

Ughhh, not happy.